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Cloud of Steel needs to be reverted back into 8 Charges.

jackedbrahjackedbrah Member Posts: 118 Bounty Hunter
edited February 2015 in PvP Discussion
Hello, ladies and gentlemen, players of NeverWinter! Has your day been good? Yeah? That's good! That's real good!.

Now hear me out.

Cloud of Steel needs to be reverted to 8 charges and faster speed


1) Sabotuers are abusing this by spamming CoS while stealthed. Resulting in an enormous burst of damage that cannot be deflected, mitigated... yeah, Piercing Damage.

2) Scoundrels are extending their dazes in an almost infinite way with CoS

3) Executioners are also spamming this to increase the damage of Shadow of Demise's double proc.

PVE isn't affected by this since I don't know any TR worth his salt who uses CoS in PVE.
Elitist dooshbag

Guardian Fighter main. I will never switch to Paladin even if we're a dying breed. GF for ever!

Main alts: Great Weapon Fighter, Control Wizard.
Post edited by jackedbrah on


  • godlysoul2godlysoul2 Member Posts: 661 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    CoS isn't nearly as potent/useful as DF in your case 1/3. In 2 it isn't a problem because it is only really useful 1v1 out of stealth or nearly out of stealth due to the stealth drain with lack of stealth refill for scoundrel, resulting in lackluster damage in addition to the stun which is only extended by a short duration. (Note that anything close to perma-stun is not possible, even with infinite CoS changes and especially not with all the possible CC breakers/immunities)

    DF even works really well for scoundrel if you can land it since the damage is so much better, it is just the range from CoS is a safer alternative when they need to rely on the stuns for survivability.
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    jackedbrah wrote: »
    Hello, ladies and gentlemen, players of NeverWinter! Has your day been good? Yeah? That's good! That's real good!.

    Now hear me out.

    Cloud of Steel needs to be reverted to 8 charges and faster speed


    1) Sabotuers are abusing this by spamming CoS while stealthed. Resulting in an enormous burst of damage that cannot be deflected, mitigated... yeah, Piercing Damage.

    2) Scoundrels are extending their dazes in an almost infinite way with CoS

    3) Executioners are also spamming this to increase the damage of Shadow of Demise's double proc.

    PVE isn't affected by this since I don't know any TR worth his salt who uses CoS in PVE.

    i would love to have old CoS back, 8 charges faster are enough considering stealth depletion and stealth reveal while doing a faster and hence safer burst.
    are you sure? where should i sign for it?
  • mirrorballsmirrorballs Member Posts: 877 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    CoS is fine. It's the individual features that need to be addressed.
  • khimera906khimera906 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    CoS doe not proc multiple SoD, I know this because I use CoS every time I have to dodge away from a dragon and cant go back to melee right away because the dragon has an AoE around it. A lot of times this happens during the 6 seconds of SoD and, no I don't see it proccing more than once. If you're gonna ask for a nerf or balance or whatever, don't use BS argument.
    I don't really care if they roll it back to 8 charges, btw. I rarely had the need to throw more then 3-4 daggers at a time before going back to melee.
    I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
  • edited February 2015
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  • edited February 2015
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  • mafesiomafesio Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Piercing damage should be eliminated completely from any MMO. It's a ridiculous idea. Of just get rid of DR, DEFLECT, TENACITY. Of course the skilless are going to flock to any build that has piercing damage since it subtracts the needs of timing or aiming to do damage. Since it's introduction to this game it's been a disaster in every way. 99% of gwf's, hrs, and tr's choose builds that revolve around peircing damage because it takes no skill to damage. Unresistable damage will alway's be a problem. The ones that suffer the most are tank classes or classes with no so great dodge abilities. I used to play my GF regularly until they introduced Piercing damage.
  • edited February 2015
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  • mafesiomafesio Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I have 12 characters, no that utilize any form of proc(or as little as I can) and none with piercing damage in any form. I have alway's hoped that they would remove such things and never used them so as not to become reliant on them. I could easily build all my toons and run around with piercing builds. I could sit stealth and toss COS, runaround waving my sword in a circle without having to aim let alone even see the target to do massive damage, or a burst at will that does massive piercing damage. But honestly, that is just lame to play. One of my toons is 17.1k, no piercing damage damage or procs and am in the first 25 pages of leaderboard (never looked until yesterday to be honest). I see the difference in play all the time in pvp.

    For me I can't one shot anyone, or even kill quickly normally, my crit is 650 so if I get lucky maybe I can kill quick. I rely on timing and tactics and the fact I have all classes and know how to counter them. I do play at a disadvantage to the piercing builds, as it takes time for me to kill them and seconds to kill me. But it is annoying that a lesser skilled player who has to do nothing but spam an at will or not even target me to do massive damage that takes me 5 times as long, I am going to whine. One piercing build on a team isn't to bad more then 3 it's a joke. 2 Hr's with piercing is More OP then 5 tr's is my experience. It makes people decide they must go with the same builds to compete leaving all that want to play other builds at an even higher disadvantage.

    I just don't want to see the day, where all toons are the same build forcing other to avoid pvp or switch build which I will never do. Imagine 3 gwf's all with the same build using come and get it and intimidation and 2 tr sabs with COS. You might run onto the node as a team all be dead before no matter what you defensive stats are or HP. That is not fun to play against.

    Any form of unresistable damage eliminates skill and degrades pvp by crushing diversity.
  • mafesiomafesio Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    COS is not the problem. The paths and feats along with COS that are a problem.
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