Jokes aside, what's a good enchantment for this mod?
How much healing does Holy Avenger enchantment does? It says scales to weapon level.
How abt Lightning Enchantment? Is it any good?
Lifedrinker seems kinda meh.
Can I rely on vorpals? but my crits are abysmally low

P/S: I super rarely do PvP.
If you are not a Conqueror that stacks crit, a Vorpal is an utter waste.
Holy Avenger and Lifedrinker are interesting alternatives, but I have no experience with either so I can't say.
Right now my GF is Invoker as I experience my paladin, but when I was running around with him I preferred the Frost/Frostburn combo over the others, including GPF and Vorpal, though I have to admit Terror does a great job in its own right all by its little lonesome self.
Just a little too sense, that's all. take it for what it is: just my own experience and opinion.
Terror is often a great enchant for gf in pve or pvp. Though we can't say what will and won't change the 23rd, right now feytouched is OP broken for all classes. Going fey, you run the risk of investing only to get a huge nerf. It had happened before (lightning, flaming, bilethorn)