Welcome to the Official Time Thieves Recruitment thread.
Something about us:
Most of our members, if not all, are helpful, friendly, and well experienced. Within the first two days of creating the guild we managed to get around 50-80+members and every day we grow more and more. We're not some super competitive guild. More along the lines of a free to join community guild with a small amount of requirements.
Mic: Not needed but might be better to have.
Age: Really doesn't matter, just note most members are adults.
Language spoken: Once again doesn't really matter but if its not English, you might have trouble within the guild.
No trolling. Joking around is one thing but if you're trying to make someone mad and/or irritate them then you'll be kicked.
How to apply to the guild:
-Go to
-Make an account
-After you've created an account, look at the top right corner of the screen and click messages
-Then, send message, subject: Guild invite, and send the message to either me: Fariko Steezy or the main guild owner DaRukaZ telling us your gamertag and we'll friend and invite you into the guild.
Guild Contacts:
deRukaZ@ZakuR3d or Xbox GT:ZakuR3d [Owner][Website Moderator]
Steezy@Fariko Steezy or Xbox GT: Fariko Steezy [Co-Owner][Website Owner]
We currently have 150+ members.
Just a little edit. If you get a invite into our guild and don't like it. Don't decide to trash talk about it. Just be mature and leave without a word.
New Edit: Me and the main owner have noticed that alot of our members are starting to be very inactive within the guild. Saying that, anyone who wants to be part of the guild, we want you to be as active as you can. Inactive members will eventually be removed if its for a certain amount of time.
|| Axios Guild Leader || Neverwinter Trade Forum Moderator || Infernal Paragons ||
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Your timezone: Pacific
Your age: 23
Have you played any other MMO's: WoW (Done alot of Raiding at 10-40 Man Raids)
What's your Gamertag: COLDXLORD