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Lets talk RP and AD



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    beatannierbeatannier Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 692 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    hfgtfsdfs wrote: »
    Lets say a normal player wants to play 3 chars so they don't get bored of the game.
    1. PvE

      I am bored doing the same quests everyday.

      I need more diversity.

      I`ll make a new character so I will have to do the same quests twice times more.

    2. PvP

      My character is weak.

      I need to get stronger.

      I`ll make another weak character, but even more weaker than previous, so my old character will be stronger.

    BTW. I know many players used to make a multiple characters, but calling them "normal", especially in addition to "bored" brings me an image of the always unsatisfactionned player, who can`t decide what to do and keeps stray in between weakness and disappointment.

    If you decide to make another character only because you are bored, you can be almost sure, you will be bored in depending on how many characters you will make.

    I know many players who plays multiple characters to reach some goals or for different roles, but as long as you play them, `cause you are bored, you will not resolve the issue, as it is not your character… but you.
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    vorticanvortican Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    chemboy613 wrote: »
    This is what i warned everyone about when they made things BtA.

    Now considering they have killed all reasonable sources of player income the game is now "pay to refine"

    If you aren't hoarding RP or already in-game rich, you're just plain screwed.

    Only if your objective in the game is to get your artifact items to legendary. For those concerned about content not items, there's plenty to do except that most of the opinions represented here are those of the elitist extremely rich uberplayer who has all day to play, not the casual player who has a couple hours a day, if that. For those folks, legendary items are going to be **** near impossible to refine, even if they can manage to scrape together a couple million AD. They might get one eventually, but it'll take months and by the time it's finally done, other gear has vastly outclassed it. The game is still worth playing and you don't need to be rich to enjoy it if you're a casual player, but refining artifacts to legendary? Just forget it. That's disappointing.
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    lldtlldt Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    hfgtfsdfs wrote: »
    My Conclusion:
    For a Free2Play game, this game sure is expensive.

    Don't bring Free2Play into the argument because it actually TAKES AWAY from the argument rather than support it. Free2Play games is where some people spend the most money. The concept of F2P is to get as many people to try it out and play it, but makes up for the free part by allowing people that are willing to spend to buy progression. As such, it always looks for incentives to encourage spending while balancing the need to keep the free or low spending players happy.

    The only argument that can be made here is that, I think, even the heavy spenders would balk at the amount of spending required to level up these artifacts for the relatively small increases they give and also that this is not where they are making most of their money (I'm guessing) anyways.

    Now that Hoard drops are BoA and Foundry farming nerfed, I think it is reasonable that they either lower it or, preferably, give more ways of getting RP stones. For example, have chance for 1 or more non-binding RP stones to drop off chest and last boss of old dungeon instances. That would also serve to bring some life back to them since everyone is focused on Mod 4 and 5 instances and HE's
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    chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    vortican wrote: »
    Only if your objective in the game is to get your artifact items to legendary. For those concerned about content not items, there's plenty to do except that most of the opinions represented here are those of the elitist extremely rich uberplayer who has all day to play, not the casual player who has a couple hours a day, if that. For those folks, legendary items are going to be **** near impossible to refine, even if they can manage to scrape together a couple million AD. They might get one eventually, but it'll take months and by the time it's finally done, other gear has vastly outclassed it. The game is still worth playing and you don't need to be rich to enjoy it if you're a casual player, but refining artifacts to legendary? Just forget it. That's disappointing.

    For those of us in the more serious crowd, it is beyond frustrating.

    Sure i understand there are casuals out there with plenty of real life things to do - and that is fine and wonderful. I don't have something against casual players in general.

    But from their perspective as well, running dungeons used to be profitable, even if you were relatively casual you could amke some AD, save up for that vorpal/stone/etc... whatever you want.

    But now running dungeons is barely worth the effort, prices are so low.

    I know they made Tiamat casual accessable, but it's not really casual completible, so when a casual player fights tiamat, they are being carried and drag down the whole group. This is why many veteran players are finding ways to group together. It is very frustrating for us to lose because we can't group up properly.
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    buliloli0107buliloli0107 Member Posts: 90
    edited December 2014
    Very expensive now at days... NOt only that the artifact off hand cost Augmentation cubes + 5 k ad to shift POwers around... THey dnt fail at all to find new and better ways to drain you of AD...

    IF they can only Introduce Gold to the mix... it would really help new and old players a like to ease in and reduce the burden of playing the game..

    And if possible More refine slots like 100. Coz when it takes away time like 4 hrs to refine to legendary + Destroying your mouse... Real life consquences will sour our mouths to play on much longer...Yey for carpal tunnel syndrome. who pays for your medical bills???
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    acrosscatacrosscat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    leandreav1 wrote: »
    Don't forget making artifact equipment so accessible its worth peanuts so that the maximum number of players will have them.

    I've been thinking that too. Artifacts were already being farmed in Rothé and in Whispering Caves, now it's more of a cinch with the Well of Dragons being live. So the artifacts have become a further AD sink (zen transfer, utility first slots to sink more AD into Hoard enchantments, etcetera), becoming more widespread on the Auction House...

    I'm thinking artifact armour sometime soon. Robe of Eyes, go.
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    grac3n77grac3n77 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Before I have 3 char as well but I give up on it and barely manage my 1 character maybe next year I can make my artifact legendary.
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    hexanna22hexanna22 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    Free to Play Player here... 2 artis at legendary, working on my third. Not a single bit of RP bought from AH or Zstore. It's doable, now quit your whining and just play the effin' game.

    Just wait til you get to artifact gear, which you can't use enchants for, and can't use other artifacts to boost leveling...I too grind my own RP, and it's near impossible now to grind RP and play and have fun...
    chemboy613 wrote: »
    This is what i warned everyone about when they made things BtA.

    Now considering they have killed all reasonable sources of player income the game is now "pay to refine"

    If you aren't hoarding RP or already in-game rich, you're just plain screwed.

    This is pretty much it. To boot, most legit players are in this spot, while those who took advantage of past AD waterfalls, have all the AD in the game. This system just screws legit players the most.
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    chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    hexanna22 wrote: »
    Just wait til you get to artifact gear, which you can't use enchants for, and can't use other artifacts to boost leveling...I too grind my own RP, and it's near impossible now to grind RP and play and have fun...

    This is pretty much it. To boot, most legit players are in this spot, while those who took advantage of past AD waterfalls, have all the AD in the game. This system just screws legit players the most.

    Look at me! I got a free horsey! I'm so "lucky!" (no rollback)

    Look at me! I used the resonator, while i got banned, my AD inflated the whole market (no rollback)


    I did make a lot of AD back in the day farming CN, but we worked really hard and got really organized to do it. Now a days, you can play 10 hours a day and make 10-20% as much AD, almost all RAD, which you could only use if you use a bunch of character slots.

    So say you have 1-2 character, not a ton of slots, not a ton of leadership, and you want to improve that character? There are three ways to do this:

    American Express.
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    acrosscatacrosscat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Let's be honest, though. That is the business model of PWE for NWO, CO and STO. And probably the rest of their stable, too.
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    schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    chemboy613 wrote: »
    Look at me! I got a free horsey! I'm so "lucky!" (no rollback)

    Look at me! I used the resonator, while i got banned, my AD inflated the whole market (no rollback)


    I did make a lot of AD back in the day farming CN, but we worked really hard and got really organized to do it. Now a days, you can play 10 hours a day and make 10-20% as much AD, almost all RAD, which you could only use if you use a bunch of character slots.

    So say you have 1-2 character, not a ton of slots, not a ton of leadership, and you want to improve that character? There are three ways to do this:

    American Express.

    Soo true there is simpl nothing to do rigth now to get the number of ad /day out of leadership.
    T2 forget it Elol pfff..
    Tiamat is a flip coin 50/50 % you have ben surrounded by 10k GS pvp player or newbys they got the t2 full set from ah for 24 k ad.
    So what can y do ? To get RP for the fantastic artifact gear (6k ad in ah).
    Buy zen?
    Buy zen from others ? Sure k free to play but noone have soo much ad .
    And noone will spend 100k dollar or euro to make her stuff legendary.
    Noo one can farm soo much RP with hoard enchants.

    Somthing need to be done this time i 100% agree with chem remove T2 dropp from tiamat and give Purple and Blue resonance stones as reward instead or NW will be soone a wasteland.

    This game is PVE game mainly but the 2 years hard work srcewed in 1 mod .
    PLS devs chek AH t2 full set can be buyed by a fresh lvl 60 player what the .....
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
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    vteasyvteasy Member Posts: 708 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Free to Play Player here... 2 artis at legendary, working on my third. Not a single bit of RP bought from AH or Zstore. It's doable, now quit your whining and just play the effin' game.

    How far along are your artifact weapons/neck/belt?
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    onecoolscatcatonecoolscatcat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Nah. I think easy t2 drops are setting the stage for mod 6. I anticipate legendary dungeons, an increased character level cap, existing artifact gear's max level raised to match, and purple artifact gear drops.
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    overdriver13overdriver13 Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    If you really wanna fix the game and push back, the way to do it is by directly attacking the licensing via letting WoTC and Hasbro know, as loyal and fanatic dnd devotees, that cryptic is destroying the brand by putting out a crappy product with the dnd label on it. That is about the only way and for nw fans it is pretty much the nuclear option.
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    laughingbirddddlaughingbirdddd Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    vteasy wrote: »
    How far along are your artifact weapons/neck/belt?

    And how long have you been playing Neverwinter?
    Let the new players know how long they need to grind for two legendary artifacts:)
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