Hello everyone,
I regularly started to play NW 2 months ago and as you know there is a change of mod 6. So, i know that i don't have full of knowledge about everything.
I need detailed explanations about how i can choose enchantments or other items.
Could you help me with that ?
I want to play mostly in PVP as a healer/tank so if you can advice me a guide, i would be happy

So if you can afford one of those without hurting yourself - buy it. It revives you upon death with a wee bit of health. Once only, 90 sec. cooldown. Sometimes nice to have, saved me many a way from the campfire...
For weapon, i still use vorpal.
I bought today Lesser Soulforged. Need a weapon ench. now
You are right, i try nowadays for informations about those.
Can you explain a bit more for weapon ench. Should i use vorpal also ? How about that Holy Avenger ?
ALL my DCs (I have several) are using both: Frost and Frostburn enchantments; Frost for weapon enhancement: slows targets, Frostburn for armor enhancement: provides damage resistance. The combination of freezing NPC mobs in place to whack a few before they get really going is nice.
The truth is many enchantments are great. You should research them at Wiki (Just search for "Enchantments" and compare them to find what you think will work great for you.
I've also used Hole Avenger weapon enchantment: I like it a lot but haven;t found a good armor enhancement enchantment that synergies well with it (the codlin is the issue) - right now I am using my Perfect Holy Avenger on my Devotion path Paladin; loving it for leveling, anyway (I won a Dragonbone Mace on my first Charthraxis kill - I got lucky).
I don't know how to increase healing levels of my character's powers, hate to open gift of faith since it decreases %25 heal level.
Any suggestion on that ?
So yes, for PvE the best is soulforged.
And same for PvP - you die, you get up and you heal yourself to full hp by throwing ONE bastion.. at least thats how I do it.
As for armor - soulforged is nice because a dead cleric in PvE can mean a dead team (but then there's the double one-shot problem). For PvP it is nice too, without the one-shot problem. Other enchants would imply that you have the skill-level to not die - but you can try barkshield, negation, and any other that buffs you and debuffs enemies.
Briartwine can be nice for Seal+Reflection cheese in PvP, but it's not that great.
thats bull.. tbh, I know a DC who uses vorpal and she saves our team all the time when running T2 (without daily bug,yes we do finish dungeons), and thanks to vorpal she heals for 500k-1mln too,crits most of the time,huge crits, so it helps ALOT with being one-shot actually...
So please dont speak if you have no idea what you are talking about. Vorpal IS the best enchant if you want to heal alot, end of story.
Can confirm i'm doing this too in T1/T2 dungeons, and there's rarely a wipe before the final boss...
500k healing is ~350k of wasted healing. Getting one-shot mean you're either proccing SF or plain dead - no amount of healing is going to save you. If you're smart, you'll save normal BoH for when people drop into SF. With good enough Wisdom+Power your Divine BoH will heal plenty and empowered will overheal like crazy anyway.
The only savior of Vorpal is a Renegade CW in the party raising your crit chance, but even then... you'll just overheal.
I agree, it's best if you want to heal a lot - except you're going to be ineffective, that's all.
Did anyone test the Holy Avenger enchant this module? - "You deal additional Radiant damage with your powers and have a 20% chance: on each swing to improve your allies damage resistance by 20% while healing them for 15 seconds. Any blow you land during this time will do 7.5% more Radiant damage, The amount of damage and healing is scaled to your level. This effect can only activate every 45 seconds."
Few questions:
- due to 45sec cooldown, it means we have 20% chance to proc this enchant every 30seconds,right? Since cooldown counts from the moment something activates(?)
- How much does it heal? I dont really care for heals since I heal alot already, was rather interested in this amount of DR ,but I wonder if its a proper HP or some ****ty amount.
- How does "damage" work with our healing here? I mean, it says we do additional radiant damage, then we can get even more (7.5%) radiant damage, so it also means we can heal more by that? Like every swing within that bonus will create more hp?
- it gives +20% flat, right? Its not 20% from our basic DR?
- do the party has to be close enough to me for it to give them the bonus from my enchant? does it give it to whole party or just 1 random person?
Im not sure about this enchantment, noone ever writes about it anywhere and it has a really good bonus actually (DR %), plus it's price is exactly the same as Vorpals - so Im guessing it means something?
Vorpal is awesome, but once I hit 50% chance on crit + got 90% of crit sev. I already heal more than needed,so I dont need vorpal.
Debuff enchants? We dont need them due to the fact that most of good players already got enough ArP to get through 100% of damage resistance of mobs/bosses.
So that leaves me wondering what other good enchants are out there? Frost seems nice as an support enchant (yes,it has CD).
Tbh I would rather waste my enchant on the cooldown than waste it on my 1 milion overheals
1M heals come from gift of faith. It's easy not to notice it but it's the only heal in 5 people content which may heal for 1M. Crit bastion may heal for 120-150k at most, which is perfect since it's the HP cap (more or less) of tank characters.
It's either that or you're reading 1M instead of 100k.
Anyways, Im still wondering if anyone has tested Holy Avenger.
After running t1s and t2s everyday...mostly in PUGS....Soulforged is a must for me.
As long as it already has decent crit rate Faithful could probably get away with just stacking lots of power/recovery.
Right there.
Faithful benefits from being able to spam encounters to stack up the gift and prevent people from dropping below 50% (but your initial heals should be plenty for anyone - I mostly see 50k+ heals without critting). So build Wis/Cha recovery/power
Virtuous benefits from massive constant healing, you actually don't need to spam your encounters almost at all because the HoTs are everywhere and monsters attack in slow bursts (not steady overtime damage). So you need Wis/Str and crit/power for powerful HoT procs.
Around 32% with 5 or 6k crit, STR as my secondary stat, and a WIS/STR belt.
It may happen in heroic encounters with the faithful feat increasing healing by 5% per friendly player in a 30' radius. This or they're using the feytouched bug.
Crit bastions with a vorpal are still invaluable as a faithful to heal people from SF revive to full health in one click. It also gives me plenty of time to use divine mode divine glow without worrying too much about hit point status and stacking HoTs.
Does anybody know when exactly "Agent of Divine"s healing is taking place? As I understood this procs if an attack would reduce the player under 45% HP. But is the healing applied after the damage, before the damage or is the healing allocated with the procing damage and the remainder is applied to the character, that could be remaining damage or remaining healing.
When the player's health bar hits 45% or below then the Gift is applied. The only exception is with one-shots, if the health instantly goes to zero then no gift.
Just replace all offensive enchants with azure ones, maybe change your artifacts too. Neck,belt, all gotta have critical stats in it, also new shirt/pants. Sure the lathander set seems nice on a DC,but personally it's stats are bad for me, so Im not using it.
New epic sets from T2 also give nice crit. So all in all its possible to reach 10k critical strike easily,and lil bit more than that gives about 50%.
That's why it's ~350k wasted healing and not full ~500k. The capstone will proc for ~500k for me sure. But what use is that? They're already at full health ~100k. You can crit all day long, but it won't increase their max HP - a single empowered BoH will overheal most parties like crazy.
So I dunno what you want to do with that extra ~350k.
Still curious if anyone tested it.
The Stamina Gain is great for more dodges.