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Bugs from Testing on 28 Jan

arpemarpem Member Posts: 30 Arc User
First Issue

Class: TR
Ability: Class Feature - Skillful Infiltrator
Issue: The run speed bonus from this ability does not work. Run speed doesn't change when the ability is slotted.

Second Issue

Class: TR
Issue: Feats - When trying to add the reset 11 Paragon feats, after clicking Commit Changes, it "seems" that the changes are set, but if you try to close the character window, or click on any other tab, a Warning window pops up "You have uncommitted changes. If you leave this window now, none of your points will actually be spent."
2nd Issue: Feats - After adding all remaining Paragon points to feats, when you try to click the negative button on a feat the following error window pops up. "There was a problem! The change you just tried to make will affect the purchase of these skills: Daily_Bloodbath (at rank 3) Make sure that you did not go below the minimum points that you need to unlock these skills."
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