Watcher's Grounds NW-DCX4DVHOB -
@topwicz - continuation of Sharandar's Defense
Yeah. I decided to finish a quest I was making back when Foundry contest was on.
I planned to do some small campaign about dragons and… well this is the second quest in that maybe campaign.
Title is not a final one… I couldn't decide how to call this one but for now it’s that.
Also looking for a name for this campaign – any ideas welcome.
So what are you doing in this quest?
Cultists took over an ancient Keep and want to do some nasty things. You need to gather allies to retake it and destroy any evil that cultists want to unleash. – I’ll do better with this but I’m a bit tired.
Most of the quest take place in one map, one pretty big map – you might want to have a horse with you.
Hope you will like it.
Tell me what you think.
Watcher's Keep - courtyard

Barbarian Village

It's a bit more dialogue driven (I think at least) and less straightforward than Defense. No skymaps though so maybe people won't be complaining about loot falling down
Also I limited party members for you - as I'm pretty sure you and Kasul will be the only ones playing it
I do wonder what you will think of this one.