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Epic Cloak Tower Dungeon Bugged?

unepitaphedunepitaphed Member Posts: 11 Arc User
edited April 2015 in Bug Reports (Xbox One)
So every time I get into the epic version of the cloak tower, there are no enemies. My group members and myself run all the way to the first boss and there is absolutely nothing. No items, no kits, no enemies. Aside from a single chest in the library. Not even an option to start the boss fight, it's just empty!

On the 3rd time of entering the dungeon, I ran all the way to the first boss room, and then back to the beginning, where I saw 3 orcs. Nothing else ever spawned. Anyone else having the same issue?
Post edited by unepitaphed on


  • sofazsofaz Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I had something like this happen last night actually. The room with the first boss in it was completely empty and the portcullis at the back was down, so we couldn't continue.

    It happened twice in a row but I kind of assumed it was just the same bugged instance that I was joining.
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