I am a 50+ yr old Aussie hobbit called ootyfast.
I am good natured, positive, upbeat and fun to play with.
I have several American and Aussie friends that I have played
neverwinter with on and off for the last few years.
We have also played several other games, for me, starting with
lord of the rings online, guild wars 2, rift, defiance, and
warframe to name a few :-)
I currently play from early morning aussie time (5am gmt +10) with
some of my American friends and used to play late into the evening
when my Aussie mates were playing.
I am looking for an Aussie or American guild that has some Aussies
who play daytimes in Aussie, maybe, but generally just looking for
a fun and mature aged guild to join and head into the new level
cap stuffs!
I look forward to hearing from guild leaders or recruiters soon. :cool:
Ootyfast Tearaway
(in game