Our movement, specifically our ability to dodge and move while firing are what I'm addressing here.
First, the dodge itself - claims 6 feet, just like the cleric, but really only goes about half as far as the dc in one go. A cleric can dodge a splat from a dragon in one move, an HR takes 2-3, which not only makes it slower, but makes the cost much greater in terms of stamina. I'd like to see the movement itself increased to what the clerics are getting (without a nerf to the clerics or warlocks - they're fun as they are) or maybe just a switch to a sprint mechanic. We're talking about a class based on agile elvish warriors here, not regiments of English Archers in formation (which brings me to my second point).
Secondly - Clerics and SW's can hit with massive beam attacks while moving. That's great. I love that mechanic. It's dynamic and fun. It keeps the enemy guessing and provides a much more lively feeling to those classes. In light of this, I propose the removal of the self root from Rapid Shot. Saracen archers, for example, were able to move in all kinds of incredible ways while firing a stream of arrows at a rate that makes our rapid shot look... well, not that rapid. Granted, Saracens couldn't make thorns thrust up from the ground or lightning strike their enemies, but the mechanics of plain old archery are being grossly underestimated here.
Let us be the fast moving skirmishers we were meant to be!
As a combat HR, I enjoy the short dodges. It is easy for me to flank the target without getting out of range of a melee attack. It is a double edged sword, as mentioned it can take a chain of dodges to get out of large red zones. Also breaking the gap back to the target can be more difficult without marauder's or even boar charge. However I find the current dodge ok, I don't have too much issue getting out of red zones. We do get a second a damage immunity after each dodge.
While I would love shooting on the move, it will probably be too OP in PvP with an at will.
My HR feels really slow though. I have my hoard enchants slotted all the time and without the +movement speed enchants.. yeah.. sucks. Would be nice for us to have a class feature with built in +speed along with something else similar to the TR feat.
Right. I remember now that the SW beam attack is an encounter, but the beams the cleric can use are charged up at-wills. They do an incredible amount of damage with a righteous path cleric. Moving while using rapid shot wouldn't really be that OP considering what clerics, CW's and TR's are capable of in terms of PvP.
Right now archery-spec HR's seem like a free win if one of those classes happens upon them. I'll be the first to admit I haven't figured out a way to make my archery stormwarden (PvE monster, PvP laughing stock) a real threat. I don't normally win unless I catch people with a surprise aimed shot. That's probably a subject for a different thread though and I'm clearly digressing.
Truth be told I don't mind the shorter dodges (they seem to fire fairly fast), I just think if they're going to be that short they should cost much less in terms of stamina. We should be the second fastest class, and the truth is that right now the only thing slower is the Guardian Fighter. I haven't ever felt as much like Muhammad Ali as I do playing my cleric. Stick and move. attack from all ranges and keep 'em guessing. Movement + fast firing spikes + beams to lock on and mop up whatever is left = a potent killing machine. I'm making Bruce Lee noises in my head during every second of combat with my righteous cleric. This is a member of the clergy. Have you seen the Pope? He's not taking home any heavyweight titles any time soon. Our nimble forest assassins can't keep up. Just seems goofy.
If you take "Fleet stance" feat from Trapper, you will have extra 10% movement speed everytime you switch stance. So that you can simply switch stance to get speed boost, run to the edge of the red then dodge, rather than burning your stamina to dodge multiple times.
The following feats will become available after investing 10 paragon points into the corresponding tree. Feats previously available at 10 points have been moved to 15, those available at 15 have been moved to 20, and so on.
Longshot: Your critical ranged attacks also deal a bonus 20/40/60/80/100% of your weapon damage as physical. This bonus is tripled for encounter powers and is multiplied by 5 for dailies.
Hasty Retreat: When you take damage from a foe you gain 5/10/15/20/25% more move speed for 6 seconds.
i think those 2 feats will make the archer more competetive in pvp than he is now .
Right right. So we're getting one point per level. That's good. It'll be interesting to see how longshot and hasty retreat compare to the extra boosts the other classes are getting.
If you take "Fleet stance" feat from Trapper, you will have extra 10% movement speed everytime you switch stance.
With the extra 10 feat points, might look into this one. M6 "Lucky Skirmisher" looks to be almost garbage right now, unless the combat critical chance is going to be sky high. Kind of doubt it though.
Still would really like to see movement speed baked into a class feature vs feats.
Right right. So we're getting one point per level. That's good. It'll be interesting to see how longshot and hasty retreat compare to the extra boosts the other classes are getting.
the archer is the only tree that got a decent dps boost , since i don't count "gambit whatever" to combat tree as a boost .
the trapper more recharge time will help too with the new curve and recovery !
If you take "Fleet stance" feat from Trapper, you will have extra 10% movement speed everytime you switch stance. So that you can simply switch stance to get speed boost, run to the edge of the red then dodge, rather than burning your stamina to dodge multiple times.
I agree to disagree on this point. Constantly, swithching stances makes for a painful experience, especially, when time counts in pvp. I don't understand why they put this mechanic in, in the first place. It is a HUGE waste of of points for diminishing returns, in terms of a useful skill.
Like Aimed shot for that matter; this skill is useless in pvp. It is the biggest damage dealer we have, but the wind blows and you have to start over. Attila's Hun archers could rapid fire while on horseback, ACCURATELY, and decimate enemies and we can't even get one shot of because a rogue 40 feet away sneezes; and it's over. Maybe the dev's should really rethink this skill and come up with a threshold for which you have to start over. I don't see TR, or any other class have an ability that has such a HUGE build up time. It is at the point where it isn't worth it as a skill to have.
By in large, MOST, of the HR abilities that are worth any weight in salt, and are nerfed by time. That used to be the case with TR's duelists fury, but now it is a viable skill. Pretty sure the devs need to readdress the timing consideration on HR's in a BIG way.
I agree with the discussion of reducing the stamina cost for shorter moves, I KNOW that the HR has to have the shortest dodge in the game. It is not an ineffective dodge becuase I have outdodge TR's but my stamina runs out way too fast. In the alternative, they roll around and you can't catch them or roll away and are gone with thier speed. To be honest, I don't understand why HR's don't get a faster runspeed They are supposed to be agile, fleet footed warriors, but are more like sandbags on the shore waiting for the river to wash them away.
If the problem is giving them speed would make them op, then give them a 6 second runspeed debuff after attacking something. Let them attack while moving, except aimed shot, but at a reduced movement rate. However, that would present the problem I have had on my HR of being locked in combat, because the flag never clears. I have had to jump into the spikes in gauntlygrym, so I could mount again. I think it would be a good solution to give them a run debuff until combat is over. Like they are concentrating on firing, but they are not locked in one spot unless they need more concentration for aimed shot. And please, fix the GF 20 feet away farting and you have to start your aimed shot over. Maybe a pushback effect, or every time you have to restart it increases it speed and causes immunity to being interrupted.
This will ultimately backfire in pvp because you will be dead before you ever attempt to get two shots off in a mono y mono combat. Yet, if there is a huge battle going on with a bunch of people, a CW 50 feet away from you might distrupt one of our aimed shots, but when they are on cooldown we can at least get it off. I dont see CW's getting interrupted during steal time, why do HR's get it?:rolleyes:
HR's have zero real defense in close range, sure you can switch to melee, but the damage is pathetic at best. In PVE or PVP, the only time I switch is for the slow speed buff to catch up to guardian fighters on the run :mad:. That' not saying much good about HR's speeds there:eek:.
I think about it realistically, what it the difference if you rapid shot an electric arrow vs. a regular arrow? Nothing, the payload doesn't delegate the speed. These two skills should fire at the same rate.
Well, these are just some thoughts on the issue. I hope some solutions come out of the issues raised here. This post is not meant to be offensive to anyone and if you find offense in something, I am sorry you feel that way. However, I stand by my positions and pray to Oghma that the dev's find the wisdom to correct some things to make HR's a viable class due in part they have never been more than a freebie kill in pvp since the inception of neverwinter.
Well, these are just some thoughts on the issue. I hope some solutions come out of the issues raised here.
This section does not get too much exposure. I would put your suggestions and thoughts in the HR preview feedback thread in the Preview Shard section of the forum.
What about a runspeed buff for a few seconds after dodging? Give us the ability to keep up with a dodging cleric or rogue, even if we don't get as many immunity frames.
There are several ways to improve your speed as a HR.
-Trapper's fleet stance (t1 feat): 10% speed for 6s after switching stance.
-PvP sets: brutal 10% speed, grim 15% speed, profound 20% speed, and the new pvp set in mod 6 will give you 25% speed.
-Pathfinder's pathfinder action (class feature at 40 pts): 18% speed (at rank 3) after using a daily.
Personally, I do not find movement speed a HR's issue. For me, the real issue is the delay/inconsistency of immunity frame of HR's shift. There are so many instances that visually I dodged out of red areas, but split of second later, I still got struck by the red area damage.
While I would love shooting on the move, it will probably be too OP in PvP with an at will.
My HR feels really slow though. I have my hoard enchants slotted all the time and without the +movement speed enchants.. yeah.. sucks. Would be nice for us to have a class feature with built in +speed along with something else similar to the TR feat.
Right now archery-spec HR's seem like a free win if one of those classes happens upon them. I'll be the first to admit I haven't figured out a way to make my archery stormwarden (PvE monster, PvP laughing stock) a real threat. I don't normally win unless I catch people with a surprise aimed shot. That's probably a subject for a different thread though and I'm clearly digressing.
Truth be told I don't mind the shorter dodges (they seem to fire fairly fast), I just think if they're going to be that short they should cost much less in terms of stamina. We should be the second fastest class, and the truth is that right now the only thing slower is the Guardian Fighter. I haven't ever felt as much like Muhammad Ali as I do playing my cleric. Stick and move. attack from all ranges and keep 'em guessing. Movement + fast firing spikes + beams to lock on and mop up whatever is left = a potent killing machine. I'm making Bruce Lee noises in my head during every second of combat with my righteous cleric. This is a member of the clergy. Have you seen the Pope? He's not taking home any heavyweight titles any time soon. Our nimble forest assassins can't keep up. Just seems goofy.
i think those 2 feats will make the archer more competetive in pvp than he is now .
you can have the 10 points when leveling up to 70 ^^
With the extra 10 feat points, might look into this one. M6 "Lucky Skirmisher" looks to be almost garbage right now, unless the combat critical chance is going to be sky high. Kind of doubt it though.
Still would really like to see movement speed baked into a class feature vs feats.
the archer is the only tree that got a decent dps boost , since i don't count "gambit whatever" to combat tree as a boost .
the trapper more recharge time will help too with the new curve and recovery !
I wish there was a potion of speed like in the old Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate games.
I agree to disagree on this point. Constantly, swithching stances makes for a painful experience, especially, when time counts in pvp. I don't understand why they put this mechanic in, in the first place. It is a HUGE waste of of points for diminishing returns, in terms of a useful skill.
Like Aimed shot for that matter; this skill is useless in pvp. It is the biggest damage dealer we have, but the wind blows and you have to start over. Attila's Hun archers could rapid fire while on horseback, ACCURATELY, and decimate enemies and we can't even get one shot of because a rogue 40 feet away sneezes; and it's over. Maybe the dev's should really rethink this skill and come up with a threshold for which you have to start over. I don't see TR, or any other class have an ability that has such a HUGE build up time. It is at the point where it isn't worth it as a skill to have.
By in large, MOST, of the HR abilities that are worth any weight in salt, and are nerfed by time. That used to be the case with TR's duelists fury, but now it is a viable skill. Pretty sure the devs need to readdress the timing consideration on HR's in a BIG way.
I agree with the discussion of reducing the stamina cost for shorter moves, I KNOW that the HR has to have the shortest dodge in the game. It is not an ineffective dodge becuase I have outdodge TR's but my stamina runs out way too fast. In the alternative, they roll around and you can't catch them or roll away and are gone with thier speed. To be honest, I don't understand why HR's don't get a faster runspeed They are supposed to be agile, fleet footed warriors, but are more like sandbags on the shore waiting for the river to wash them away.
If the problem is giving them speed would make them op, then give them a 6 second runspeed debuff after attacking something. Let them attack while moving, except aimed shot, but at a reduced movement rate. However, that would present the problem I have had on my HR of being locked in combat, because the flag never clears. I have had to jump into the spikes in gauntlygrym, so I could mount again. I think it would be a good solution to give them a run debuff until combat is over. Like they are concentrating on firing, but they are not locked in one spot unless they need more concentration for aimed shot. And please, fix the GF 20 feet away farting and you have to start your aimed shot over. Maybe a pushback effect, or every time you have to restart it increases it speed and causes immunity to being interrupted.
This will ultimately backfire in pvp because you will be dead before you ever attempt to get two shots off in a mono y mono combat. Yet, if there is a huge battle going on with a bunch of people, a CW 50 feet away from you might distrupt one of our aimed shots, but when they are on cooldown we can at least get it off. I dont see CW's getting interrupted during steal time, why do HR's get it?:rolleyes:
HR's have zero real defense in close range, sure you can switch to melee, but the damage
I think about it realistically, what it the difference if you rapid shot an electric arrow vs. a regular arrow? Nothing, the payload doesn't delegate the speed. These two skills should fire at the same rate.
Well, these are just some thoughts on the issue. I hope some solutions come out of the issues raised here. This post is not meant to be offensive to anyone and if you find offense in something, I am sorry you feel that way. However, I stand by my positions and pray to Oghma that the dev's find the wisdom to correct some things to make HR's a viable class due in part they have never been more than a freebie kill in pvp since the inception of neverwinter.
This section does not get too much exposure. I would put your suggestions and thoughts in the HR preview feedback thread in the Preview Shard section of the forum.
-Trapper's fleet stance (t1 feat): 10% speed for 6s after switching stance.
-PvP sets: brutal 10% speed, grim 15% speed, profound 20% speed, and the new pvp set in mod 6 will give you 25% speed.
-Pathfinder's pathfinder action (class feature at 40 pts): 18% speed (at rank 3) after using a daily.
Personally, I do not find movement speed a HR's issue. For me, the real issue is the delay/inconsistency of immunity frame of HR's shift. There are so many instances that visually I dodged out of red areas, but split of second later, I still got struck by the red area damage.