Let me start off by saying that most games have one thing common - goals. In almost all games a player starts at "A" and needs to get to "B" to "win" the game. Once you reach "B", you are supposed to have all the gear and all the boosts and what not the game have implemented. In an MMO, goals are utterly important and that's what I can see Module 6 is giving us. So many new goals for the players to strive for.
Many players have full 10s, legendary and all boons etc. That is why Module 6 and its new goals is very much needed. For players that still haven't reached the first goals - nothing changed. You still have the same goal to reach. These new goals are for us who have been playing for a long time and got nothing left to do.
Now to the problem. I've been reading about Mod6 and I'm missing a very important part of the game that will cripple the players and the whole game experience. There is no way to reach the new goals.
This is a free2play game and as I understand it the whole game content is supposed to be available even for the players not paying(?). I understand that without paying, it should take more time to get there but it should still be possible right?
That is not the case with mod6. Even if I would pay a substantial amount of money I wouldn't reach the goals. I'm not doing the math, but think about how much AD is needed for 12s, you need 18 10s start with and another 18 for 11s and then another 36 right for 12s? And maybe you want 12s on your stone so that's even more. I would be homeless if I wanted to pay for it with real money.
It took me like a year to get full 10s on my CW (only playing one char) and a year ago it was actually possible to farm for AD a legit way and that is not possible today since all the loot from the dungeons are outdated and everything else is BoP. So today it would take more than a year to get all 10s and at least another 3 years for 12s. And then you have the artifacts bla bla.
Anyway, my point is that a game cant have goals and no way to reach them because that's a broken game that I don't want to play. More and more players are starting to realize these facts and mod6 will be a wake-up call for the rest.
I think we need some information on how this was intended to work. Did anyone actually think about how to reach the goals? I see no information about new loot or new dungeons etc. Sure there is a new level cap from 60 to 70, but 10 levels wont give me enough RP for all 12s or even one 12. Not with the loot-system we have on live.
Please keep this feedback coming respectfully but please keep this feedback in the already existing thread. Multiple threads make it harder, rather than easier, for the devs to hear us.