Cryptic should make a (insert name of lockbox) event where it’s an event that you could only participate every week, or mouth once and what happens is when you enter the vent you are in an arena were enemy come in waves and get stronger every wave. the enemy’s themselves have possibly a 5%-20% chance of dropping the lockbox of that event deepening on the type of enemy but how you are granted one lockbox would be when you fight the mini boss at wave 5-9 and you are granted 5 lock boxes from the main boss at wave 10 but each time you encounter a mini boss they have one more lockbox so mini boss would have 2 boxes second time death 3 on third and so on and same with he main boss except it increases in 5 so first time is 5, second 10 , third is 15 and so one, this event could be done by yourself or by queue were you will then do it with five other people and depending how many people the enemy’s difficulty is also adjusts so there are easier to fight if you are by yourself but you have a high chance of getting to higher levels with a team still. The vent could even cost 100-500 astral diamonds to actually participate in or a special currency that is hard to get. and depending if it is a weekly or monthly thing it time a new week comes or mouth it is a different lockbox but they go in a certain order and it just repeats. they could also have it were for every 50-100 kills you get or every 100,000 damage you give on the boss you get a enchantment key.
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