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Tier 2 dungeons almost impossible

cg0xirussiancg0xirussian Member Posts: 24 Arc User
edited April 2015 in Player Feedback (Xbox One)
Ok now I am someone who likes a challenge so at first it was nice to have some dungeons that took a few deaths to complete. Then it went to a few more deaths...and a few more...until I had had enough.
Some of these Tier 2 dungeons are outright near impossible. The Karungar one took over an hour and 50 deaths, The Frozen Heart took an hour and a half and 70 deaths (45 mins on last boss). And then there is the dread vault: enter the final boss, get ganked, die. Full group in party chat. Many strategies. 80 deaths. Gave up.
There are many problems: too much enemy diversity- very hard to find a weak spot. DC get's ganked and dies almost instantly- especially in the dread vault where I died before they appeared next to me. I played as DC and the enemies managed to break through constant temp hit point and invinsibility spam. You try and change your play style but something else gets in your way: such as tentacles on Dread vault or anti-kite archers in frozen heart.
Another problem is lag...too much of it. Putting down abilities which disappear etc. etc.
Finally- the constant enemy respawn...we tried killing them off but every time you kill 1 it seemed that 2 came back.

So what Im trying to say is these dungeons (especially after FH), seem too hard to be fun or worthwhile. I couldn't even complete dread vault after an hour and a half. Especially with everyone being new to the game and the terrible FPS in the dungeons in this game- I think they should tone down at least some aspects of the epic dungeons to make it more tactical and enjoyable rather than constant button spam and death.

Possible solutions:
Karungar- reduce enemy respawn times and Fire damage.
Frozen heart- stop golems respawning or get rid of archers.
Dread vault- get rid of scourge respawing.

Did anyone else find some of these near impossible or do you have strategies to complete the tier 2+ dungeons? Especially dread vault? I'd love to know.
Post edited by cg0xirussian on


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    blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    yup agreed completly.
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    metheantiherometheantihero Member Posts: 178 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    You can find the strategies on youtube. They are not hard with a properly geared and prepared group. My guild even takes minimum geared player's. For DV, sprint to the back, do not engage the mobs, get on the highest platform, down the mobs when they attack, Range work on boss. That's what I use in PUG's
    If I should die on some far, far away battlefield
    Know I answered the call
    For a grand principle of freedom to yield.
    My fervent prayer is that death
    May not have been in vain
    Fighting for peace and right for the world to attain
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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited April 2015
    This brings back memories. :)

    Remember the PC version has been out for almost two full years now and these were sentiments that we had back then. I promise you with a good strategy they are very much possible. Check out youtube videos as previously suggested and in time I promise it will be far less of a challenge.

    The first pioneers will find it the hardest but in time it will be far less of a challenge. :D
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    cg0xirussiancg0xirussian Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    This brings back memories. :)

    Remember the PC version has been out for almost two full years now and these were sentiments that we had back then. I promise you with a good strategy they are very much possible. Check out youtube videos as previously suggested and in time I promise it will be far less of a challenge.

    The first pioneers will find it the hardest but in time it will be far less of a challenge. :D

    Yeah just redid the Karungar one and it was so much easier. Will try and complete dread vault tomorrow though the tp mobs are annoying. I looked at some videos and they all seemed to have way less mobs on PC.
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    geeq5geeq5 Member Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The only advice you need is this, "Bring a well rounded balance party"

    a CW, GF, and DC, fill the other 2 spots with any classes you want
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    katamaster81899katamaster81899 Member Posts: 1,157 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Man, I miss it when the good old T2s were difficult. Although now they've been removed from the game on PC... So I guess I miss them in any state TBH...
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    darnximxdeaddarnximxdead Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Frozen heart - Archers shouldn't be a problem to be honest... Guardian fighter just needs too tag them with RB button >.< even when tanking a wave spawn with enforced threat should be-able too do both at the same time even if archers are Out of Range. IMO it just comes down too having a good cleric and good guardian fighter.

    Alot of the problems that i have seen in dungeon runs (all matchmaking [don't have a perma-group]), people (DPS) ignore the waves spawn or casters spread too far apart and causing mobs too spread more out, which takes longer too get controlled.


    Fixed groups that are having problem i would suggest running a few lair of the mad dragon runs, find that dungeon too be good practice.
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    furh98furh98 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Yeah what the hell...its two weeks in and I can't faceroll the top dungeons and get all the gear so I can QQ next week there is nothing to do...
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    cg0xirussiancg0xirussian Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    furh98 wrote: »
    Yeah what the hell...its two weeks in and I can't faceroll the top dungeons and get all the gear so I can QQ next week there is nothing to do...
    There is a difference between face rolling and actually being able to do a dungeon...Instead of being a ******* you could post something productive next time.
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    cg0xirussiancg0xirussian Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    And I did bring a balanced party the problem was I kept getting one shorted which was a problem. I guess trial and error is in order and I will have another go tonight and post if I have any luck. The lag on X1 when doing boss fights does need to be controlled though.
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    sirfortysirforty Member Posts: 35
    edited April 2015
    Lol I feel the pain. I stopped doing dungeons and went to pvp after having back to back runs on FH where we beat the boss, but the adds would spawn and spawn and spawn and spawn. For example, we beat the final boss in FH and spent literally 45 minutes killing the giants. I didn't really do icespire while leveling up, and got all giant slayer challenges done. Eventually we said screw it and everyone just left.
    Demon "Head Hunter" Spellstorm Control Wizard
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    Xbox One
    GT : SirForty
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    metheantiherometheantihero Member Posts: 178 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    It's a bug. Next time after killing the boss, just wipe...DO NOT RELEASE. wait for the adds to despair then you can release. Some times only have to deal with a couple of adds.
    If I should die on some far, far away battlefield
    Know I answered the call
    For a grand principle of freedom to yield.
    My fervent prayer is that death
    May not have been in vain
    Fighting for peace and right for the world to attain
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    blindliteblindlite Member Posts: 43
    edited April 2015
    What's really biting my *** is that when I que into any T2 it doesn't even matter which one. I get vote kicked immediately. Even once where I was in the dungeon from start till last boss. Everyone but me left and 3 new people joined. They vote kicked me after they joined and basically took over my dungeon. Can something be done about all these vote kicking it's so annoying. Especially during dungeon delves which is when I que for them the most. I haven't gotten to complete a single freaking T2 because I get kicked as soon as I join. I even have higher gear scores than a lot of the people in most groups.
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    devtraxdevtrax Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    a CW, GF, and DC, what do these stand for again?
    Coco Legrand (DC)
    Thrall (GWF)
    WickedElm (OP)
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    drfaustus421drfaustus421 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    devtrax wrote: »
    a CW, GF, and DC, what do these stand for again?

    Control Wizard, Great weapons Fighter and Devoted Cleric
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    learch123learch123 Member Posts: 514 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    gf gaurdian fighter
    gwf gret weapon fighter
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