As evident in this thread: Nearly everyone wants a minimap in some form. The only person that didn't really want it is zebular, but even he said he'd be ok with a toggle. Literally everyone else directly wants it on the 4 pages and still growing thread aforementioned, or directly wants the ability to toggle it when it's needed.
Last we heard was during the Q&A live stream, which they said: "Minimap might be added if enough people want it.", supposedly.
Since so many people are saying they want it, can we please have some update on this? Frankly, the lack of a minimap made the game nearly unplayable in my opinion, and very unfun. I only got to level 10 then stopped playing the beta (kept giving feedback and bug reports though) simply because the lack of a minimap was driving me crazy. Having to open the full map at least twice (once to see general area of objective, once again to see direction of quest turn in NPC) on every single quest is incredibly annoying, and seriously negatively impacted my enjoyment of the game, borderline ruined it for me. You could argue the trails work, but that lads to the problem of having to open the Journal every single time to hide the current quest trail and activate another if it's tracking the wrong quest, which is even worse than viewing the full map.
I love the idea of having a true full FTP MMO on XB1, or any console really, but I still don't understand the reasoning behind removing a feature already on PC. You can argue that it cramps the UI, but that leads to the fact that the PC version has the ability to rearrange/resize the UI, which was removed in the XB1 version too.
So please, can we get some word on the minimap for XB1? If it's added, it'll multiply my like of the game a ton, and I guarantee I'll be buying Zen points or whatever it's called on XB1. Without it.... I question how long I'll play the game at all, muchless won't be buying any Zen point.