what are some of the sdownsides to restricting protector's enclave LFG chat to level 60 only?
do you think it will take a lot of time to implement/try for 1 week?
i feel this chanel should at least be safe from people whose intention is not to lfg for level 60 dungeons as most peaple mainly (im sure overr 95%) use this channel for level 60s dungeons anyways. In this thread we are only tallking about the viability of restricting protecttr enclaves' LFG chat to 60. we are not talking about bad behaviorrs. Cast your vote, dont need comments about bad behaviors, just do you tihink its good idea.
There's no point. It just needlessly alienates the lowbies. Most leveling characters ask for dungeon/skirmish parties in their leveling zone anyway and not in PE. For those few that do ask in PE, why eliminate that option? There's no reason to.
Edit, misred it for zone chat sry.