Subject: Plagued Linkletter doesn't show up for the third battle
Steps to reproduce:
1. Play Plague Tower quest (TR class / Drow Race).
2. Fight Plagued Linkletter (he falls through the floor).
3. Fight Plagued Linkletter again (he flops over and twitches, holding up an arm as if begging for assistance).
4. Get to third fight - cutscene of where Linkletter should be... but no Linkletter, because he's still back down the cave doing his twitching thing.
5. Finish the rest of level - including defeating of Rhazzad.
Bug: Can't escape or get the end of level reward, because you didn't defeat the Plagued Linkletter.
Note: The only way to actually leave (and lose the progress), is to use a teleport scroll to PE.