Here are my questions

1.If i have a account for the pc version can i use it on yhr XB1 as well and do i get my chars/items?
2.Is the XB1 version in different servers or are the pc and XB1 on the same servers?
3.Can you use a keyboard for ingame chatting?
4.Can you buy collector editions ingame too?
5.The new paladin class is it mace and shield only or can he use swords 1H/2H as well?
2) Yes
3) Yes, different servers
4) I don't know?
5) I don't know either but here is the Wikia
He didn't ask if it was out yet, he asked what it equips....
Know I answered the call
For a grand principle of freedom to yield.
My fervent prayer is that death
May not have been in vain
Fighting for peace and right for the world to attain
1: No, they were too lazy to transfer purchases from the PC version to the console, or even accountwide purchases before they launched.
2: Different servers.
3: You can download an app called Xbox SmartGlass to a tablet if you have a tablet with a keyboard attached that's what I've been using to type with or you can get one of those thumb keyboards that attach to the base of the controller those are like $21 I think on Amazon.
4: Didn't see collectors edition for the Xbox but the founder's pack is a mere shadow of it's former self.
5: Have not looked at the paladin class personally but if it's anything like the Warlock I'd say that only a single hand sword would be an alternative to the mace.