not sure where to post this but I'm trying here.
I know all about this controversy between needing and greeding during greed runs and alike. But still, I am new to the game, and was running with a friend. We queued up for dungeon and noticed very quickly a guy in the party was really strong. Got gear score around 18k, which is a lot compared to ours around 10k.
So, we are gearing up, while running pug runs during dungeon delves. I know gearing feels pointless right now, but still.
So, I needed on a thing. And got vote-kicked out in the blink of an eye. The other people in party were as clueless as me and my friend, but I guess they clicked yes anyway. Worthy to mention, everyone had been needing everything before, this run and runs before, always everyone needs epics in pug runs. And this item was an obvious upgrade for me.
But yeah. I got kicked. Because I needed an item I needed because it was better than what I had.
I mean come on, pug run, no one cares there. I can understand getting kicked if I was running a greed run, but we weren't.
Is this really how things work? I'm not upset, I just can't wrap my head around what happened.