This morning while in the gateway I collected the 2 elemental aggregate tasks that took a few days to complete and they never showed up in my inventory.
I have submitted a bug report and a GM request to look into this. Was very disappointed to log into the live game and see they were nowhere in my inventory. The legit channel says they should have shown up in my professions inventory but they are not there. Anyone else have this happen? I have also notice on occasion that not all astral diamonds, when collected in the gateway, show up from completed tasks. A few days ago I collected my 9 completed tasks first thing in the morning - 3x1600 AD, 3x1200 AD, 3x800 AD and my inventory only showed 2400 total available to refine.
I have never had these kind of issues before mod 6.
I also notice that when reporting the bug that the ITEM LIST dropdown did not display the elemental aggregates but there was 3 blank items in the list position just under the elemental earth item in the list so I am thinking my account may have some corruption. Can admin please look into this for me...
Take the extra time to do the job right and it will never come back to bite you in the A**
No clue on the elemental aggregate, mine arrived correctly, but can't remember whether I collected them from gateway or in game.
If that is the case then there should NOT be a "sometimes it does this and other times it does not" scenario. I'm beginning to think the devs are fresh out of programming school!
Not bashing anyone here... just stating facts as they currently stand. Someone flipped the switch to go live with mod 6 long before it should have and now all the players are riddled with issues because of it. Proper testing is essential prior to releasing new code for any software, games included.
You obviously didn't read my message entirely... it states the items are not in my profs. inventory or anywhere else for that matter.