State of the Guild
We are currently around 55-60 members and still actively recruiting players into our Time Out Box who can and enjoy slaying anything that glows red in a dungeon or pvp. Skirmishers and Dragonhunters welcome too.
Our Guild bank is open to full members where we can share excess items to help better everyone.
We are a day one guild, and we have a weekly newsletter to keep you up todate on guild affairs.
Future plans
Of course we want more guild bank space. We are currently exploring avenues for communal gold investment towards such ends, and we will cross that bridge as the game develops.
As leadership positions are filled and specialty positions open up we will be looking to organize guild dragon hunts, and dungeon races with rewards for the winner. These are a couple months from implementation, but shows the type of attitude we have in the long term between content releases.
Interested in joining
**We are very interested in 3-5 man team absorption. 5 man teams running endgame content together regular will have one appointed an officer as liaison to that branch.
Messege GT: The Forever Man
Be sure to include race/class age and any relevant mmo experience you want
Please give me a couple days to get you in. We are currently experiencing time outs from gameserver
You've all timed out from the server. Now come do it with us.