With the level cap increase and the rank increases of artifact and enchants I think the time is about right. How about we implement the PnP 4th edition identify rules for items (all items are automatically identified on resting) by identifying all items on prayer at campfire?
Is this crutch of the scrolls still necessary? Personally, I never bothered buying them from the AD bazar, I doubt they work efficiently as an effective AD sink at all, and I find myself discarding nearly all green and blue random junk that drops.
With this change I think we would get the following benefits:
1) One more slot in our bags.
2) More (and easier) RP for our artifact equipment
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited January 2015
ID scrolls have been more of a nuisance than a functional aspect of the game. Not sure they should be removed but certainly there is merit in changing their behavior.
Agreed, they are a nuisance, especially considering you get far more green/blue drops than you get id scrolls to drop.
Perhaps once you complete at least 2 compaigns, you get a passive auto-identify skill for that character, so that the scrolls are no longer needed.
I agree, partially. At the moment all my greens go straight to merchant unidentified, because it is not cost effective to ID them.
The ID scroll thing in the game has always struck me as the wrong way around. In general blues and greens need identifying yet high level purples and artifact stuff do not. Surely that should be the other way around? In fact, in the case of artifact equipment, it would not be unreasonable to make us pay a specialist and/or do a quest to research its properties before we could use it or sell it.
Or maybe we should only ever have to identify each particular item once. Next time it drops you already recognise it.
Or maybe ID skill could be another profession.
Failing that, I would support the (easier dev) option of just doing away with the scrolls and everything being ID'd when you get it.
ID scrolls are copy from other D&D games, but in cryptic style:)
Difference is that other games are shorter, and you get far less unidentified items. And also once you identify a item, if you see it again it is auto-identified. Most other games also link need of identification with your intelligence/wisdom levels - e.g. depending of how "smart/experienced" you are you might identify lower level items automatically without need of spell/scroll. And yes - most other games have some sort of "identification spell"
just remove the useless things already. and remove unidentified bs. they serve no use whatsoever. while youre at it remove those resources needed to open profession nodes, they are waste of inventory space as well
identifying at campfire is bad - with all the trash i have to carry around(potions, PvP gear, etc.) i have only 1 bag free and its full really fast if i want to grab stuff for refining, though with identifying and how bad the refinement UI is i usually dont bother picking the trash up
It has always puzzled me how the most powerful (purple) items are almost always identified, but the trashy green barely-enchanted items need a scroll.
It is pretty obvious that the whole identification aspect is not working, it should be either removed or completely reworked (but, actually, it would be wasted effort considering how many more important aspects of the game need some serious rework)
I really hate to even mention this idea. Traditionally, in PnP D&D, it has been the spell caster who could identify magic items. My suggestion is that Wizard's not need scrolls and every other class still requires them. Also, when a wizard is in a party, all items that drop are automatically identified.
I like this concept, but hate that I'd still have to buy scrolls on my 8 non-wizard alts . . .
yeeeees because without wizards a TR will try to stab you with pants cause he couldnt identify it
I really hate to even mention this idea. Traditionally, in PnP D&D, it has been the spell caster who could identify magic items. My suggestion is that Wizard's not need scrolls and every other class still requires them. Also, when a wizard is in a party, all items that drop are automatically identified.
I like this concept, but hate that I'd still have to buy scrolls on my 8 non-wizard alts . . .
grogthemagnifMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,651Arc User
edited January 2015
Another way is if you have found a specific item and identified it 5 times, then in the future, you can auto-identify it in the future.
ebonyshadowMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited January 2015
I don't have much problem with ID scrolls, but then I don't currently pick up greens let alone ID them, so I pick up more scrolls than I use 99% of the time.
I don't believe it will change though, The company has a vested interest in keeping your bags as full as possible to entice folks into buying bags of holding. Sure I 'could' ID them and feed them to my Artifact belt at 100rp a time, but frankly it isn't worth the hassle of IDing them for that, even blues are only worth 300 and I consider that barely worth it.
If they came already IDed then folks would pick them up just for the 'free' RP points, they wouldn't fill the bag for long before going straight into the artifact equipment, ergo virtually zero profit to be made from such a move. If something along these lines did happen then I think 'all ID's done when invoked at PE prayer zone' might be worth fighting for as that WOULD cause people to pick them up, fill their bags with them until they return to PE, so that would work 'profit potential' wise, once more encouraging people to want larger bag space so as to have longer runs between trips back to PE!
grogthemagnifMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,651Arc User
edited January 2015
that's fine until you're is a pug group skirmish/dungeon and someone else picks it up.
You could make an enchantment which id's things you pick up only while wearing. Would fit nice in an Utility slot I think. As you rank it up you can id higher level stuff.
What we really need is a wand of ID. The question is would people pay for it?
Make this thing the next 100,000 to 1,000,000 AD item on the Wondrous Bizar.
Provided it gives you unlimited Identifies Veteran Players will snap them up.
Maybe offer two versions, 100,000 for the "One-Item-At-A-Time" version and 1,000,000 for the "Everything-In-Your-Inventory-At-Once" version.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
Characters at perhaps level 41+ automatically identify at prayer on campfire.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Perhaps once you complete at least 2 compaigns, you get a passive auto-identify skill for that character, so that the scrolls are no longer needed.
The ID scroll thing in the game has always struck me as the wrong way around. In general blues and greens need identifying yet high level purples and artifact stuff do not. Surely that should be the other way around? In fact, in the case of artifact equipment, it would not be unreasonable to make us pay a specialist and/or do a quest to research its properties before we could use it or sell it.
Or maybe we should only ever have to identify each particular item once. Next time it drops you already recognise it.
Or maybe ID skill could be another profession.
Failing that, I would support the (easier dev) option of just doing away with the scrolls and everything being ID'd when you get it.
Difference is that other games are shorter, and you get far less unidentified items. And also once you identify a item, if you see it again it is auto-identified. Most other games also link need of identification with your intelligence/wisdom levels - e.g. depending of how "smart/experienced" you are you might identify lower level items automatically without need of spell/scroll. And yes - most other games have some sort of "identification spell"
identifying at campfire is bad - with all the trash i have to carry around(potions, PvP gear, etc.) i have only 1 bag free and its full really fast if i want to grab stuff for refining, though with identifying and how bad the refinement UI is i usually dont bother picking the trash up
It is pretty obvious that the whole identification aspect is not working, it should be either removed or completely reworked (but, actually, it would be wasted effort considering how many more important aspects of the game need some serious rework)
yeeeees because without wizards a TR will try to stab you with pants cause he couldnt identify it
I don't believe it will change though, The company has a vested interest in keeping your bags as full as possible to entice folks into buying bags of holding. Sure I 'could' ID them and feed them to my Artifact belt at 100rp a time, but frankly it isn't worth the hassle of IDing them for that, even blues are only worth 300 and I consider that barely worth it.
If they came already IDed then folks would pick them up just for the 'free' RP points, they wouldn't fill the bag for long before going straight into the artifact equipment, ergo virtually zero profit to be made from such a move. If something along these lines did happen then I think 'all ID's done when invoked at PE prayer zone' might be worth fighting for as that WOULD cause people to pick them up, fill their bags with them until they return to PE, so that would work 'profit potential' wise, once more encouraging people to want larger bag space so as to have longer runs between trips back to PE!
Make this thing the next 100,000 to 1,000,000 AD item on the Wondrous Bizar.
Provided it gives you unlimited Identifies Veteran Players will snap them up.
Maybe offer two versions, 100,000 for the "One-Item-At-A-Time" version and 1,000,000 for the "Everything-In-Your-Inventory-At-Once" version.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time