First of all - both Dragon and Drider i didn't met any mentions of same problems, so if any already known - moderators, beg your pardon.
since mod5 start entering stealth + 6 sec after i see this "mocking gesture", being executioner on drider and saboteur on dragon, though no points in this feat. It's only picture, deflection amount didn't change while pic applied.
green numbers 70 and 36 on golem, deflected healing. (deflection for recepient, not healer) Ru-DCs notice that sometimes (in combat-logs afterwards), and their word that deflection works sometimes on "healing lore", but... nothing else known.
Personally, i saw that on encounters like dragons and pvp. Most probably it's not healing from feat, cause no such pop-up words appeared. Sometimes deflection proks on healing definitely from astral seal. I saw this on healing from DC in any feat tree, sometimes it's HoT and deflected every strike of it, sometimes just one number (though most probably it's healing of faithful DC, cause with capstone taken all HoTs become songle-healing).
I'm not sure if only TR can deflect healing, or other classes, but i've got screen only for TR, so...