Yesterday in one of my Tia runs, my character would turn 180 degree's from my sighted target and fire at absolutely nothing behind me. This happened 50% of the run. At least 30% of the time when I take a shot I hear the sound buy my toon is just standing there and the shot never finishes. This wastes valuable seconds and starts the cool down timer on that slotted item.

I have done 100's of runs in the TOD campaign, have been at 100% complete for over a month now and have NEVER received a single shard of dragon forged steel, NEVER received the items to obtain an artifact weapon. Now that mod 6 is coming soon, I have been grinding extra to attempt to get the these items and still not a one. I still haven't received the needed items for my 4th boon yet it says I'm 100% done. Lately I've noticed that some of the professions are taking way longer than the said time.... for example, I use purple profs for everything and every once when I log in for the first time in the day, (usually log in at midnight to start profs so they are done in the morning) some of my profs still have 4 hours remaining on them. These are normal 12 hour profs (without added professionals). A purple will knock that back to 8 hrs so why at 9 am is there still 4 hrs remaining? And that is another thing that gets me.... a purple prof advertises 50% speed reduction yet it only knocks back a 12 hr job to 8 hours..... when I went to school that did not equate to 50%. This game is starting to get more frustrating than fun. I've been playing since initial release and as of lately been considering retiring it since the frustrations are out weighing the fun factor.
Has anybody else had similar issues or am I alone on these?
Take the extra time to do the job right and it will never come back to bite you in the A**
Lag or graphics issue, probably: Your aim locks to a Legion Devil you don't see, who then teleports behind you before you release the shot.
You would (but shouldn't anymore, probably, as with Mod 6 the new Elemental Weapon is obtained with a simple quest) get Dragon Bone and Gem from Shores of Tuern and Lair of Lostmouth. Dragon Forged Steel (not Shard of, s.b.) is bought at the dwarven merchant near Harper Boward inn PE or the same guy in WoD. These are required for the campaign task "Dragonforged Artifact" which takes 20h, then gives you one of the five possible artifact weapons.
Shard of Dragon Forged Steel: When you craft a weapon which is not to your liking (wrong one), you carry that to the salvager. Salvage yields a Shard. This way, after five fails, you can eventually buy the weapon of your preference.
But don't just do that now, wait a week and you'll get the next-gen Artifact weapon for all but free...
100% unlocked = all tasks can be picked, even if you didn't complete them.
It's not speed reduction, but speed bonus. RL example: You have a car that droves 50 km/h. So driving 50 km takes 1 hour. You go to the tuner, and he makes it run 50% fater. Now it drives 75 km/h. 50 km / 75 km/h = 40 minutes.
The math here is: actual time = list time * 100% / (100% + bonus%).
So with that 50% bonus, it's 100% / 150%, or 2/3, or 8h instead of 12h. Recovery stat works the same way, BTW.