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Heroic Necounters = WHY?

knoebelsknoebels Member Posts: 44 Arc User
edited April 2015 in General Discussion (PC)
Ok, so trying to be positive I appreciate the effort put into the new heroic encounters in the "new" areas in mod 6 - but NO ONE is doing them! Emberclaw in the Fiery Pit - never seen anyone doing this, other than a few dead CW's scattered around the area (probably doing vigilance tasks and caught off guard). Feeding the Fire - attempted this 5 times, complete fail every time. Also some HE drop on your head whilst your are doing the vigilance tasks and result in instant death (e.g, Emberclaw) . Please think of this game from a player's perspective- yes I (maybe "we") want more challenging content, but no I don't want to suddenly find myself in an encounter that is IMPOSSIBLE to complete without 5 or more people with me, whilst I'm out doing basic grinding tasks.

If you insist of implementing HE's then put them in an area so they don't spawn when you are doing quests.

p.s., my GF dies in 5 seconds in the Fiery Pit HE. Has anyone done this?

To me it seems like such a waste of valuable Dev time designing/implementing HE's if people aren't going to do them. A positive suggestion would be develop a new map area and put your quests in there instead of recycling all your old maps.
Post edited by knoebels on


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    aulduronaulduron Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,351 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Nobody does them because they can't be soloed (most) and there are no rewards worthy of the effort it takes to beat them.
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    suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I suspect that they're there because we're supposed to want something challenging when we re-grind those faaaaaaaaaaaantastic new zones with our second or third alt, which will then be Lvl 70 already through invoking/LS tasks and only want the weapon & off-hand.
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    healaryhealary Member Posts: 600 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The only people doing these HEs are probably the ones picked them up as vigilance quests but the smart ones will probably pick others like the Target:mob quest which the "bosses" die in 3 seconds.
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    generaldiomedesgeneraldiomedes Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I saw FF groups being formed all the time in Fiery Pit. If enough people joined, and knew what to do they succeeded (I was 2/2 on *serious* tries at it). If someone triggered FF too early by themselves, or not enough people to stop Sacrificers, or they didn't know what to do, then they failed. I personally found FF the most enjoyable HE in Fiery Pit, and the Slaad invasion was the most enjoyable in the earth map.
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    diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    knoebels wrote: »
    p.s., my GF dies in 5 seconds in the Fiery Pit HE. Has anyone done this?

    Yes and I'm healing (with my two hands) so GFs don't die. It's really easy to heal and my heals are required during 10% of the encounter only, so you've played with braindead players. This is quite simple, this HE only has an objective and most people think it's yet another zerg encounter. It has actual mechanics. You have to focus one type of npcs ("sacrificers") to stop them before they reach a given spot on the map and pretty much ignore the rest. If you don't kill them in time they're added to the counter of failures and if you reach 10 failures you lose. Having a stun or a knockback is useful.
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    diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    healary wrote: »
    The only people doing these HEs are probably the ones picked them up as vigilance quests but the smart ones will probably pick others like the Target:mob quest which the "bosses" die in 3 seconds.

    Playing with my CW, i HAVE TO pick those quests because i'm usually out of good/ok tasks around the 15-20' mark. I had to solo quite a few 5 or 10+ encounters in the drowned shores. It was either that or waiting doing nothing because we can't do 16 tasks in 30 minutes.

    The ones I really advise anyone not to do is the solo dungeons. Not that they're not fun or too hard, they're just too long for the reward it gives. Mobs aren't any harder or more rewarding so it's just brainless running while spamming spells and daily spells, like pre mod 6. And it's LONG. But somehow it only counts for one task. Unless you find a way to stack two quests in the same solo instance, or get a unified elements, it's probably not worth it. Again, if you're not out of good tasks yet.
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    pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I agree that the Feeding the Fire Heroic Encounter was really frustrating for me before I figured it out.

    The idea is that you have to stop the Cultist Sacrificers that are being launched from the tunnels towards the cliff. If they reach the cliff, they count against you; if 10 sacrificers reach the cliff, then the HE fails.

    The HE has three phases: first phase, you have to stop 5 sacrificers; second phase, you have to stop 10 sacrificers; and third phase, you have to stop 15 sacrificers. And the 10 sacrificer penalty is cumulative across all phases (i.e., you have to stop 10 sacrificers from going off the cliff over *all three* phases combined). The difference in the phases are the adds that are spawned, in the second and third phases there are a lot more adds spawned and therefore it's harder to focus the sacrificers and stay alive.

    I have never been in a group that was perfect, with zero sacrificers going off the cliff. I have also never been in a group where I didn't die at least once. But this HE Is close to the entrance so you just respawn, ride back and rejoin the fight.

    For my CW I went for a mix of single-target DPS and control - Repel on Tab, Entangling Force, Icy Rays and Disintegrate, and Oppressive Force and Ice Knife as dailies. I would stand by the edge of the cliff and try to freeze/stun/entangle/kill the Sacrificer when he is launched. If the Sacrificer got too close to the cliff, that is when I would use Repel to push him back towards the tunnels and away from the cliff. I tried to use it sparingly though because I didn't want to <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> off everyone around trying to DPS all the mobs. For CWs if you find yourself dying too much, replace one of the encounters with Shield.

    In the third phase, Flame Spikers spawn near the cliff edge, so in that case I would turn around and just repel them off the edge of the cliff. I could generally get one or two of them off the edge that way.

    Also, the adds hit *really freakin' hard* and have a *ton* of HP. You really do need good heals and good tanks there. If it is all just DPS players, you'll probably fail as you won't be able to DPS down the adds fast enough, and stay alive, AND stop the sacrificers from going off the edge.

    Hope this helps!
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    mrvincent1959mrvincent1959 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I did MANY of the new HEs, including FF. The rewards were not worth the effort. Also, these new zones are very transitory. People are there to just get through it and finish the Vigilance Tasks. Unlike Tiamat, which was THE destination for Mod 5.
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    diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I did MANY of the new HEs, including FF. The rewards were not worth the effort. Also, these new zones are very transitory. People are there to just get through it and finish the Vigilance Tasks. Unlike Tiamat, which was THE destination for Mod 5.

    Major (blue) and Epic (purple) HEs have a chance to drop unified elements, aggregate thingies, and greater belts. You can also get marks of potency in the rewards box. But yeah it's rare.
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