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Question about the Paragons.

chocobolochocobolo Member Posts: 21 Arc User
edited March 2015 in The Wilds
Hi, I started trying to play all the classes and rolls to get a much deeper feeling of the game. I find my joy in being useful and "carry" my team to victory, via dps, control, support, you name it, even if I go uncredit for.

When I first started playing I told my playing mates I would never try a HR, however, after reading about the class, I can say I am very intrigued by the stance switching and potentially devastating power of a HR.

I am mainly focused on PvE team play. But I do intend to do a bit of PvP if just for the new good rewards. I think we can all agree "solo" play is a thing of the past incoming Mod 6 and the "dailies" zones being more difficult requiring weaksauces (like my new HR) to group up.

Which Paragon you think contributes the most to a party? I can't decide between Slasher's Mark + Careful Attack VS Stormstep Action + Disruptive Shot/Forest Ghost.

PS: I am decided on the Trapper path. And yes, I already looked around here for guides and tips but as someone already said in another post, most stuff is outdated. What charms me the most about the class is the feeling that it has a very high learning curve, that can also be potentially very rewarding.
Post edited by chocobolo on


  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Trapper is very strong right now. SW is better for PVE because of AOE but Pathfinder does better single-target for PVP. That said either can do both they are just slightly less optimal. Due to the cooldown reductions in the trapper feats you will not end up needing stormstep, or really much recovery at all. The reason most of those threads are old is that most of the discussions are pretty settled. BI or DT is going to be the best set for trapper. Focus on getting those strong roots out for the Thorned Roots ticks. Since you will be tab-spamming anyway Serpent is a good aspect and with Bite it gives you even more power and crit. The real debate is dex or wis belt and that comes down to build.
  • chocobolochocobolo Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Thank you for your input. I am trying to build my HR ahead of time with the crumbs of info we have regarding Mod 6, and as someone mentioned somewhere else, it seems there is a trend on Cryptic's part to make boss fights heavily focus on the boss itself (Tiamat, LoL, etc).

    Thing is, out of the many tips I have read, one pointed that its never the add-fest that makes or breaks your party, its the Boss fight. With this in mind I don't worry too much about the AoE aspect of any of my chars, as I would be making a difference of clearing a mob pack in 3 seconds or 2.5 seconds, 10 seconds or 9 seconds, etc. However, single target/survival is another thing.

    Hence my inner debate boils down to what I mentioned in the OP, but I guess both can be good at single target/survival. With Pathfinder I guess you get more passive defense, and with Stormwaden you get more active defense in the form of CC.

    I think I will settle for Stormwarden, currently my HR sits at lv 20 (Drow), but once it hits lv 60/70, and gets at least a T2 or T3 set, I will create a Wood Elf for Pathfinder, taking into account how Stormwarden and Drow are more offensive oriented while Pathfinder and Wood Elf are more defense oriented.

    EDIT: By BI you mean Black Ice? What set is DT btw?
  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    DT = Draconic Templar

    Your future? "Blood, Toil, Sweat and Tia's"
  • chocobolochocobolo Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    DT = Draconic Templar

    Your future? "Blood, Toil, Sweat and Tia's"

    Thank you, DT set doesn't appear on the NW wiki, and after more reading about the future of "sets" on Mod 6 (and onwards) I guess there isn't that incentive for me anymore to complete them.

    I guess you mean leveling and gearing 2 HR will be painful? Heh, I am sure it might be a bit tedious and difficult, but I bet nothing beats Turtle GF... NOTHING. I am looking forward to the difficult aspect, it will erase all boringness of the tedious aspect.
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Correct on DT and BI. I was rather active on preview just to see what would happen with my HR. Outside of adding the new encounter SW Trapper was extremely successful in most PVE, did not mess with PVP much on preview. Gear is a big questionmark. The only L70 I have seen is the new PVP gear and the new BI gear. I have a tentative BI build I may try when it goes live.
  • felixkamfelixkam Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    DT is good overall, but the lack of armour penetration does hurt when Mod 6 rolls in. BI is good but can take a lot of farming to reach and maintain. If you're playing casually you'll want to roll with Royal Guard for non-trapper specs, and just personally I find the profound PvP gear nice for trappers, mostly because the extra run speed helps you remain mobile.

    Stormstep action does remain useful even on a trapper, because you don't always reach 100% cooldown refreshment on your rotations. Stormstep guarantees it when you combine it with Disruptive Shot. It's particularly useful in PvP.
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  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Sure Mod6 changes the curves on all of these things. Currently in preview I am in higher level blues for most gear (except chest because of enchant slots And weapons /artis because I have not found better). The higher level blues you can flat buy from NPCs are better than any current epic armor.
  • chocobolochocobolo Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Thanks for the reply guys.

    Is that new gear bought with the new seals or plain old gold from the NPCs at Protector's Enclave? (Seven Sun Market I think its called)
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Umm I bought some L65 from the vendor in WoD. I honestly cannot remember for the rest. IIRC there is a vendor in one of the new zones.
  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Look you here. Saw this in the CW class forum, but I doubt that HR gear will be different...
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