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[Bug Report] HR critical strike stat?

dyesleedyeslee Member Posts: 307 Arc User
I have been on the Preview server for awhile now and I have noticed that my critical strike has to be wrong or a stat text error. See the pictures below

The first 2 pics are of my current HR level 70 on preview
current level 70
critical strike: 6,064

Offense and Healing
Critical chance: 34.2%


Now on the 2nd set of shots is the same character copied fresh and retrained exactly the same way as my current level 70 version as her current level 60 gear on live server.



Level 60
Critical strike: 4,268

Offense and Healing:
Critical Chance: 37.9%

The problem is that my level 60 has a lower critical strike stat but with higher crit chance.
my level 70 has a higher critical strike stat but over 5% less critical chance.

Am i reading this wrong or has the Critical chance been modified on the HR with Mod 6 or is this a bug on my character alone?
I have asked several other players including HRs about this, and have gotten responses that i should have way more critical chance with that high of a rating.

All have said that they're critical strike have been normal stat wise ratio to their critical chance even at level 70.
Post edited by dyeslee on


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    dyesleedyeslee Member Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I submitted a bug report via. arc games support as well but would like others to reply to this pertaining to their Critical strike stats and see if there is a major difference in the numbers.. The math does not add up or nor make any since.

    And yes i have removed all gear, retrained a few times. Relogged, restarted, etc.. still showing same information.
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