We never quite know what to expect when we choose the quests to review each week. That's kind of the fun of it -- like getting a present and having no idea what's inside the box. Shake it a little, heft it a bit, get an idea of its shape, but when it's opened -- surprise!
Read all about them by
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This week we reviewed:
Temple of the Elements by
Jade Tower by
The Menagerie of the Mad Mage by
Rise of Corruption: Revelation by
There's been a vacuum since Full Mental Gamers went away.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
I doubt Kasul would go for it :P
Plus, we spend the entire night trying to crack each other up. I guarantee this would be distressing for the quest authors. See, we go by the theory that every single foundry quest is "canon" -- which is why all the quest givers have distinct personalities as far as we're concerned. Noble Butthead, Guard FRINKO (CURSE YOU!), the Sewer Cleric, Pie Lady and so on. So we're fitting everyone's quests into quests we've done before.
Clearly you haven't watched the Full Mental Gamers reviews. That's pretty much identical.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
I watched one of the Full Mental Alchemist videos of Eldarth's quests, the one for the Tower of Gruumsh quest. I was bored after just a few minutes (and I really liked the quest when I played it). But, that was a walkthrough.
The official quests Cryptic makes have the ability to do so many things we cannot do -- cinematics, voice-overs, custom art assets -- that anything we do would look crappy in comparison.
Nice voiceover and a few highlights - perfect teasers.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Some random Foundry trailer I found on the internet.
You have to turn recording on while you play, then you have to replay the saved demo recording while running an external recording application, then you have to use some video editing tool to cut out the pieces you don't want, etc. A bit techie for most foundry authors. Whereas Cryptic already has the stuff setup and the knowledge and does similiar things all the time.
Neverwinter Demo Record
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Anyway, for my good deed for the day, I entered your review for it you gave in your weekly review page.