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[Gallifreyan Keep] We put the FUN in dysFUNctional!

instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User

Gallifreyan Keep is a close-knit, no-exploit Guild that is often referred to by our guild members as a "family". We intend to maintain this level of camaraderie and friendship here, in a relaxed, casual environment.

Anyone and everyone is welcome.

We have all the bells and whistles that you'd expect in a much larger guild. Our members work hard and they play hard. With the upcoming Strongholds mod, we hope to add to our numbers a little and will need all hands on deck for this.

Check us out: Gallifreyan Keep (yeah.. we're total geeks)...

If you're interested, shoot me an ingame email @instynctive, or a real-world email instynctive@gallifreyankeep.org.

"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
Post edited by instynctive on


  • instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Post edited by instynctive on
    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
  • instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    We've opened up recruitment again... looking for 15 or 20 players to round out the roster. We've done well so far with SH upgrades, but having some more active players will help speed things up a little bit.

    At the time of this post, we're just over 10 hours from a GH L5. Not too shabby! I'm proud of my guildmembers for all the hard work that they've put into improving our home.

    We're fun, casual grind, can get pretty naughty in chat at times... we've started taking down dragons in Dragonflight, and run a lot of Epics, either all-Guild parties, or with friends in NW_Legit_Community, because exploits are for losers.

    We don't have any sort of minimum requirements.. all levels and classes and ilvls and whatever are welcome. Leave your ego (ego is my department.. heh heh heh) annd negativity at the door. We don't charge membership fees or anything silly like that.. inversely, we have a bank full of stuff that members have donated to help out newer folks.

    Our Forums are quite active, and we do request that folks join up so that they can stay abreast of everything that's going on.. from guild contests, the latest secret codes for free swag, to lots of fun and random malarkey in the off-topic section. New to SH? New to Elemental Evil? We have some great walk-throughs and other important information. Dragonflight? Same-same. Of course, we're on Facebook and Twitter, although I don't tweet things as much as I should, since FB is picky about how many tweets actually get shared...

    Overall, I think that we've been lucky: our "core" group is comprised of some pretty amazing people from all over the world... we are very welcoming and supportive of everyone, regardless if they've been in the guild a few days or a few months.

    And YES! It's perfectly acceptable for newbies to use Guild Chat! No need to be scared or nervous or pensive about it. Say "hi!" Yell out an expletive! It's all good.

    I do greatly dislike shameless self-promotion, and yes, I know that the competition for players is fierce... but I'm not going to put an ad on Craigslist. :-P
    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
  • instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    ....and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to us!

    One year old today!

    20 more years and we can legally drink. Such a long way from here... lol
    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
  • instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    So you can imagine how surprised I was to get an email from the @strumslinger a few days ago, stating that we'd been selected for the Guild Spotlight (I honestly thought he was going to yell at me for something... again).. ;-)

    In case you missed it: http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/neverwinter/news/detail/9967613-guild-spotlight:-gallifreyan-keep

    So a quick update from long, long ago...

    We'sitting at about half the max of both characters and players.. GH L8, Market L4.. we have some neat boons.. and will, with any luck and lots of SH HE grinding be at GH L10 before the Siege event is over.

    Outside of that.. we're still the same old guild that's been around for more than a year now.. we love putting together guild parties and taking on a dungeon, or Demogorgon, or Demonic HEs, or campaign stuff. We're also sometimes content to just stand around the deck in the Stronghold, just chattering away.

    We use C3 for voice. It's free, lightweight and awesome. It can be hit or miss if anyone happens to be on it.

    But we have fun. There's a few hardcore folks in the Guild, and we support that, but we're mostly here for the escape from reality and to go explode pixels with friends.

    While I haven't done a proper "poll", our membership base tends to run a little older than most.. I'd wager most of our folks are somewhere between 35 and 50 years old. We have a few who are younger... we have a few who are older more experienced. We're also kind of like the Deadpool movie: need to be 18 to see it, and 14 to understand it.

    Regardless.. we're super excited to have made the Spotlight, and thank the powers-that-be for the love.

    If you're interested, give me a shout-out here, ingame, or email instynctive@gallifreyankeep.org.

    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
  • strumslingerstrumslinger Member, NW_CrypticDev, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,724 Cryptic Developer
    Glad to spotlight you guys!

    Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
    Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame 
    Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter

    Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger

  • deathbeezdeathbeez Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 789 Arc User

    LOL I Love that gif!
  • instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    Ha, thanks!

    @kolatmaster doesn't have the monopoly on animated GIFs. ;-)
    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User

    @kolatmaster doesn't have the monopoly on animated GIFs. ;-)

    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User

    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
  • instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    I forgot to mention.. if you're interested in joining, but are stuck at work, or school, or just nowhere near a computer, I added a big red JOIN US! link on the website. Pop on over, get signed up, and when you log into the game next you will (most likely) have a guild invite waiting for you.

    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
  • instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    Time once again to put out a recruiting call for folks interested in joining a "fun" and "quirky" (strum said it, not me) guild that has way too much fun, is part of the near-infamous Tuxedo T-Shirt Alliance, and so close to GH Level 12 that we can taste it.

    Give either myself @instynctive and/or @tessamorsel a shout in-game, or rush right over to our website (http://www.gallifreyankeep.org/) and click that big red "JOIN US!" link.

    What we're looking for: fun, sociable, laid back people with a penchance for euphemisms and desire to be a part of a greater community. Character level, item level and wealth are things that we don't care about.

    What we aren't looking for: pigknuckles. If you're a pigknuckle, then kindly go join a pigknuckle guild.

    Looking forward to running Dragonflight with you!
    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
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