I played this game a couple years ago, during the beta, and came back to it recently to check out the changes, the new paladin class, and the new foundary quests and there's more bugs now then there were back in the beta, wtf happened.
Let me just give you a quick recap of my experience so far from level 1 to 23 as a paladin
First, i changed the UI scale to be a bit bigger to make the chat easier to read from a distance, which broke the party members list, it listed players in my party horizontally across the screen instead of vertically, which i remember happening from the beta but being fixed in a patch or something (it went away without me changing the UI back)
You can see what i mean in this thread:
Ive changed the UI scale back to 1 as a workaround to it
Then i noticed that occasionally my Sanctuary ability just wont activate, i hold shift, go into the defensive stance, but no circle of healing appears, and i dont get any bonus DR
I thought maybe i was doing something wrong, since im new to pally, so i looked it up and found this:
So yeah, its just broken and apparently even more stuff the class has is broken too
Then i went to do a foundary, the best feature in this game, and got the map transfer error, thought it was a fluke, tried another foundary, same problem, looked it up, found this:
So ive just been doing "devils in the sewer" for the daily quest as a workaround but would really like to be able to actually play them for the stories
Then during questing i got the Cloak Tower quest, which i couldnt even manually enter let alone que for, looked it up and found this:
I really dont understand why they would break so many of their dungeons like this
Then i got the daily dungeon quest, which i qued for with Cragmire Crypts, and i couldnt even open the chest at the end, i tried it twice, both times it didnt work, i didnt get credit for the daily quest and have basically lost 6000 total astral diamonds as a result (since ive had 2 days were i cant complete that quest)
I looked it up and found this:
Its just been 1 bug after another, constantly having to work around or just live with them
The first 4 arent that bad, just mildly annoying, i can live with tiny chat, the map transfer error will eventually be fixed and the foundaries will always be there for me to play so i can just wait, Sanctuary activates 95% of the time and usually isnt a problem, and i already did Cloak Tower and most of the other broken dungeons years ago and they arent needed for leveling so its fine that i cant do those
But not being able to complete daily dungeons is game breaking to me, the total number of astral diamonds that i will end up not gaining because of it will be huge, even if they fix it on april 23rd, thats 27000 astral diamonds that i wont have that i should have
I wasn't going to make a post until i read the patch notes for this week:
It addresses none of these issues, and is really small as if they dont even know how broken their game is
I was already annoyed at the daily dungeon thing but those patch notes just tipped it over the top so i just had to post something
Basic UI features are broken
Paladin is broken
Foundaries are broken
Dungeons are broken
Daily quests are broken
I really want to enjoy this game, i wish the devs would stop making it so hard to do so
PS: My company is having yearly software update this weekend, biggest update every year, so you know... fingers crossed
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
Give them time, until when? When all decent players have left or the new ones see, they have zero chance with the insane difficulty and the 3 class system.
I hate this give them time thing, they had feedback for months and they didn't read- obviously- any of it. They all knew this would happen.
You know the company i work for is making IT products too, for the ones like Mercedes Benz, now if a Maybach dies on road, cause of crappy software, just try to tell a saudi billionaire for decades, wait or be patient. Ha ha you would see, how many cars he would purchase the next time from you.
Me too or just a simple trick, they wait till storm is over and those, who can't handle it leave and the others brake in.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
If you have a Power that has 4 levels only differing in certain values (less cooldown and higher damage per level for example), and you have levels 1-3 working and level 4 broken, then there ARE just 3 possibilities:
1. You can and will fix this in the next mini-patch ASAP.
2. You dont care.
3. You cant fix this easily because there is something REALLY SERIOUSLY WRONG with the way you have coded.
I code since 24 years (c++, perl, java, basic, …, client-server, networking, …). I know how software works, someone did something completly wrong.
Kinda gotta agree with you, from a programmer's perspective, if the initial concept/design is wrong and the program rolls out, it takes a lot of effort to change the structural thingie, and often what ppl would do, is to fix a problem as it comes instead of changing the whole design. Yes, we do understand changing the whole design could be better in a long run, but in a real world, not much companies has the luxury of spending a large amount of time to restructure the design while hoping their customers can cope with the long wait, plus, nobody can guarantee the new design wont't have anymore flaw... to me, this is what Neverwinter Online is now, I doubt the player-base would be happy to play the game as it is for 6~12 months and wait for the new changes, neither the company is willing to spend a lot of money paying their staffs while getting little to no income from the actual players... no new content = less incentive on buying stuffs = less income for the company = might not be able to pay their staffs = end of project and a bunch of dismissed staffs.
So instead of us complaining why can't they do this and why can't they do that, we should be more mature and understanding and give them more encouragement rather than critising the way it is now, that wont change nothing.
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
It's also typical to have some kind of testing phase before going live in production.
It's also typical to listen to the feedback of your test group.
Cryptic does neither. And that's why we have so many bugs and balance problems.
Go Cryptic!
PS - I quit.
It quite stupid to use this example to neverwinter, where we have major buggs not being fixed for those 6-12 months (but hey, glyphs was only bugged for like 2 months, that succes) and minor ones sice beta.
The crew where dealing with this flooding. However, overnight, the flooding level has increased and the crew must now gear up with bigger buckets to deal with this.
Unfortunately, getting these bigger buckets will take quite some time, meaning that the higher flooding levels in the underdeck will be completely ignored during this period.
Eventually some of the crew will have equipped themselves with the bigger buckets and will try to tackle the increased levels. Others however may have simply lowered the lifeboat and jumped ship.
"Mod 6. Oh my f****** god. It gutted the game pure and simple. And what wasn't gutted was messed up by the poorly thought out new level cap and equip. The game never recovered from that atrocity".
..............not this one then.............
I had to fall to lose it all. But in the end, it doesn't even matter . . .
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
If that's the fact, and considering that there has been much offers by people loving this game to HELP, the simple solution would be to share the effords: cryptic is doing the client-server-stuff and holds the database actually implementing their bussiness model (zen to item etc.) while more and more of the functionallity should be defined (what's it going to do?) and then externalized into OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE. Its the best way to get those things fixed in the long run.
It's a real shame, i see so much potential in this engine and it is in the hands of people just unable to make it good.
That's sad. This "engine" is 15 years old. It alone has major problems.
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