Shady Preparations : Entering stealth reduces all cooldowns by 10%. This DOES NOT work with the new encounter power: Blade Flurry, when it is on cooldown.
The new encounter power: Shadowy Disappearance does not work with the final feat point for saboteur. One with the shadows does not proc. when you use this encounter, so you do not get your stealth bar back after using it and damaging foes.
I don't know if this is a bug or just for the LOL's but, Oppressive darkness at rank 3 does 250 damage. That's just....I don't even know anymore.....(facepalm) If I remember correctly, it was doing A LOT more damage on the preview. It's better off just being removed, I mean come on....EVEN the FIRST class feature (Sneak Attack: +30% run speed at rank 3) is more effective.
BTW, I've heard SoD (shadow of demise) also, doesn't work (it doesn't proc. on anything)
There are a LOT more bugs. Please, fix the bugs. Gameplay is important. I'm pretty sure it must be frustrating for the other classes too.
Cant create my own rage threads so Ill rage here.
One with the shadows ( at least currently) doesnt work as intended half of the time. Extended testing showed me that when "one with the shadows" buff is up your next damage from encounter power without hard cc - lashing blade, blitz, Blade flurry and Impact shot (it stuns but dont break stealth though) should refill your stealth meter and do not break stealth. Encounters with cc refill stealth meter and break stealth. It all sounds nice but like 30 % of time it fails to proc. Sometimes it refills stealth meter but breaks stealth, sometimes it breaks stealth and DONT EVEN REFILL STEALTH METER.
One with the shadows ( at least currently) doesnt work as intended half of the time. Extended testing showed me that when "one with the shadows" buff is up your next damage from encounter power without hard cc - lashing blade, blitz, Blade flurry and Impact shot (it stuns but dont break stealth though) should refill your stealth meter and do not break stealth. Encounters with cc refill stealth meter and break stealth. It all sounds nice but like 30 % of time it fails to proc. Sometimes it refills stealth meter but breaks stealth, sometimes it breaks stealth and DONT EVEN REFILL STEALTH METER.