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Rank the class

mizzou0mizzou0 Member Posts: 41
edited May 2015 in PvP Discussion
How do you think the classes stack up? I would say.

1. Trickster Rogue - They are the best class atm. Not as OP as everyone makes them out to be imo but they are the best.
2. Cleric - The most important class imo. A good Cleric can carry a team.
3. Hunter Ranger - It seems the bad ones far out number the good ones but the good ones are beasts.
4. Control Wizard - Good burst and CC like a HR but they don't have the mobility.
5. Guardian - Good for holding a point. A good one takes forever to kill.
6. Greater Weapon Fighter - Good mobility and geared ones can put out the damage.
7. Warlock - They hurt like hell if you leave them alone. To easy to shut down though.
Control Wizard
Post edited by mizzou0 on


  • ainge1ainge1 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Pretty spot on. !00% agree with the TR comment and HR comment too. So many terrible HRs that when you see a good one, you're like holy ****....the class isn't awful like I thought.
  • xmeanseason305xxmeanseason305x Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 109 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    a very good trapper HR and gwf..is still highly viable in mod 5...just havent seen many currently {in xbl}
    atm...imho this mod is all about tr's,spellstorm cw's, and dc's...

    mizzou0 wrote: »
    How do you think the classes stack up? I would say.

    1. Trickster Rogue - They are the best class atm. Not as OP as everyone makes them out to be imo but they are the best.
    2. Cleric - The most important class imo. A good Cleric can carry a team.
    3. Hunter Ranger - It seems the bad ones far out number the good ones but the good ones are beasts.
    4. Control Wizard - Good burst and CC like a HR but they don't have the mobility.
    5. Guardian - Good for holding a point. A good one takes forever to kill.
    6. Greater Weapon Fighter - Good mobility and geared ones can put out the damage.
    7. Warlock - They hurt like hell if you leave them alone. To easy to shut down though.
  • krad777krad777 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Agree on all, especially about HR. So many terrible HR's out there yet so much potential. Same with CW's. Almost puked the other day when I saw a CW using Icy Terrain in pvp.
    "An Idle mind is the devils workshop"
  • mizzou0mizzou0 Member Posts: 41
    edited April 2015
    krad777 wrote: »
    Agree on all, especially about HR. So many terrible HR's out there yet so much potential. Same with CW's. Almost puked the other day when I saw a CW using Icy Terrain in pvp.

    Hell it could of been me. Had been running a skirmish jumped in pvp and forgot to change my powers. I was like F' it. Lets see how this goes lol.
    Control Wizard
  • divine82pvpdivine82pvp Member Posts: 101 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    Lmao you have no idea how amazing that power is. For one it CC's, two it brings rogues out of hide where me and my team can target them, three it protect my healers. But don't listen to me... I'm just a bad CW.
    Tenacity PvP Guild
    Divine 60 Spellstorm Control Wizard
  • krad777krad777 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Lmao you have no idea how amazing that power is. For one it CC's, two it brings rogues out of hide where me and my team can target them, three it protect my healers. But don't listen to me... I'm just a bad CW.

    nah its pretty bad in pvp. Only benefit i Could see is for Rogues since PVP is flooded with them. Plenty of better skills to use though. Wouldnt say its the worst but couldnt justify giving up an encounter slot for it. Too situtational for me, but hey whatever works for you.
    "An Idle mind is the devils workshop"
  • xmeanseason305xxmeanseason305x Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 109 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    krad777 wrote: »
    nah its pretty bad in pvp. Only benefit i Could see is for Rogues since PVP is flooded with them. Plenty of better skills to use though. Wouldnt say its the worst but couldnt justify giving up an encounter slot for it. Too situtational for me, but hey whatever works for you.
    I wouldn't say it's exactly trash.... However i cant see replacing it woth the current loadout my cw will be using... Besides... There a couple other ways to bring a tr out of stealth atm... Im not gonna throw out all my secrets however ;-)
  • crispyslinky07crispyslinky07 Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Ok mizzou0;10772931 I'll play your game.
    My mind set thoug is a classes ability to win matches, not its ability to slay or 1v1.

    1. TR- the ability to pass enemy lines undetected with the ability to hurt people makes them a easier number 1

    2. DC- heals... nuff said

    3.GF- Assuming the class is played correctly a GF can do so much for a team. Not only can it hold a point longer than any other, it also can absorb enemy encounters to save a teammate. The good ones with battle smarts would find a teammate who is being focused and stack up with him, therefor making that "target" difficult to target. (Good luck finding a GF with battle smarts though)

    4. CW- tough to rank cw over hr but I honestly beleive they bring more to the table than huntards. With the ability to stop a player from moving opens up a team to kill said player. That purple shield is enough to neutralize a TR backlash and very good for pvp.

    5. HR- similar to CW but from the physical damage point of view. Roots are deadly to any stuck in it. If they use the Dodge buff that pretty much stops backlashing rogues from smacking you down, although good tr know that and will at - willpower attack the buff

    6/7 - warlocks and gwf- easy to group these 2 classes together. while they might have some ability to put down some damage they are both lacking unique use in winning a match.

    Ok that's what I'm thinking.... and I should say that even classes ranked bottom doesn't mean theye usless. A good pvp player will find their uses

    < Goon Squad >
  • divine82pvpdivine82pvp Member Posts: 101 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    Order of importance
    1. Cleric
    2. Control wizard
    3. Rogue
    3. Hunter
    4. Guardian fighter
    5. GWF
    6. warlock
    it's a toss up between hunters and rogues.
    Tenacity PvP Guild
    Divine 60 Spellstorm Control Wizard
  • blessednirvanablessednirvana Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    My list:
    1. Control Wizard - CC for days
    2. Devoted Cleric - Wins games
    3. Hunter Ranger - Extremely versatile
    4. Trickster Rouge - Good DPS but becoming inferior as gear gets better, in my opinion.
    5. Guardian Fighter/Great Weapon Fighter - Usually obsolete, requires more skill to be used well compared to other classes.
    6. Scourge Warlock - Outclassed by other DPS usually, restricted in PvP.

    This list is purely opinion and is based upon my testing in PvP, this in no way states that any class is unplayable, or 'bad', but is merely not as broken as other classes.
    Divine Oracle Devoted Cleric
    Gaia@Blessed Nirvana - Tenacity
  • shoukonsshoukons Member Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    This is coming from the perspective of a GF Node Troll.

    1. Hunter: Trapper hunters specifically who can root (through block??) and make it that I can't turn to block the 4 other people. It's just the worse. There's little to no natural down time for me to drop guard to regain some, unless they start spamming aimed shot which is gg I get my full guard back in that.

    2. Control Wizard: Have to guard a lot more against them than any other class since every move a good one uses is going to cc you in one way or another. Once you lose your guard and they're in the fight it's a long line of CC as his friends beat on you. Little time to gain guard back and usually made to regret it if I do unguard without CCing them.

    3. Scourge Warlock: Friggen pets camping the warlock makes me hit the pet instead of the warlock with Bull Charge which hurts the rotation to gain more guard. A lot of dots hurt guard. Not a major killer though.

    4. Devoted Cleric: It's just a game of who can knock the other one off the edge. No one dies here and we just /dance with each other, but impossible to kill none the less.

    5. Trickster Rouge: After long play of fighting 2+ of these at a time at nodes the rotation of a rogue has become easy to play against. Don't get back stabbed, bull charge them out of stealth when you can, keep guard up until they blow their smoke bomb etc. Not a threat 1v1 and able to damage them enough that they usually leave the 10 min fight it would be. A moderate amount of down time when they stealth and run to reset so guard is regenerated moderately easily. Paranoia is the biggest problem since they're invisi a lot. One MAJOR problem is learning when you're able to Bull Charge a rogue off of you since when they're in animation for some moves the bull charge won't knock them back. That'll mess up the GF's rotation.

    6. Great Weapon Fighter: Solo they're a joke since I can block them all day and get guard back all day. It hurts my heart that this is true because I like the class, but they just don't damage enough and survivability is bleh even against me.

    7. Guardian Fighter: We just dance with each other. The only time we get aggressive with each other is if one outgears the other.

    2's Combos:
    1. Hunter/CW: is the worse combo to fight against as a GF Tank Troll Node. Especially if they're smart enough to figure out how to make it that I can't block both of them at all times, which a good hunter makes sure of. I rather fight 5 rogues then this duo. Hunter has a lot of damage and CC and the CW CC's for more damage dealt.

    2. Hunter/Rogue: A bit less brutal, just the back stab will happen if the hunter roots me and the rouge is paying attention.

    3. CW/Rogue: There's a lot of spike damage here since I have to make an error where I get caught with guard down and i get force choked by CW and rouge goes in for their big hits, but then it's back to dancing.

    4. Control Wizard/Control Wizard: <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> on CC, but not so much damage.

    3's Combo:

    1. Hunter/Hunter/CW: If they're positioned correctly I have to stop defending the node to make sure they're not spamming cc on me or I'm done quickly. Say the CW is on the node and one hunter far on one side and the other far on the other side, say in a strait line, I lost the node and have to call in for help to stop that or just die because of it.

    2. CW/Hunter/Rogue: It's a very combo to come across and the rouge just adds that extra damage when I'm force choke/rooted.

    Additional Info:

    I've ignored Clerics in these combo's largely because clerics shouldn't be around us. If I'm ever up against a Cleric + X or Cleric +x +x +x etc the cleric is wasting his time and it's a major win for me. I'm not damaging the dps so the cleric isn't healing and the cleric isn't going to drain guard or do any real damage, but the cleric isn't out in the field healing so my team has the upper hand and the cleric's presence in the game is nullified. If you're a cleric and see a solo and well geared Tank Node Troll just turn around and let a few dps handle it because you're better off healing somewhere else.

    Teammates with low survivability crush my survivability when I'm running Knight's Valor which makes it that I take half of the damage they're suppose to take. Too many pug games where I'm soloing a node fine and a low gear scored teammate anything keeps running in over and over again just getting blown up and I'm taking half of that unnecessary damage. I've gotten to the point that if I see them coming I step off the node and walk far away, turn off Knight's Valor, get my guard back, and when they die I turn my KV back and go back to Trolling so I don't have to take and mitigate the 10-20k damage.
    Node Troll
  • waffennachtwaffennacht Member Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    I keep seeing people post about "wait for the rogue to attack outta stealth"
    Well then ur facing someone silly. All good rogues go into stealth while out of view and attack a player distracted.
    Its a team pvp, most kills dont matter, making it where your team has an advantage in a node, aka truning the tide, is the rogue's strong suite.
    If he is just tryin to kill you then they seem to be missing the point of trying to win the match
  • shoukonsshoukons Member Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I keep seeing people post about "wait for the rogue to attack outta stealth"
    Well then ur facing someone silly. All good rogues go into stealth while out of view and attack a player distracted.
    Its a team pvp, most kills dont matter, making it where your team has an advantage in a node, aka truning the tide, is the rogue's strong suite.
    If he is just tryin to kill you then they seem to be missing the point of trying to win the match

    Most are going for kills sadly and stealth in view. And if you're standing on a node and you suddenly see the blue meter stop moving for your cap or the number goes half Red/Blue you know a rouge is near which is unfortunate for rouges. So, in either situation you're just waiting for the rogue to attack out of stealth.
    Node Troll
  • waffennachtwaffennacht Member Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    Im glad you said that, Why?
    Is there a way to track kill death ratio or win loss ratio? I cant find one, and without why would anything but winning and getting glory matter?
  • krad777krad777 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Im glad you said that, Why?
    Is there a way to track kill death ratio or win loss ratio? I cant find one, and without why would anything but winning and getting glory matter?

    Bragging purposes. No joke. I'm on twitter a lot and I lose count of the amount of Rogues that post videos of them going 20+ kills with no deaths just for bragging rights. A few of them have even called themselves a "pvp god." Luckily the twitter trolls take care of them before anyone else has to make them realize how stupid they look.
    "An Idle mind is the devils workshop"
  • waffennachtwaffennacht Member Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    Just fyi stealth is fantastic at just by passing players and attacking rear node, almost always forces a split in opposing group and if your group sticks together gains a huge advantage.
    I may not score high, but i almost always win
  • waffennachtwaffennacht Member Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    Seriously? Do people not know its a free to play game? I know its getting old but its a lot like winning the special olympics, sure you win but ur still ******ed
  • krad777krad777 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Seriously? Do people not know its a free to play game? I know its getting old but its a lot like winning the special olympics, sure you win but ur still ******ed

    Agreed. Type in "Neverwinter" in twitter search, View all tweets. You're bound to see a handful of linked Youtube videos with players bragging about "owning" in pvp. And its 9/10 times rouge players.
    "An Idle mind is the devils workshop"
  • caperonncaperonn Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Trickster Rogue here...

    1. Hunter: Here is the catch - most hunters are terrible. I play a hunter as my alt. If it wasn't for always liking a rogue in MMOG's I'd be more devoted to the PVP potential of my hunter. I will admit that hunters take more skill to play because of cycling through abilities and having a short dodge. If you are a skilled hunter and have gear you are the best. You can get more kills than a Trickster Rogue but you will also die more because of a lack of an ability to get away.

    2. Trickster Rogue: Even with very little gear you still do good burst damage. With a lot of gear you just absolutely crush. The learning curve isn't super high and since you only have a few abilities it is a strong class that any moron can play (if they know how to spec). Take somebody with some skill and they are mighty. Often overlooked - If you are perma stealth you can just keep an entire team occupied while never leaving stealth and preventing points by staying on the platform.

    3. Cleric: This one is obvious. Impossible to kill and keep the flags.

    4. Control Wizard: This class is like a good point guard in basketball. You throw somebody in the air and the team brings it home. Your dodge is very strong and your damage can be crazy high like a hunter or TR.

    4. Guardian fighter: You are just annoying, but if you have a cleric that is good you can hold any flag for as long as you want. You can do damage when it matters, but your ability to survive is key.

    5. Warlock: Good DPS but your lack of dodge makes you easy prey.

    6. Great Weapon Fighter: You are a total joke. I have never and will never die to you. You are an embarrassment to your family. Please re-roll.
  • skeld11skeld11 Member Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    caperonn wrote: »
    Trickster Rogue here...

    1. Hunter: Here is the catch - most hunters are terrible. I play a hunter as my alt. If it wasn't for always liking a rogue in MMOG's I'd be more devoted to the PVP potential of my hunter. I will admit that hunters take more skill to play because of cycling through abilities and having a short dodge. If you are a skilled hunter and have gear you are the best. You can get more kills than a Trickster Rogue but you will also die more because of a lack of an ability to get away.

    2. Trickster Rogue: Even with very little gear you still do good burst damage. With a lot of gear you just absolutely crush. The learning curve isn't super high and since you only have a few abilities it is a strong class that any moron can play (if they know how to spec). Take somebody with some skill and they are mighty. Often overlooked - If you are perma stealth you can just keep an entire team occupied while never leaving stealth and preventing points by staying on the platform.

    3. Cleric: This one is obvious. Impossible to kill and keep the flags.

    4. Control Wizard: This class is like a good point guard in basketball. You throw somebody in the air and the team brings it home. Your dodge is very strong and your damage can be crazy high like a hunter or TR.

    4. Guardian fighter: You are just annoying, but if you have a cleric that is good you can hold any flag for as long as you want. You can do damage when it matters, but your ability to survive is key.

    5. Warlock: Good DPS but your lack of dodge makes you easy prey.

    6. Great Weapon Fighter: You are a total joke. I have never and will never die to you. You are an embarrassment to your family. Please re-roll.

    Something must be broken as I feel like a heavy armor melee character should be the counter class to Rogues.
  • fukiiyufukiiyu Member Posts: 159 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    skeld11 wrote: »
    Something must be broken as I feel like a heavy armor melee character should be the counter class to Rogues.

    A straight up head to head fight the GWF should be able to beat the TR but us TR's just kite them when they enrage then rinse and repeat until they are dead.
  • e11ze11z Member Posts: 144 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    The Best PVP Guild on Dragon/Neverwinter: YoloOldSkoolSwagLoveNeverGingersLuvDupStep even if it's just one of us, you might as well just afk.
  • perfectelevenperfecteleven Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2015
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