I was doing a bit of internet google-fu based on the reading I was doing from the Gateway down thread. Seems to me the problem may have been DNS related. So, I looked up the info for gateway.playneverwinter.com. It gave me the ip address to the site, and bam... No delay no problems, other than security issues etc. Which got me searching for ways to fix that, and I stumbled on a reddit post about a similar issue with disconnects from LOL (League of Legends). Here is a snippet from that article about how he fixed it. It fixed it for me, at least for now.
Navigate to Control Panel>Networking and Sharing Center>Change Adapter Settings>Right Click your Connection and select properties.
In the networking tab, navigate to IPv4, click it, and select properties.
Change your DNS settings to this:
Hope it helped some of you, if any.
Edit: I use my router to do all the DNS stuff for my home network, so I changed the router IP address for the DNS server, by the way.
Edit 2: Well, as soon as I posted this, I noticed that the thread for the gateway is down has several posts that it is fixed... I don' t know if my timing is amazing, or what...
Yeah, Google DNS wasn't going to fix the issue its what I normally use and I was having the same problems as everyone else. Although I do believe the problem does have something to do with name resolution, i seemed to have a lot more success navigating directly to the IP so I didn't have to worry about DNS servers getting confused by some screwed up table somewhere.