The irony of how this thread has progressed is not lost on me.
The OP's original point was how folks should be a little bit more appreciative of the Cleric class, given how few they are and stop telling them how to play.
And now we have Clerics telling Clerics how to play.
This is a new game (on Xbox one - and this after all is an Xbox one forum, not a PC forum) and a new community; we should be sticking together a little bit more and not throwing grenades at each other.
New game on a new platform with a new community of players is not going to run smoothly from day 1. I think we have to accept that. I was a seasoned WOW player for many many years, so I recognise a lot of the 'advice' in this thread. But I think we need to tone down the sniping.
One of the biggest problems we face I think is communication in-game. Without a keyboard, its very difficult to communicate with other players. We don't have that excuse here on forums.
So for the record, I agree with the OP; a little less telling people how to play the game / class (and I mean all classes, not just clerics), and more understanding that this is all new. It'll get better.
The irony of how this thread has progressed is not lost on me.
The OP's original point was how folks should be a little bit more appreciative of the Cleric class, given how few they are and stop telling them how to play.
And now we have Clerics telling Clerics how to play.
This is a new game (on Xbox one - and this after all is an Xbox one forum, not a PC forum) and a new community; we should be sticking together a little bit more and not throwing grenades at each other.
New game on a new platform with a new community of players is not going to run smoothly from day 1. I think we have to accept that. I was a seasoned WOW player for many many years, so I recognise a lot of the 'advice' in this thread. But I think we need to tone down the sniping.
One of the biggest problems we face I think is communication in-game. Without a keyboard, its very difficult to communicate with other players. We don't have that excuse here on forums.
So for the record, I agree with the OP; a little less telling people how to play the game / class (and I mean all classes, not just clerics), and more understanding that this is all new. It'll get better.
Everyone has their own play style. As long as you know what spells do what and you keep your team alive who gives a ****. We, the Clerics of Neverwinter, need to stick together. Give each other advice and if you don't agree press on and say thank you. We should not be bad mouthing each other. Me personally, I love Sunburst because I'm an avid PvP player and it keeps those **** Rogues off me. When all else fails make sure you are having fun. The is the most important thing to remember.
My buddy Nightone has been going through the spells as he levels (currently on the cusp of 40), and he is learning which spells heal the best and which buff best. I have been starting to use his build for the powers used, and picking the feats that work best with those. It may not be the best build for everyone, but we ran the GWD last night, and on three occasions he healed someone from no health to near full in a single spell. You just need a good Cleric who knows his S***, and let him do his thing. Don't over agro, or yell when he's not healing fast enough. I agree though, Clerics must stick together. Healers are Leaders, a dying breed in this game.
Co-Founder of AoF Neverwinter Branch (TR 60, CW 60 SS)
Find me on XBL to get an interview to join the guild.
My buddy Nightone has been going through the spells as he levels (currently on the cusp of 40), and he is learning which spells heal the best and which buff best. I have been starting to use his build for the powers used, and picking the feats that work best with those. It may not be the best build for everyone, but we ran the GWD last night, and on three occasions he healed someone from no health to near full in a single spell. You just need a good Cleric who knows his S***, and let him do his thing. Don't over agro, or yell when he's not healing fast enough. I agree though, Clerics must stick together. Healers are Leaders, a dying breed in this game.
The irony of how this thread has progressed is not lost on me.
The OP's original point was how folks should be a little bit more appreciative of the Cleric class, given how few they are and stop telling them how to play.
And now we have Clerics telling Clerics how to play.
This is a new game (on Xbox one - and this after all is an Xbox one forum, not a PC forum) and a new community; we should be sticking together a little bit more and not throwing grenades at each other.
New game on a new platform with a new community of players is not going to run smoothly from day 1. I think we have to accept that. I was a seasoned WOW player for many many years, so I recognise a lot of the 'advice' in this thread. But I think we need to tone down the sniping.
One of the biggest problems we face I think is communication in-game. Without a keyboard, its very difficult to communicate with other players. We don't have that excuse here on forums.
So for the record, I agree with the OP; a little less telling people how to play the game / class (and I mean all classes, not just clerics), and more understanding that this is all new. It'll get better.
Exactly what the intent of the post was so thanks for reading . I will never understand why pc players need to go into xbox forums and post like every issue we have is made up or something because they dont suffer from the same issues..or why people feel the need to tell others how to play their game or toon. Its an mmo and the spirit of mmos is about being what you want to be in the game.Not what everyone else says you need to be just because something works for them. Sunburst works for me.I run alot of pugs and pvp. Most pvp is against 5 man teams of rouges who one shot everyone and then run and stealth. SO once their on you all you got is sunburst to fling them away. I also agree with everyone else, we do as a seperate player base from the pc need to stick together and work more on building each other up instead of trying to burn each other down with negative posts that are off topic. There cant be more than 100 of us who play on xbox as cleric or tank compared the the never ending numbers of new rouges and cws i have seen,yes i understand that might sound unlikely but i can count on two hands the amount of active clerics i have seen over lvl 25.
Yeah I have a 43 cleric and as soon as I queue for a dungeon crawl I don't have to wait. It's one of the things I like about playing my cleric. I get insta kicked from T1 groups with my Ranger even though he has 9 k gear score. I wouldn't get kicked as a cleric even with sub optimal gear. It's a good learning curve playing a cleric but I use Sunburst. I just hate it when everyone is everywhere. It makes it hard to heal everyone. I also dump all my points into dex and con for a pvp build. It's probably not optimal, but once I gear up should be okay for pve as well. Another thing I hate is when you have people that run ahead and think they can tank and you have to keep them alive. At least use a potion if you're that stupid. Trash mobs are okay but when people have 1 k gear scores you're not a tank.
Yeah I have a 43 cleric and as soon as I queue for a dungeon crawl I don't have to wait. It's one of the things I like about playing my cleric. I get insta kicked from T1 groups with my Ranger even though he has 9 k gear score. I wouldn't get kicked as a cleric even with sub optimal gear. It's a good learning curve playing a cleric but I use Sunburst. I just hate it when everyone is everywhere. It makes it hard to heal everyone. I also dump all my points into dex and con for a pvp build. It's probably not optimal, but once I gear up should be okay for pve as well. Another thing I hate is when you have people that run ahead and think they can tank and you have to keep them alive. At least use a potion if you're that stupid. Trash mobs are okay but when people have 1 k gear scores you're not a tank.
Yea the running ahead thing just makes me want to smack someone and ask them if their stupid. Just let them die, eventually they will learn. One thing you can do is let everyone know in chat that your heals work a certain way and that if they are not grouped up to run to you if they need healing so you wont have to chase them. And to the comment from the Nub above that says sunburst is useless and i need to learn to build, pick up a copy of hooked on phonics cause you are either a troll or incapable of reading because the original post was directed at kids like you. Astral shield is only useful in a couple situations and that's either when everyone is grouped up in a pile or the party is mostly melee based as ranged damage generally tries to avoid being in the thick of the pile.But your probably one of those people who have never played the class or are fresh from COD. Either way people have their own play style and builds and you have no right to tell them how to use them or what is useful to them.
Honestly, its more efficient "not" to knockback with your encounter in a trash pull. If the TR is smart he'll be using Dazing Strike, which in Stealth is a cone effect/daze. So if you knockback everything, everyone is forced to move, not only the TR.
If you have a smart CW, he'll be putting everything in the corners. If thats the case then knock away, they wont go anywhere and your team can maximize all there AoE encounters.
A good CW can **** near 100% lock up a group of mobs.
My rotation was Daily to group them all up, shield to knock them away(big dmg +aa generator), daily would suck them back in, then steal time. Rinse and repeat.
We were doing 25 Minute Castle Never full clears on PC this way. Unreal how fast mobs die when you corner them all, maximizing everyones aoe's.
Not telling you how to play, but I recommend not using your knockback in PvE, you downgrade your groups DPS by doing so.
I read only the first post and I can point out why people don't want you as a cleric.
There's no way you're topping DPS in T2's with 5m total damage. The top player NEVER has anything under 8m usually ESPECIALLY in T2's.. You should be doing little damage and lots of healing.
Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
I read only the first post and I can point out why people don't want you as a cleric.
There's no way you're topping DPS in T2's with 5m total damage. The top player NEVER has anything under 8m usually ESPECIALLY in T2's.. You should be doing little damage and lots of healing.
Completely right, if your a cleric trying to go dps. By that I mean under 12k and don't know your group if you have less than a good heal skill and alt than your wrong. Expect to be kicked your there to heal and buff/debuff. If high enough you could help but you we'll never beat the rest of dps with out some major gear and even than they want a healer not dps.
Advice, ask your self if you are paying more attention to the monster and not party than just stop playing healer. Medic is the quickest class to get a group and love. I have no issues and in my guild I'm the first to be invited. Reason is simple, I top on the heal charts and worry about them more than my own hp or dps.
Sunburst is only helpful in bosses otherwise its really not needed, maybe rare times, but there is no reason to use it in your rotation every time that IS annoying
instynctiveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,885Arc User
edited May 2015
Y'know.. my DC uses Sunburst as a defensive measure only (ie. surrounded by mobs). A quick Sunburst and a couple of slides and I'm out of danger and keep the party alive.
However, if I'm in a party with my GWF and a DC Sunbursts, either as a defensive measure or an offensive measure, I'll usually just yell "gawdammit, cleric!" at my screen, because I had just wasted an IBS or something AOE-ish with high damage, then I keep playing. I don't vote to kick the DC, I don't chastise the DC, I let them play how they play.
Y'know.. my DC uses Sunburst as a defensive measure only (ie. surrounded by mobs). A quick Sunburst and a couple of slides and I'm out of danger and keep the party alive.
However, if I'm in a party with my GWF and a DC Sunbursts, either as a defensive measure or an offensive measure, I'll usually just yell "gawdammit, cleric!" at my screen, because I had just wasted an IBS or something AOE-ish with high damage, then I keep playing. I don't vote to kick the DC, I don't chastise the DC, I let them play how they play.
Because you're one the of the better ones.
Sunburst can be used tactically, not only for defense as described but also offensively. If the DC is in a position where using sunburst to knock mobs *toward* GWFs and GFs that should be thought of as a good thing. But as with all of us: DC players need to learn. When people say "stop using it" it is condescending and rude, player goes on the emotionally-defensive. But when people say "Please try not to to use it if it will cause problems with me doing my job" then the DC will *learn* and better understand what's going on. Team play is not always intuitive. People need to learn how to work as a team and to do that communication is paramount. And how you communicate determines how the message is received.
Learning comes best through experience. Chastising someone for playing how they think they should play is all kinds of wrong. Helping them learn how to play *better* is the way to go.
The fact my AS is bugged leaves me with few options but to master alternative builds atm.
The OP's original point was how folks should be a little bit more appreciative of the Cleric class, given how few they are and stop telling them how to play.
And now we have Clerics telling Clerics how to play.
This is a new game (on Xbox one - and this after all is an Xbox one forum, not a PC forum) and a new community; we should be sticking together a little bit more and not throwing grenades at each other.
New game on a new platform with a new community of players is not going to run smoothly from day 1. I think we have to accept that. I was a seasoned WOW player for many many years, so I recognise a lot of the 'advice' in this thread. But I think we need to tone down the sniping.
One of the biggest problems we face I think is communication in-game. Without a keyboard, its very difficult to communicate with other players. We don't have that excuse here on forums.
So for the record, I agree with the OP; a little less telling people how to play the game / class (and I mean all classes, not just clerics), and more understanding that this is all new. It'll get better.
Everyone has their own play style. As long as you know what spells do what and you keep your team alive who gives a ****. We, the Clerics of Neverwinter, need to stick together. Give each other advice and if you don't agree press on and say thank you. We should not be bad mouthing each other. Me personally, I love Sunburst because I'm an avid PvP player and it keeps those **** Rogues off me. When all else fails make sure you are having fun. The is the most important thing to remember.
Find me on XBL to get an interview to join the guild.
Can't agree with you more
Exactly what the intent of the post was so thanks for reading
Yea the running ahead thing just makes me want to smack someone and ask them if their stupid. Just let them die, eventually they will learn. One thing you can do is let everyone know in chat that your heals work a certain way and that if they are not grouped up to run to you if they need healing so you wont have to chase them. And to the comment from the Nub above that says sunburst is useless and i need to learn to build, pick up a copy of hooked on phonics cause you are either a troll or incapable of reading because the original post was directed at kids like you. Astral shield is only useful in a couple situations and that's either when everyone is grouped up in a pile or the party is mostly melee based as ranged damage generally tries to avoid being in the thick of the pile.But your probably one of those people who have never played the class or are fresh from COD. Either way people have their own play style and builds and you have no right to tell them how to use them or what is useful to them.
If you have a smart CW, he'll be putting everything in the corners. If thats the case then knock away, they wont go anywhere and your team can maximize all there AoE encounters.
A good CW can **** near 100% lock up a group of mobs.
My rotation was Daily to group them all up, shield to knock them away(big dmg +aa generator), daily would suck them back in, then steal time. Rinse and repeat.
We were doing 25 Minute Castle Never full clears on PC this way. Unreal how fast mobs die when you corner them all, maximizing everyones aoe's.
Not telling you how to play, but I recommend not using your knockback in PvE, you downgrade your groups DPS by doing so.
There's no way you're topping DPS in T2's with 5m total damage. The top player NEVER has anything under 8m usually ESPECIALLY in T2's.. You should be doing little damage and lots of healing.
Completely right, if your a cleric trying to go dps. By that I mean under 12k and don't know your group if you have less than a good heal skill and alt than your wrong. Expect to be kicked your there to heal and buff/debuff. If high enough you could help but you we'll never beat the rest of dps with out some major gear and even than they want a healer not dps.
Advice, ask your self if you are paying more attention to the monster and not party than just stop playing healer. Medic is the quickest class to get a group and love. I have no issues and in my guild I'm the first to be invited. Reason is simple, I top on the heal charts and worry about them more than my own hp or dps.
However, if I'm in a party with my GWF and a DC Sunbursts, either as a defensive measure or an offensive measure, I'll usually just yell "gawdammit, cleric!" at my screen, because I had just wasted an IBS or something AOE-ish with high damage, then I keep playing. I don't vote to kick the DC, I don't chastise the DC, I let them play how they play.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
Because you're one the of the better ones.
Sunburst can be used tactically, not only for defense as described but also offensively. If the DC is in a position where using sunburst to knock mobs *toward* GWFs and GFs that should be thought of as a good thing. But as with all of us: DC players need to learn. When people say "stop using it" it is condescending and rude, player goes on the emotionally-defensive. But when people say "Please try not to to use it if it will cause problems with me doing my job" then the DC will *learn* and better understand what's going on. Team play is not always intuitive. People need to learn how to work as a team and to do that communication is paramount. And how you communicate determines how the message is received.
Learning comes best through experience. Chastising someone for playing how they think they should play is all kinds of wrong. Helping them learn how to play *better* is the way to go.
Although I've noticed an increase in invisible walls... especially at Avia Landing... :-/
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79