Like it should be extended to the whole account and for 2 hours or glory penalty or restriction to do the daily for a week, because they don't even try to play, they are like "oh wait this is pvp, I did not expect that".
PVP is <expletive removed> enough already, but this just makes it even worse.
Having this in every third game, I fall back from top100 page, so Im overlord again.
It is a crime to waste this good combat system on some "HOLD YOUR LEFT MOUSE BUTTON" pve, while there could be serious actions.
Well IMO the pvp system has been broken here for far too long to have it get any better. If mod 3 had improved things, it'd be different, but each mod makes it worse. If you live for pvp this will likely never be the game for you as I can't see that trend changing. Too many of the problems are now fundamental parts of the game.
If the leaver penalty was extended than when you get kicked for absolutely no reason you would be extremely screwed instead of just a little screwed.
Then kicking should be forbidden, what would be so hard in that, there is no other game where you can kick in PVP.
Haha, sounds like my ex girlfriend.
really? REALLY?
Im not a complete novice, and Ive played against some of these top end guilds many times, but Im not really that great, and then throw two <removed> into the mix. What a joke.
The whole system is boinked and it shouldnt work the way it does. Is this a complete lack of players? if so, they are not making it better, each mod its worse and worse. As power creep continues to go beyond reason, all new players are automatically locked into loosing for 6 months to a years time.
how is that fair and balanced at all?
Where is the middle class players (not really casual, but dont want to get BiS legendary in every slot with dual slot rings and every new artifact "el cheapo" move there is to compete)
THERE has to be a new queue system, it brackets you into your average. If your guaranteed to play against your own type groups, it would be so much simpler on everyone. You would then gear up to the level you want to compete in. It would also allow entry point into the system, not throw a 8.3 k tr into a mix with top end guilds (what a pita.. i mean really!)
If this is the best matchmaking they can give us, then they SHOULD remove the leaver penalty! not expand it!
More penalties are not the road to a better PVP experience. But it was foreseeable that people would eventually come back for more, because the original issue us still unsolved.
Some of us had foolish optimism that Elo was going to work to fix the root and that the penalty would stop any foolishness.
As broken as PVP is...its still better than PVE. Adding to what you said, it is still better than running around well of dragons aka mount simulator or the zergfest tiamat wherein you can't queue with your friends and you get garbage rewards.
Yes, I dont even go for tiamat anymore, there are a few drops that would make it worth, like a 20 slot bag or the orb of majesty, but 9 out of 10 run I get some white refine stone(which takes up +1 inv slot next to the soulbounds), a 2k AD worth enchantment shard and some purple stuff I will have to salvage or sell under salvage price.
I am better with farming crypt after GG, I get tons of seals and glory, which I can just exchange for rough AD whenever I want + I still have a chance to get enchantment shards or some other epic HAMSTER loot too.
Absolutely. If you are going to subject people, many who have paid to fund the game, to a horrible match making system and then have the gall to punish those who don't want to waste their time because of it, the least you could do is add a forfeit option.
You could even exclude forfeited matches from the leaderboard ratings and disallow forfeits if the match goes for over two minutes. This would help prevent exploiting.
Gloom level 60 Control Wizard
Dusk level 60 Trickster Rogue
Dawn level 60 Devoted Cleric
Eclipse level 60 Hunter Ranger
Wrath level 60 Great Weapon Fighter
Jinx level 60 Scourge Warlock
Beta males.
On topic: First of all, when there's 3 left (or two in your scenario/screenshot), you can leave the game without any consequences whatsoever. Second, I'd suggest you duo-queuing with a friend or joining a guild. Solo queuing is extremely unfriendly.
One of the many Control Wizards that misses Shard Of The Endless Avalanche. RIP Shard (Beta-Mod3)
Kicking serves the purpose of removing people from the game who have disconnected. The penalty is there to discourage people from simply disconnecting from a match they are losing.
At least you didn't marry her. Wish I could say the same haha.
It's ok that your a betamale/never been with a hot woman, buddy. No shame in second place, but its a bit too much information about you for a game forum.
Just lol @ you.
One of the many Control Wizards that misses Shard Of The Endless Avalanche. RIP Shard (Beta-Mod3)
Well I was under her "control powers".
But not I am really happy with my new GF, he is an human conqueror iron vanguard and his control powers are useless compared to her's, but i like him.
lol. Kudos to you for replying with humor as opposed to the other sensitive guy.
I guess you ITC'ed out of her Control Powers.
One of the many Control Wizards that misses Shard Of The Endless Avalanche. RIP Shard (Beta-Mod3)
Actually I have used Villain's Menance, but it is so bugged, every kind of CC penetrates its "CC immunity" and every time I tried to cast it it was interrupted, but then I could finally activate it in the last second, but there were no point in it at all, cus then I died from the next encounter and it was open PVP so I got wounded.
There is no point in getting offended over, what a random internet guy says.
The story would be too long and painful to remember (+ no1 cares so no point at all talking about this), since I am still sitting at the campire to heal my wounds, because every time I think of it i get major head injury.
BTW I started a HR today to do some low level PVP, but even trough I did not die even once, I dealt like 1/3 dmg compared to other players with pure leveling epic gear.
Why does that even exist in first place, only weapons woud be more than enough.
So a bit work and then, if everything goes well, i will support penalty 100%, hate campfire warmers, leavers and traitors too.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
Yes, it's been there for MONTHs. I know it has been reported several time, people have even taken videos, and screenshots of tells asking to pass lead, and sent them in..and the response is that they are aware of the issue, but no fix.
Do not pass the lead ever. This is your first sign that you will be kicked. It is not a "vote" and kick. They can kick you even if you aren't Disconnected.
AND people do not just kick for a bad match...They will also kick the whole team near the end of a match that is a for sure win, so they can collect the entire ELO and move up on the leaderboard. So you can spend 30-40 mins playing a match, and get kicked, right before you get the win. It's very frustrating.
Its not as if these players get replaced anyways.
Very true, i have heard today from a master PVPer, how they use this to cheat their way on ranking and glory.
Another nail for ranking list, top ranking is full of cheaters.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
Best idea since ever^
The party puts it to a vote and everybody goes about their business without frustration
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.