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What as to be done regarding TR as the evidence show it is a total unbalance class ?

jarecstephjarecsteph Member Posts: 270 Arc User
edited January 2015 in PvE Discussion
Look at this morning PVP board top ranking

57.5% are TR vs 43.5% for all the other Neverwinter class.

TR kill an average of 10 (9.84) times for 1 death

I think all daze effects should be cut down to a maximum of 1 to 2 seconds on players and also have a cooldown of 6 to 8 seconds on the player that has been daze.

I also think that Impossible to Catch immunities time should be 50% shorter in PVP.

In my opinion that could be an easy thing to do and a good start for balancing the class for PVP.

Post edited by jarecsteph on


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    zvieriszvieris Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    morenthar wrote: »
    Yes Saboteurs are a problem. Its not the Daze. Basically, it's the Stealth mechanics that allow a Sabotuer to essential be a Scoundrel with Permastealth. Read around a bit before starting another thread of nonsense.

    And you should stop advocating daze with such a stubbornness. It's the only CC power that is not affected by any of these: deflect, CC resist stat, tenacity. It also has no reduction on players and has the longest duration among CC powers.
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    jarecstephjarecsteph Member Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    zvieris wrote: »
    And you should stop advocating daze with such a stubbornness. It's the only CC power that is not affected by any of these: deflect, CC resist stat, tenacity. It also has no reduction on players and has the longest duration among CC powers.

    I just finished a round of about 20 fights against a Tr and I was dazed every fights for at least 70% to 80% of the time.

    It is the major PVP problem that has to be solved.

    All TR fights revolves around daze and invulnerability while DPS.

    Daze effects should be cut down to a maximum of 1 to 2 seconds on players and also have a cooldown...
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    tourtastourtas Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Well it depends on who do you want to convince.
    Cryptic?? They already know.
    Other players??? They already know.
    TRs??? Good luck with that. They are on acid frenzy due to their OPness. Little they understand, little they care. It reminds me of this:

    <youtube removed>
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    i think shield has to go , if repelled i dont want to be entangled for 8-9 seconds, chill should last less in pvp and storm spell needs a 60% nerf. just read what you are asking.
    you are ridicolous.

    and following your reasoning, now go on leaderboard and order the thing for losses.
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    caunsidhcaunsidh Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Asking for absolute balance is absurd. Every class is best at something - Trickster Rouges are supposed to be the ultimate PvP class. That is where they shine.
    It's like that in most games, and you should get used to it.
    Therenil - Hunter Ranger, Stormwarden/Trapper
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    jarecstephjarecsteph Member Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    rayrdan wrote: »
    i think shield has to go , if repelled i dont want to be entangled for 8-9 seconds, chill should last less in pvp and storm spell needs a 60% nerf. just read what you are asking.
    you are ridicolous.

    and following your reasoning, now go on leaderboard and order the thing for losses.

    CW is not a PVP problem. The thread is about the results you see on the board and you don’t make any point regarding the topic so...
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    90% of people for most game lost are TR.
    please buff
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    jarecstephjarecsteph Member Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    caunsidh wrote: »
    Asking for absolute balance is absurd. Every class is best at something - Trickster Rouges are supposed to be the ultimate PvP class. That is where they shine.
    It's like that in most games, and you should get used to it.

    So you decide that TR is the ultimate PVP class.

    I just want to remind you that we all investing time and effort to make this game alive.

    We all deserve to have balance chance with our respecting differences against an adversary that has the same gear score.
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    jarecstephjarecsteph Member Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    morenthar wrote: »
    What's your GS and what was the GS of the TR? If you are an undergeared, poorly played player, especially a CW, I could easily do that to you. That doesn't make my TR OP. Especially considering my build's sole purpose is to suppress and kill CWs. Guess what? Well played CWs know how to handle it and the fights are balanced. I'm not a Sabotuer.

    23k CW against 22K TR

    And if 2 TR are on the same team and together it's nearly imposssible to play without evryone being daze
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    zvieriszvieris Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    morenthar wrote: »
    Until you provide evidence that those TRs aren't mostly Saboteurs, especially in the top 40 pages, you have proven nothing. I know they are because I play against them repeatedly. So go get that evidence Professor.

    Who the hell cares if they're Scoundrels or whatever? Tell me, how is scoundrel balanced if:

    1. He can reach 70%+ deflect chance and 75-85% deflect severity?
    2. He can run faster than sprinting GWFs and people with mounts?
    3. Has 4 longest dodges in the game?
    4. His dazes:
    4.1. Have twice the duration of stuns?
    4.2. Are not affected by deflect, tenacity, control resist?
    4.3. Are not lowered against players?
    4.4. Come from 2 feat procs and 2 encounters?

    So please, stop trying to drag all the focus on Sabo and Exe. You won't get far.
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    hahah are you a two-face guy?

    there was a time when i said nerf combat HR selfhealing and you were like " dont nerf it omzmgaskda", cuz you were playing an HR by that time, now that in mod 5 the TR is strong you act the same as with the HR in the past.
    so what is to say about your opinions?
    like i care, i dont have any hope for my tr and never i had them i m not even playing it.

    however, now that combat hr is nerfed like you asked for can you name 3 successful combat HRs? we can talk about it in private if you want
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    marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    however, now that combat hr is nerfed like you asked for can you name 3 successful combat HRs? we can talk about it in private if you want

    Trapper for da win :-). (exept against Trs ofc)....
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    mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    marnival wrote: »
    Trapper for da win :-). (exept against Trs ofc)....

    Trapper is quite good against TR since the roots are applied even if you dodge them.

    BTW, all top TRs on RU server are scoundrels. Saboteurs are mostly wannabe permas that go stealth, run around till SE is up, use SE, run around till SE is up, etc. Executioners are mostly low GS rogues, because you don't need any gear to one shot people with that spec.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
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    demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    jarecsteph wrote: »
    Look at this morning PVP board top ranking

    57.5% are TR vs 43.5% for all the other Neverwinter class.

    TR kill an average of 10 (9.84) times for 1 death

    I think all daze effects should be cut down to a maximum of 1 to 2 seconds on players and also have a cooldown of 6 to 8 seconds on the player that has been daze.

    I also think that Impossible to Catch immunities time should be 50% shorter in PVP.

    In my opinion that could be an easy thing to do and a good start for balancing the class for PVP.


    The board just shows that more people are playing tr and that tr have an easier time stealing kills from others and or getting kills in general. that is in part to our inate ability to decide who and when we want to attack from stealth.
    Itc is not a problem... It lasts 5 seconds and if you waste your cc then and die that is your fault.
    Play as if you are playing chess and think 3-8 moves ahead.
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
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    demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Smart phone posts... Forgive the errors in spelling
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
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    bjanubjanu Member Posts: 122 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    The board just shows that more people are playing tr and that tr have an easier time stealing kills from others and or getting kills in general. that is in part to our inate ability to decide who and when we want to attack from stealth.
    Itc is not a problem... It lasts 5 seconds and if you waste your cc then and die that is your fault.
    Play as if you are playing chess and think 3-8 moves ahead.

    Kill steals do not impact the outcome of the game, so the kill stealing trs should not have the win ration superiority. We are discusing the fact that their mechanics are broken enough that they can statistically decide the outcome of the game ignoring other players.

    Furthermore no class is supposed to get easier kills for free - you get the advantage when you go to kill someone because of stealth, but with that you should also gain vulnerability from the other players. Right now TR can go for a kill without losing his high survivability.
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    isuuck2isuuck2 Member Posts: 491 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    The ability to refresh encounter cd is a bad decision. The faster dazing strike was a good idea at the beginning but now dazing people from stealth and then killing them with shocking execution or bb(yes it still can 1 daily someone) was a bad decision. Scoundrels can cc through cc immunity. Good to my youtube page and you will see it. Scoundresl can perma daze someone while still having the luxury to staying away until everything is off cool down. Scoundrels are overpowered because they <expletive> proc dazes. Because of scoundrels every class needs a cc break. Dont forget if you catch them they will just itc. Fighting rogues has always been hard but now it is even harder because of how fast they can kill you. You have to search for a rogue but by doing so you will get one shotted. Even when sabs use smoke bomb it effectively eliminates the ability to counter them if you are a close range class. Because finding them in stealth is hard and then you have to waste your defensive abilities for fear of getting one shotted. Executioners still multiple proc SoD, Scoundrels have the best cc in the game and hit hard and still have stealth to rely on or bb. Trs can refreah encounters(not sure if it is just a sab skill tree). Executions dps is fine to me but again the proc dmg which is <expletive> <expletive>. SoD can skill multi proc. Trs just have way to many advantages and most of them come from the fact that they cannot be seen. The 2 secs nerf did nothing and was a bad idea. Seems like the devs are going to revamp trs because they overbuffed them when they only need dps buff.
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    isuuck2isuuck2 Member Posts: 491 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    all the things making trs overpowered would not be the case if the devs just gave them the extra dps they needed. Now it has come to the point were they shouldn't even have a cc break because of the kind of dmg and cc they can dish out. Also they cant completely refresh encounters with bb.
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    fastrean3fastrean3 Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    isuuck2 wrote: »
    The ability to refresh encounter cd is a bad decision. The faster dazing strike was a good idea at the beginning but now dazing people from stealth and then killing them with shocking execution or bb(yes it still can 1 daily someone) was a bad decision. Scoundrels can cc through cc immunity. Good to my youtube page and you will see it. Scoundresl can perma daze someone while still having the luxury to staying away until everything is off cool down. Scoundrels are overpowered because they <expletive> proc dazes. Because of scoundrels every class needs a cc break. Dont forget if you catch them they will just itc. Fighting rogues has always been hard but now it is even harder because of how fast they can kill you. You have to search for a rogue but by doing so you will get one shotted. Even when sabs use smoke bomb it effectively eliminates the ability to counter them if you are a close range class. Because finding them in stealth is hard and then you have to waste your defensive abilities for fear of getting one shotted. Executioners still multiple proc SoD, Scoundrels have the best cc in the game and hit hard and still have stealth to rely on or bb. Trs can refreah encounters(not sure if it is just a sab skill tree). Executions dps is fine to me but again the proc dmg which is <expletive> <expletive>. SoD can skill multi proc. Trs just have way to many advantages and most of them come from the fact that they cannot be seen. The 2 secs nerf did nothing and was a bad idea. Seems like the devs are going to revamp trs because they overbuffed them when they only need dps buff.

    Thats only occur when 1vs 1, if there is a cw near, the tr is easy to kill.

    But the ITC really need to rework for the PVP
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    bjanubjanu Member Posts: 122 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    fastrean3 wrote: »
    Thats only occur when 1vs 1, if there is a cw near, the tr is easy to kill.

    But the ITC really need to rework for the PVP

    Not exactly - Cw only helps if there are more people around - 2v1 me - hr and cw couldn't stand a chance vs 1 rogue of similar gear score. The window of opportunity was too short to dish enough damage, got picked one after another rogue slipping back and forth from stealth, with his amazing deflection/deflect severity.
    Current mechanics leaves them too invulnerable to interference from outside, when they are taking their kill. In my opinion they should have the advantage against the one they attack but be really susceptible to an attack from rear. This way they should focus on separated targets and not just take teams one by one. In other words - high risk high gain.
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    grac3n77grac3n77 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    jarecsteph wrote: »
    I just finished a round of about 20 fights against a Tr and I was dazed every fights for at least 70% to 80% of the time.

    It is the major PVP problem that has to be solved.

    All TR fights revolves around daze and invulnerability while DPS.

    Daze effects should be cut down to a maximum of 1 to 2 seconds on players and also have a cooldown...

    Why everybody only sees TR when they are CC'd you don't count the other class on that are lurking around like cleric, CW, and SW, and so on as if five of you fighting TR alone and nobody's helping the TR on damage and CC. I quit scoundrell cause all you have is daze which some of the player can easily get away by bunny hopping and dodge. As some thread says you cant have CC and perma and DPS at the same time unless you have 90 paragon points for that.
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    grac3n77grac3n77 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    jarecsteph wrote: »
    23k CW against 22K TR

    And if 2 TR are on the same team and together it's nearly imposssible to play without evryone being daze
    and if two CW on 1 team you cant kill anyone and it impossible to win.
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    dragoness10dragoness10 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    You know, I'd love it if one of these threads would rather start out as " I play a TR, and this is how I'd like you to nerf me" rather than attacking TRs as unbalanced.

    All that initial image showed is a bunch of people made TRs, and then also liked to PvP.
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    "Why is it dragons only use ketchup? I'd like a little wasabi please. Us silvers like a variety of condiments."

    "Don't call them foolish mortals. One, they don't learn from it. Two, It just ticks them off." - An Ancient Red Dragon
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