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Possibly returning, have questions about RP

ayarkayark Member Posts: 9 Arc User
edited April 2015 in The Moonstone Mask (PC)
Hello, all!

I briefly played this game a while back, wasn't too enthralled, and left. Since then, I made DC Universe Online my home. I've become disillusioned with it recently, and am considering a return to this game. I am a skilled RPer of almost a decade, but have never done anything D&D. Therefore, I had a few questions.

1) What format do you use when roleplaying? Is there a /emote command (or similar)?

2) How in-depth do I have to know the lore here? Like I said, basically brand new, and I don't want to have to spend hours reading before I can actually RP.

3) Sort of a dumb thing to worry about, but what is the demonology, etc. like on here? I have strong moral objections to true demonology, etc., though I do sorcery on other games (if the magic here is what I think it's like, you'd probably call what I do "dabbling" or something similar). If it's impossible to play a mage-like character (that's my shtick, both gameplay-wise and RP-wise) without being all demonological and stuff, I'm out.

That being said, feel free to add anything you think important. Also, keep in mind that I have not yet made my decision. I may even wind up sticking with DCUO. The real reason I might be leaving it is a bunch of small annoyances.


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  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,462 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I don't RP in-game, but I can speak a little bit toward the "demonology". There actually aren't any "demons" in NWO: they're all devils. It might sound like I'm splitting hairs, but actually they're very different (and, to not put too fine a point on it, absolutely ***hate*** each other).

    Devils are classified in D&D lore as "lawful evil": they acquire power by rigidly drawn-up contracts, negotiated to their advantage and followed to the absolute letter. Demons, on the other hand, are classified as "chaotic evil": I guess you could consider their outlook as "survival of the fittest". D&D demons and devils hail from entirely different locations in the outer planes (devils from the Nine Hells, demons from the Abyss). There are I believe three intervening lower planes between those locations, and for millennia the devils and demons have been waging war across them (it's called the Blood War, though I don't know the lore well enough to know where the name comes from). At any rate, I doubt you'll ever need to know any of this when RP'ing: from my experience at the Moonstone Mask, 99% of the RP'ing is just flirting and reads like a cheap romance novel.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
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    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    RP is still alive and well, for the most part, just head to the Moonstone mask and you will always find people there among the normal trolls. However, its mostly the same old tavern RP shlock. Its fine if you enjoy playing with lonely all-powerful vampires, demon princes, and other special snowflakes looking for their next score. The game is still dearly in need of something a bit more then that.

    As far as magic, you are safe. Real magic comes from the weave, its not connected to demons or devils. Its more akin to a river drifting through the astral planes, that those with the proper knowledge and skill can tap into.

    There are alternate methods, however, to gain magic like power. Clerics, for example, get their magic from gods and divine sources. Warlocks work in a similar manner, getting power by making pacts and bargains with higher powers, of slightly darker bent. It does not have to be evil, or devils. Star pact Warlocks can make deals with other worldly powers and Fey pact Warlocks can make deals with powerful Fey elders.
  • dragoness10dragoness10 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    A reply numbered in the order of questions :

    1) Type what you want to say IC, and then include an emote with emphasis marks. Alternatively merely type a ; before everything to change it's color and format to an emote format.

    Skilled RPers make their own emotes.

    2) Lore helps, but you can learn it on the fly as well. Stay within the realm of AD&D in general, and nothing too far out of "time period". IE: don't go whipping out your ray gun and eletric guitar complaining Jimi Hendrix isn't here.

    3) This is AD&D. By mere virtue of playing in the world of fantasy you accept there are different views, and different beliefs. Ye hallowed Gary Gygax set up AD&D as a place for imagination, and exploration.

    We already went through the derpy thing in the early 80's of people claiming anything AD&D encouraged evil behavior and immoral worship simply because it wasn't "real", and magic SOMEHOW had to be evil.

    Advice: If RP is going on you don't agree with then rather move yourself before causing an OOC fuss, or lecturing people on it.

    I'll add in you can RP anywhere on server. It's not reserved for the Moonstone Mask only. In fact some of the best RP I have had was far away from the cliques there. (You can guess it may be a clique by seeing they all have the same last name, or same guild name but all low low low gear usually. It's not a set "rule" though.)
    " I tried to figure out the enigma that was you, and then I realized mastering Wild Magic was easier." - Old Wizard in Waterdeep

    "Why is it dragons only use ketchup? I'd like a little wasabi please. Us silvers like a variety of condiments."

    "Don't call them foolish mortals. One, they don't learn from it. Two, It just ticks them off." - An Ancient Red Dragon
  • madamemoonlightmadamemoonlight Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Hello, and if you decide to return; welcome back! So just to answer you inquiries in order, I'll list the three as you displayed.

    1. The format is relatively simple, speaking in third person seems to be the most generally accepted perspective in your writing. That being said, there is a way to emote and it is exactly what you thought. /emote or /em will display the written text in that famous brownish orange text of emotey greatness.

    2. That entirely depends upon the depth of your character. Naturally I'd reccomend researching the basics, or just skim over the descriptions of each race made available during the character creation screen. From there on out, it's relatively self-explanatory. The game is almost entirely voice acted, and the speech continues even after you step away from the NPC; so you can just listen as you play if you want the cliff notes.

    Should you decide you wish to know more, or about something specific; just google DnD lore for your particular interest.

    3. Fortunately the use of magic typically does not imply the consorting of demonic powers. The Focus Wizard utilized the arcane to throw soul arrows and mystic stuff of that nature. Magic like this originates from the hearth of arcane energy itself, which is by all relative standards True Neutral. There are however Scourge Warlocks, which do in fact state is a consortment of darker forces. But of course you just don't pick that class. XD

    In conclusion I hope you find out everything you needed, and should you come back I hope you enjoy the game!
    I've come to play and have fun! :]
    So I beseech thee. Drag me not into your pit of drama. :[
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