The elemental air device, used in the quest 'learning to fly', sometimes drops from mobs. But they *always* drop it, with the quest active or not. I have 14 of them right now and turned the quest in long ago. They keep dropping once in while.
The elemental air device, used in the quest 'learning to fly', sometimes drops from mobs. But they *always* drop it, with the quest active or not. I have 14 of them right now and turned the quest in long ago. They keep dropping once in while.
same thing happens when killing NPC-Ten Towns or Arcane Brotherhood mobs in PvP area of IWD annnd you cant use the extra ones on your next daily either = (
same thing happens when killing NPC-Ten Towns or Arcane Brotherhood mobs in PvP area of IWD annnd you cant use the extra ones on your next daily either = (