Fight vs HR's - we hit them with 10-12k crits depending on if they are bad enough to dodge every single one of our encounters. Their deflect is so high that stuns don't work, and with their 3-5k per tick dot damage, they lifesteal for whatever we hit them for in a few seconds.
Fight vs DC's - If they debuff properly, and sunburst us followed by their DPS, regardless of if DPS spec, we will die. If they are heal spec, we can't bring their life down by any amount that doesn't fill up in a few seconds. If it is 1v1, you KC, tide of iron, into the fray, mark, bull charge and it crits for 30-40k, you proc capstone, then daily to proc soulforge if it crits, get 2 at wils off, one crits, then anvil... we can win.. Basically, against a good one, we will not win.
Fight vs GWF's - It is a fun fight, we get with with 1 two AOE's and we are dead. But you can sometimes win this fight, mostly because most of the good GWF's have stopped playing.
Fight vs SW's - if it s a DPS lock, we win, if its a heal spec, we can't hurt it and they win.
Fight vs TR - Shocking Execution - through everything... if not 1 shot (hit for around 50 avg) - they perma stealth, DC artifact, shocking again.. you are dead
- GF's. Need crit on either STR or CON - and the ability when capstoned to reach 40% critical. Every single encounter needs a 10-20% increase in DPS. Deflection bonus from Dex needs doubled liked when they bugged the stat so we can reach 40-50% deflect when potted (like GWF's, TR's, HR's). We NEED the ability to self heal, regenerate about 10x what we do now to maintain. Either ferocious needs a 1 minute cooldown despite the offhand bug (that will get fixed - it was fixed on PTR, they just left it broken so people spend money on it) - our healing feats, need 3-5x the healing, and 30 sec ICD's or lower.
Only then - will a GF have a chance at beating an eng game HR, TR (after shocking/bloodbath are fixed), or DC who can debuff and heal and knows how to hit shift properly. It would bring our single target DPS over a GWF, but their AOE hitting up to 60k with ITF from a GF full AOE on the node... I think that is fair.
Until then - you will be forced to pug stomp. You will die like **** in a premade. And dev's, you need to fix this, these are easy buffs that should be labeled fixes. Unless the classes mentioned have severe nerfs coming their way (bad idea) - GF's need some buffs... SERIOUS buffs.
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
edited December 2014
I think its more and more pve problem cuz I dont see any use of GF in Tiamat where only DPS rule .
1 GF conq is eq = 10 k CW in dps.
If i see more then 4 GF in Tiamat HE i go outside soon as i can cuz i know they will not succes the HE.
Somthing need to be done .
Now we dont have Advocate too .
But rumors are there ,the next class will be paladin i have deep deep hope devs will make it valid in pve and pvp .
We also have some hints in game .
Yeah I would rather them just change GF to paladin. As it stands now. In end game pvp... A protector can make a big difference. I think they are fine. I the capstone should give guarded assault a 10% increase in reflect as well. But GF's can debuff the heck out of a monster in PVE. Tide, Mark, ITF, KC, at will can hit for like 30-40k. mark, tide, itf, kc is like 6-7 seconds to cast... you get a few at-wills off do decent damage, recast, you spend all the time doing stupid hand motions and don't get to hurt people.
People say the GF's are a tank class. Sure, the protector is a tank indeed. But 1v1, they are not the best tank, 2v2 they make a BIG difference. DC's arguably make the BIGGEST difference, but a GF + GWF with ITF mark, tide of iron, the GWF can 1 shot anyone. so it's a good combo. But lets say a GWF wants to be a tank, they can be REALLY tanky and still hurt people lol. A conq is giving up a LOT of it's tankiness, and just can't put out the numbers in end game pvp, or PVE for that matter in comparison to the other classes. If you took this GF and through him in mod 1 or mod 2, it'd be a different story, but people have double the gear score, double-5x the damage, and WORLDS better recovery of HP. So idk.. Flat out DPS buff all around to conq would make it more viable and be VERY easy to do.
Well this is bad news for me after leveling a GF conq entirely through pvp and looking forward to endgame. I had a gf at 60 (a hr cw and gwf also) two mods ago and took a break. The class is pretty awesome so far (level 53)- can 1v1 any other class without much of a problem though a good dc will be a stalemate, can tank 4 of the other team on a node for 30 seconds before dying....I guess that is about to change at 60 though. Yes, if they make paladin the new and improved gf, they really should just call gf paladin, and buff the **** out of the class. Would love that and it would be a nice win for everyone that has suffered wit this class since the nerf to stalwart bullwork.
Yeah, it would have to be a third paragon path I think. And NOT give the GWF's everything lol. If they made another sword and shield class, and the GF's just got left to die. I don't wanna say it, but I think every GF would leave the game lol. WAY too many bound legendary items on my GF.
I think its more and more pve problem cuz I dont see any use of GF in Tiamat where only DPS rule .
1 GF conq is eq = 10 k CW in dps.
If i see more then 4 GF in Tiamat HE i go outside soon as i can cuz i know they will not succes the HE.
Somthing need to be done .
Now we dont have Advocate too .
But rumors are there ,the next class will be paladin i have deep deep hope devs will make it valid in pve and pvp .
We also have some hints in game .
You obviously don't know your role as a GF in Tiamat then... Watch this. Believe it or not, 3 good GF's can speed up Tiamat faster than any other class. Every time a GF has aggro, and defends away from the Clerics, the amount of time it takes the cleric too fully charge up their prayer's decreases. Meaning the boss comes back sooner too be DPS'd.
Also, if people of other classes are too lazy too change powers too debuff/dps the boss. That's not the GF's fault. I know far too many people who are too lazy too switch powers for maximum DPS on the bosses.
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
You obviously don't know your role as a GF in Tiamat then... Watch this. Believe it or not, 3 good GF's can speed up Tiamat faster than any other class. Every time a GF has aggro, and defends away from the Clerics, the amount of time it takes the cleric too fully charge up their prayer's decreases. Meaning the boss comes back sooner too be DPS'd.
Also, if people of other classes are too lazy too change powers too debuff/dps the boss. That's not the GF's fault. I know far too many people who are too lazy too switch powers for maximum DPS on the bosses.
What role can have a GF in the swarm?
Or how about this you block ligthning from dragon "a guy " stand behind you and the electric loop will kill you from behind.
Any way how can you grab agro when every 10k push adds 1 million mile away ?
In the swarm only 1 thing matter DPS .
Cool and nice you have 1 time run with 25 ppl how can think but this isnt 100 % tru.
Cuz each time you enter the HE there is 1 rule 50/50 you are surrounded by 10k GS or pvp build .
But any way far as i know you are not such a big experienced GF in pve so you can see your role in tia good for y but the other 24 ppl give a shi... about y.
What role can have a GF in the swarm?
Or how about this you block ligthning from dragon "a guy " stand behind you and the electric loop will kill you from behind.
Any way how can you grab agro when every 10k push adds 1 million mile away ?
In the swarm only 1 thing matter DPS .
Cool and nice you have 1 time run with 25 ppl how can think but this isnt 100 % tru.
Cuz each time you enter the HE there is 1 rule 50/50 you are surrounded by 10k GS or pvp build .
But any way far as i know you are not such a big experienced GF in pve so you can see your role in tia good for y but the other 24 ppl give a shi... about y.
I'm assuming English is not your native tongue, because a lot of that did not make sense xD!...
For the most part I see what you're trying too say, and once again I'm going too say YOU ARE WRONG. It's NOT all about DPS man. This is what a lot of people need too get through their heads. With that said, the new queue system needs too be scrapped, because there's going too be severe elitism, and that's the LAST thing we need. It's actually GOOD that we're forced too play with lower geared players, because it forces players too teach one another. With that said, I know low gear players who are BETTER than newbs with 20k gear.
I've already proven that gear/DPS is NOT the ONLY way too go. I have a Castle Never Tutorial with me playing a 12k CW, showing people how too properly C-DUB for CN!
Look dude, I'm not just some random GF who started playing last week brah. Try my method before you start crying we're useless. Stop trying too be a GWF, stop trying too be a CW or a TR. You are a G-U-A-R-D-I-A-N F-I-G-H-T-E-R! EVERY Tiamat I enter, which ever Cleric I'm defending reaches 100% before ANY other Cleric who doesn't have a GF who know's how too play his role. If each Cleric had a GF who knew what he/she was doing, the heads of the dragon would appear a LOT faster. Meaning more damage can be done too them a lot sooner, which is Damage Per Second!!
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
edited December 2014
Leaching is really cool .
From 100 time you can have 2 linu.
Try it with 24 x10 k player +your GF
Any way you have the worst repu as GF both pve and pvp .
But you do amasing work with Some pvp video's .
So no one will ever take an advice from y .
Those how take it are fresh starters . They belive in wonders and in santa.
But no offens .
And yepp Eng is not my native tongue.
Leaching is really cool .
From 100 time you can have 2 linu.
Try it with 24 x10 k player +your GF
Any way you have the worst repu as GF both pve and pvp .
But you do amasing work with Some pvp video's .
So no one will ever take an advice from y .
Those how take it are fresh starters . They belive in wonders and in santa.
But no offens .
And yepp Eng is not my native tongue.
1. Sounds like you don't wanna be helped.
2. Do you honestly believe I struggle too get linus?? Think about it, I came in 7th place as a CW with NO enchants because I know how too play character roles.
3. What is this rep that you speak of?
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
1. Sounds like you don't wanna be helped.
2. Do you honestly believe I struggle too get linus?? Think about it, I came in 7th place as a CW with NO enchants because I know how too play character roles.
3. What is this rep that you speak of?
I can go in with 10 k TR and be at first place just stand in red and use hp pots y dont need to be a genius pro player do get first place.
I'm assuming English is not your native tongue, because a lot of that did not make sense xD!...
For the most part I see what you're trying too say, and once again I'm going too say YOU ARE WRONG. It's NOT all about DPS man. This is what a lot of people need too get through their heads. With that said, the new queue system needs too be scrapped, because there's going too be severe elitism, and that's the LAST thing we need. It's actually GOOD that we're forced too play with lower geared players, because it forces players too teach one another. With that said, I know low gear players who are BETTER than newbs with 20k gear.
I've already proven that gear/DPS is NOT the ONLY way too go. I have a Castle Never Tutorial with me playing a 12k CW, showing people how too properly C-DUB for CN!
Look dude, I'm not just some random GF who started playing last week brah. Try my method before you start crying we're useless. Stop trying too be a GWF, stop trying too be a CW or a TR. You are a G-U-A-R-D-I-A-N F-I-G-H-T-E-R! EVERY Tiamat I enter, which ever Cleric I'm defending reaches 100% before ANY other Cleric who doesn't have a GF who know's how too play his role. If each Cleric had a GF who knew what he/she was doing, the heads of the dragon would appear a LOT faster. Meaning more damage can be done too them a lot sooner, which is Damage Per Second!!
From what I've seen so far there are a few main reasons people fail ( we leave lag out of it since thats on Cryptic ).
№1 reason imo is the failure to properly defend the clerics and so I agree a 100% with AM on this one. Most people dont know squat about defending. Its safe to say this phase is a job for a GF
№2 Low DPS
№3 Low GS players with low to no skill dying left and right to any random aoe coming their way
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Ant - why no Tide of Iron on the dragons. 20% debuff is too good a group debuff to pass on. I know CS does more damage and TOI animation is so bad, but even if you just get one TOI off the 20% extra damage for up to 24 players zerging will bring the dragons down far quicker than any amount of CS you can do.
Also you might want to use Enhanced Mark with the 5% DR buff on the dragon shield once you have it.
It's all very well aggroing everything so the mobs are not near the clerics, but if the rest of your "team" are standing by the clerics fighting one Legion while you have a mob of 5+, and no one comes to your rescue, you will end up dead.
And the final score position means absolutely nothing, as schweifer1982 pointed out, you can just stand in red, self heal and finish top. Not that it matters because I think the rewards are just the same atm.
There are way to many factors in the Tiamat encounter which can screw it up too easily. Bugs, AFKers/leeches, low gear score players, unskilled players, and lag.
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
Just go in tiamat red aura you will be not in combat and take a lot of dmg in the mean time u can use 99 stack of hp potion and be first on the score board .
Or try this enter in tia HE stand on the dragon stature left wing jump down you will take fall dmg count as score .
To be first in score not prove anything.
If you enter you have 50% of failure 24 bad player + you .(and you cannot do anything too boost your raid mates dps)
Tide of iron or mark wont help .
But if you have a good SW CW TR DC HR GWF (build for pve DPS ) you can cut a half head alone in 1 phase.
Now i ask y one more time where is GF in this picture?
I cannot alone defend 3 clerics i cannot cut the half hp of 1 head.
DPS is the only thing what can boost your succes.
Accept it or not but this is true.
From what I've seen so far there are a few main reasons people fail ( we leave lag out of it since thats on Cryptic ).
№1 reason imo is the failure to properly defend the clerics and so I agree a 100% with AM on this one. Most people dont know squat about defending. Its safe to say this phase is a job for a GF
№2 Low DPS
№3 Low GS players with low to no skill dying left and right to any random aoe coming their way
Soo true .
I wish mybe 1 time DCs stop using astral seal on this HE they ruining they own HE too.
They causing soo much lag 3 astral seal super laag 4 astral seal ppl stating connection lost 5 astral seal hamster dead .
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
edited December 2014
Any way back to the original topic GF dps is low her survive is low .
Yesterday i say in dom a DC healed 108000 from 1 skill (i dont know HD is bugged for dc but if not this is 200k)
Where the heck is GF here?? No self healing no dps pfff...
tactician and conqueror feats suck. Except the capstone feats. So you interrupt a target if you use lunging strike like wtf. Almost of skill in pvp is instance.
too may topics here ... I 'll also drop my thoughts since we are left so few,especially in forums.
I 'll start from the less painfull for us.Tiamat.Sadly but true,Schweifer is right.It is a dps fest.i was running for months with Knight captain for pve but mothballed it recently;Just to increase my score over 18,5 in the hope that some group will pick me.even that is not adequate people ask for 19+.I can barely reach it but not worth for me to run with diminishing return gear.
So a 18,5k gs GF cannot be picked for tiamat;Just think the fate of the 13-16k guys.
I logged with my 12k tr and did the tiamat HE.Two times .6th and 8th ,and that is pure damage not tanking or healing.
NW has become too much dps oriented game.In every mod dps is increasing in general by 100-300% while our defence is the same since beta.
Pugging in Tia is catastrophous ,out of 15-16 tries i have 2 success. lol .And i cannot enter high geard parties.
About pvp:
I usually hover from page 29 to page 120-130 during all mods leadrboard is active..In this mod at some point i ended up in page 386.
changed my build quite so now at page 72.In simple words,for the new Gfs out there:if you have less than 45k do not even queue:i am currently at 49% Dr(57,5% effective) 52k hp,26% deflect and i die a lot to classes less geared and experienced than me.Current pvp is a dps fest ,and we GFs are very easy to be focused.cause we are slow as hell and our only mean to defend ourself ,block,is slow as hell and buggy.In current pvp 2vs1(except tr) is almost instant death.
We need boost and buffs in self healing,mobility and block mechanism.Our animnations need to be sped up by 20-40%.
i do not ask for dps cause we will never get them.And i forgot:5 stacks in conq tree are too many.Devs need to make them 3 and keep ovrall damage/crit same or buff it.Against big bosses i rarely have more than 1 or 2 stacks.
As for tactician/conq/protector path:I really do not see the emphasis fellow Gfs like freshour and isaack2 are puting into protector tree.
The rotations are also available to Conqs.(ITF etc).Plus conq has better dps and same or better self heals(take measure).
The defensive feats of protector are t1/t2 and any conq can take them.
The only advanatge a prot has in defence vs a conq is the slowest stamina consume.A 10%.That's it.
While Conq has 25% more damage and 10% more crit.
i write these for the new fresh GFs:Stay Conqs.Elite Gfs like Isaak2 and freshour can make the other paths work but they are Bis geared.
too may topics here ... I 'll also drop my thoughts since we are left so few,especially in forums.
I 'll start from the less painfull for us.Tiamat.Sadly but true,Schweifer is right.It is a dps fest.i was running for months with Knight captain for pve but mothballed it recently;Just to increase my score over 18,5 in the hope that some group will pick me.even that is not adequate people ask for 19+.I can barely reach it but not worth for me to run with diminishing return gear.
So a 18,5k gs GF cannot be picked for tiamat;Just think the fate of the 13-16k guys.
I logged with my 12k tr and did the tiamat HE.Two times .6th and 8th ,and that is pure damage not tanking or healing.
NW has become too much dps oriented game.In every mod dps is increasing in general by 100-300% while our defence is the same since beta.
Pugging in Tia is catastrophous ,out of 15-16 tries i have 2 success. lol .And i cannot enter high geard parties.
About pvp:
I usually hover from page 29 to page 120-130 during all mods leadrboard is active..In this mod at some point i ended up in page 386.
changed my build quite so now at page 72.In simple words,for the new Gfs out there:if you have less than 45k do not even queue:i am currently at 49% Dr(57,5% effective) 52k hp,26% deflect and i die a lot to classes less geared and experienced than me.Current pvp is a dps fest ,and we GFs are very easy to be focused.cause we are slow as hell and our only mean to defend ourself ,block,is slow as hell and buggy.In current pvp 2vs1(except tr) is almost instant death.
We need boost and buffs in self healing,mobility and block mechanism.Our animnations need to be sped up by 20-40%.
i do not ask for dps cause we will never get them.And i forgot:5 stacks in conq tree are too many.Devs need to make them 3 and keep ovrall damage/crit same or buff it.Against big bosses i rarely have more than 1 or 2 stacks.
As for tactician/conq/protector path:I really do not see the emphasis fellow Gfs like freshour and isaack2 are puting into protector tree.
The rotations are also available to Conqs.(ITF etc).Plus conq has better dps and same or better self heals(take measure).
The defensive feats of protector are t1/t2 and any conq can take them.
The only advanatge a prot has in defence vs a conq is the slowest stamina consume.A 10%.That's it.
While Conq has 25% more damage and 10% more crit.
i write these for the new fresh GFs:Stay Conqs.Elite Gfs like Isaak2 and freshour can make the other paths work but they are Bis geared.
This is refreshing to read. I started my pvp gf when reckless attacker still gave you power based on how much of your shield meter was left. I took a break and recently came back and leveled it to 60 through pvp. It just got to 60 last night and now I am eyeing gearing it. In any case, up to this point, conq seems to work really well in pvp. Playing a truly reckless, full on aggressive style. 2v2,3v3 and on up, on node, and this thing causes major disruption. I like to move in combat more through gap closers than actual running, not locking down on any one target usually but simply going randomly after everyone and knocking enemy players off node as much as possible. 1v2 on up it is turtle shell mode until the highest enemy dps is in cd and then a rapid prone combination (bullrush-lunging-anvil), and if there is a chance of winning a 3v1 by killing the enemy players one by one, there it is. What normally stops this from killing more than 1 or 2 of the enemy is not straight out dps, but rather cc. TRs are not the impossible challenge they seem to other classes, and they really HATE when you withstand a 30k shocking execution only to prone-rotate them down to 25% hp. SS does still seem to work against very high dps.
Not saying this class/path does not need major help, it really does, and I am sure everything will change as I walk into lvl 60 pvp, but so far the class/path has been a blast to play. My favorite by far. I am sure I'll be back after a week of lvl 60 gf pvp crying about how underpowered the class is though lol.
lvl99looterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 682Arc User
Any way back to the original topic GF dps is low her survive is low .
Yesterday i say in dom a DC healed 108000 from 1 skill (i dont know HD is bugged for dc but if not this is 200k)
Where the heck is GF here?? No self healing no dps pfff...
1. "her survive is low" - You have trouble surviving?? What? Brah I can solo corrupted bears. Also I just noticed you have a LOT of Tennies, low crit, low lifesteal, and low regen... If this is your setup for PvE then NO WONDER why you're trippen =O!!
Look dude, when I say you don't know what your doing. I'm not trying too be a rude a**hole, I'm saying that with respect. I have no issues with surviving, I can DPS the heads VERY well as a GF. True, I can't do it better than a DPS class, but I can leave a good dent in the head's HP. My crushing surges can hit for 60k on the FIRST swing, when fully buffed/debuffed my surges can hit 90k+ per sing. My Knee Breaker's average 230k+ crits, my Anvils can hit 495k.
You have BETTER gear than me, and from what your telling me; you are struggling. Look man I wanna help you, but you first have too help me, help you. We are NOT useless.
2. I'ma test out that 99x healing pot thing too see if it's true.
(Update) I just remember gateway doesn't show all player's stats. So your crit and lifesteal might be higher than what I saw. Holla back, let me know.
1. "her survive is low" - You have trouble surviving?? What? Brah I can solo corrupted bears. Also I just noticed you have a LOT of Tennies, low crit, low lifesteal, and low regen... If this is your setup for PvE then NO WONDER why you're trippen =O!!
Look dude, when I say you don't know what your doing. I'm not trying too be a rude a**hole, I'm saying that with respect. I have no issues with surviving, I can DPS the heads VERY well as a GF. True, I can't do it better than a DPS class, but I can leave a good dent in the head's HP. My crushing surges can hit for 60k on the FIRST swing, when fully buffed/debuffed my surges can hit 90k+ per sing. My Knee Breaker's average 230k+ crits, my Anvils can hit 495k.
You have BETTER gear than me, and from what your telling me; you are struggling. Look man I wanna help you, but you first have too help me, help you. We are NOT useless.
2. I'ma test out that 99x healing pot thing too see if it's true.
(Update) I just remember gateway doesn't show all player's stats. So your crit and lifesteal might be higher than what I saw. Holla back, let me know.
My (true) stats:
6 x Greater Tene total 22% my DPS
i have 6 k power
3k crit rate (y forget i use x2 gddg +800 crit)
Crit chance 36%
LS 9% + Endless
24% arp
78k hp
20% combat advantage
MY DPS is not bad but i have only the half of a awesome SW dps oriented 24k player.
At least they cant draw agro from me not even if my mark effect is ower.
Dot judge me on gateway.
Any way as soon as i finish my offhand i can slot another G.tene .
Another 3.6 % more dps.
Even if i slot rads rank 10 what i have MY dps will be only lower.
Who care if you can beat bears ?
But you cannot beat 1 player cuz he will be healed for 108000 HP in 1 sec?
I can do this too i also can finish Bone golem HE in wotd. And? Any one can do this too but x2 faster and they dont die too.
If you not notice i have a 26 k GWF too . Things are lot faster .
Also currently now my little daugther play my char and try to hit out some peridots for me XD .
I dont use my top gear(BI) for regular lvl 60 mobs .
My (true) stats:
6 x Greater Tene total 22% my DPS
i have 6 k power
3k crit rate (y forget i use x2 gddg +800 crit)
Crit chance 36%
LS 9% + Endless
24% arp
78k hp
20% combat advantage
MY DPS is not bad but i have only the half of a awesome SW dps oriented 24k player.
At least they cant draw agro from me not even if my mark effect is ower.
Dot judge me on gateway.
Any way as soon as i finish my offhand i can slot another G.tene .
Another 3.6 % more dps.
Even if i slot rads rank 10 what i have MY dps will be only lower.
Who care if you can beat bears ?
But you cannot beat 1 player cuz he will be healed for 108000 HP in 1 sec?
I can do this too i also can finish Bone golem HE in wotd. And? Any one can do this too but x2 faster and they dont die too.
If you not notice i have a 26 k GWF too . Things are lot faster .
Also currently now my little daugther play my char and try to hit out some peridots for me XD .
I dont use my top gear(BI) for regular lvl 60 mobs .
You do realize those tennies are not good DPS right? It's just timed burst damage, also your crit goes and comes based on the cooldown. You might as well just stack some crit on your stone, and use timeless. With no help from a TR, I have 40% crit chance, and with a TR it's 45%.
The reason why I brought up the bears is because you said you have a tough time surviving.
.. vs Tiamat isn't that bad.. Aggro when u have to defende the clerics, change skills and try to do something type of DPS to the heads
idk the score what means, but often i take gold and in 2nd/5th position ._.
.. in PVP, we don't need a buff, all classes need a BALANCE and NERF.. I'm not speaking for pvp only.
After Artifacts and Changes to the Classes, every dungeon is easy to complete.. Strengthen existing dungeons also entail a change of GS to participate (fkin GS, it means nothing~), but a nerf to the dps skills/classes I think it wouldn't hurt.
Come on guys, a boss should be challenging, not to crush the skills one after another almost at random, without worrying about dodging. (I needed google here, sry )
Each class has its talents, Cryptik, so use them better!
And give us a bit of difference between the various builds (see HR Archer-Conbat).
| Cìrdan - GF | Cìrdan The Lightbringer - OP |
< Guild: Pugno Fiammante >
lvl99looterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 682Arc User
.. vs Tiamat isn't that bad.. Aggro when u have to defende the clerics, change skills and try to do something type of DPS to the heads
idk the score what means, but often i take gold and in 2nd/5th position ._.
.. in PVP, we don't need a buff, all classes need a BALANCE and NERF.. I'm not speaking for pvp only.
After Artifacts and Changes to the Classes, every dungeon is easy to complete.. Strengthen existing dungeons also entail a change of GS to participate (fkin GS, it means nothing~), but a nerf to the dps skills/classes I think it wouldn't hurt.
Come on guys, a boss should be challenging, not to crush the skills one after another almost at random, without worrying about dodging. (I needed google here, sry )
Each class has its talents, Cryptik, so use them better!
And give us a bit of difference between the various builds (see HR Archer-Conbat).
1. Why would changing powers too maximize your abilities too the fullest be a bad thing?...
2. I agree, there are some serious balancing/nerf's needed. But I swear they don't know how too, despite ALL the incredible suggestions/help provided too them for 100% FREE of charge from the player's.
2. I agree, there are some serious balancing/nerf's needed. But I swear they don't know how too, despite ALL the incredible suggestions/help provided too them for 100% FREE of charge from the player's.
This is the point!
Or they ignore us, or they can't distinguish trolls and not trolls..
But guys, the game is yours.. play it seriously! We all have a head
ps: what about the "Presidents" of the classes?
| Cìrdan - GF | Cìrdan The Lightbringer - OP |
< Guild: Pugno Fiammante >
If you enter you have 50% of failure 24 bad player + you .(and you cannot do anything too boost your raid mates dps)
No class can save a Tiamat run with 24 bad players, so I'm not sure what your point is.
PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
1 GF conq is eq = 10 k CW in dps.
If i see more then 4 GF in Tiamat HE i go outside soon as i can cuz i know they will not succes the HE.
Somthing need to be done .
Now we dont have Advocate too .
But rumors are there ,the next class will be paladin i have deep deep hope devs will make it valid in pve and pvp .
We also have some hints in game .
People say the GF's are a tank class. Sure, the protector is a tank indeed. But 1v1, they are not the best tank, 2v2 they make a BIG difference. DC's arguably make the BIGGEST difference, but a GF + GWF with ITF mark, tide of iron, the GWF can 1 shot anyone. so it's a good combo. But lets say a GWF wants to be a tank, they can be REALLY tanky and still hurt people lol. A conq is giving up a LOT of it's tankiness, and just can't put out the numbers in end game pvp, or PVE for that matter in comparison to the other classes. If you took this GF and through him in mod 1 or mod 2, it'd be a different story, but people have double the gear score, double-5x the damage, and WORLDS better recovery of HP. So idk.. Flat out DPS buff all around to conq would make it more viable and be VERY easy to do.
If a target is marked, the GF's encounters do 15% more damage and the target's encounters do 15% less damage.
ehm...with the current mark Gf gets +20% DR plus +15% damge from CA.
With your proposal we would lose about 5% damage.....
You obviously don't know your role as a GF in Tiamat then... Watch this. Believe it or not, 3 good GF's can speed up Tiamat faster than any other class. Every time a GF has aggro, and defends away from the Clerics, the amount of time it takes the cleric too fully charge up their prayer's decreases. Meaning the boss comes back sooner too be DPS'd.
Also, if people of other classes are too lazy too change powers too debuff/dps the boss. That's not the GF's fault. I know far too many people who are too lazy too switch powers for maximum DPS on the bosses.
What role can have a GF in the swarm?
Or how about this you block ligthning from dragon "a guy " stand behind you and the electric loop will kill you from behind.
Any way how can you grab agro when every 10k push adds 1 million mile away ?
In the swarm only 1 thing matter DPS .
Cool and nice you have 1 time run with 25 ppl how can think but this isnt 100 % tru.
Cuz each time you enter the HE there is 1 rule 50/50 you are surrounded by 10k GS or pvp build .
But any way far as i know you are not such a big experienced GF in pve so you can see your role in tia good for y but the other 24 ppl give a shi... about y.
I'm assuming English is not your native tongue, because a lot of that did not make sense xD!...
For the most part I see what you're trying too say, and once again I'm going too say YOU ARE WRONG. It's NOT all about DPS man. This is what a lot of people need too get through their heads. With that said, the new queue system needs too be scrapped, because there's going too be severe elitism, and that's the LAST thing we need. It's actually GOOD that we're forced too play with lower geared players, because it forces players too teach one another. With that said, I know low gear players who are BETTER than newbs with 20k gear.
I've already proven that gear/DPS is NOT the ONLY way too go. I have a Castle Never Tutorial with me playing a 12k CW, showing people how too properly C-DUB for CN!
Look dude, I'm not just some random GF who started playing last week brah. Try my method before you start crying we're useless. Stop trying too be a GWF, stop trying too be a CW or a TR. You are a G-U-A-R-D-I-A-N F-I-G-H-T-E-R! EVERY Tiamat I enter, which ever Cleric I'm defending reaches 100% before ANY other Cleric who doesn't have a GF who know's how too play his role. If each Cleric had a GF who knew what he/she was doing, the heads of the dragon would appear a LOT faster. Meaning more damage can be done too them a lot sooner, which is Damage Per Second!!
Watch my Tiamat Tutorial if you want too learn our role.
From 100 time you can have 2 linu.
Try it with 24 x10 k player +your GF
Any way you have the worst repu as GF both pve and pvp .
But you do amasing work with Some pvp video's .
So no one will ever take an advice from y .
Those how take it are fresh starters . They belive in wonders and in santa.
But no offens .
And yepp Eng is not my native tongue.
1. Sounds like you don't wanna be helped.
2. Do you honestly believe I struggle too get linus?? Think about it, I came in 7th place as a CW with NO enchants because I know how too play character roles.
3. What is this rep that you speak of?
I can go in with 10 k TR and be at first place just stand in red and use hp pots y dont need to be a genius pro player do get first place.
Interesting. Show me.
From what I've seen so far there are a few main reasons people fail ( we leave lag out of it since thats on Cryptic ).
№1 reason imo is the failure to properly defend the clerics and so I agree a 100% with AM on this one. Most people dont know squat about defending. Its safe to say this phase is a job for a GF
№2 Low DPS
№3 Low GS players with low to no skill dying left and right to any random aoe coming their way
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Also you might want to use Enhanced Mark with the 5% DR buff on the dragon shield once you have it.
It's all very well aggroing everything so the mobs are not near the clerics, but if the rest of your "team" are standing by the clerics fighting one Legion while you have a mob of 5+, and no one comes to your rescue, you will end up dead.
And the final score position means absolutely nothing, as schweifer1982 pointed out, you can just stand in red, self heal and finish top. Not that it matters because I think the rewards are just the same atm.
There are way to many factors in the Tiamat encounter which can screw it up too easily. Bugs, AFKers/leeches, low gear score players, unskilled players, and lag.
Just go in tiamat red aura you will be not in combat and take a lot of dmg in the mean time u can use 99 stack of hp potion and be first on the score board .
Or try this enter in tia HE stand on the dragon stature left wing jump down you will take fall dmg count as score .
To be first in score not prove anything.
If you enter you have 50% of failure 24 bad player + you .(and you cannot do anything too boost your raid mates dps)
Tide of iron or mark wont help .
But if you have a good SW CW TR DC HR GWF (build for pve DPS ) you can cut a half head alone in 1 phase.
Now i ask y one more time where is GF in this picture?
I cannot alone defend 3 clerics i cannot cut the half hp of 1 head.
DPS is the only thing what can boost your succes.
Accept it or not but this is true.
Soo true .
I wish mybe 1 time DCs stop using astral seal on this HE they ruining they own HE too.
They causing soo much lag 3 astral seal super laag 4 astral seal ppl stating connection lost 5 astral seal hamster dead .
Yesterday i say in dom a DC healed 108000 from 1 skill (i dont know HD is bugged for dc but if not this is 200k)
Where the heck is GF here?? No self healing no dps pfff...
And Demise. And perma-daze. And perma-dodge. And the perma-crit from perma-stealth.
I 'll start from the less painfull for us.Tiamat.Sadly but true,Schweifer is right.It is a dps fest.i was running for months with Knight captain for pve but mothballed it recently;Just to increase my score over 18,5 in the hope that some group will pick me.even that is not adequate people ask for 19+.I can barely reach it but not worth for me to run with diminishing return gear.
So a 18,5k gs GF cannot be picked for tiamat;Just think the fate of the 13-16k guys.
I logged with my 12k tr and did the tiamat HE.Two times .6th and 8th ,and that is pure damage not tanking or healing.
NW has become too much dps oriented game.In every mod dps is increasing in general by 100-300% while our defence is the same since beta.
Pugging in Tia is catastrophous ,out of 15-16 tries i have 2 success. lol
About pvp:
I usually hover from page 29 to page 120-130 during all mods leadrboard is active..In this mod at some point i ended up in page 386.
changed my build quite so now at page 72.In simple words,for the new Gfs out there:if you have less than 45k do not even queue:i am currently at 49% Dr(57,5% effective) 52k hp,26% deflect and i die a lot to classes less geared and experienced than me.Current pvp is a dps fest ,and we GFs are very easy to be focused.cause we are slow as hell and our only mean to defend ourself ,block,is slow as hell and buggy.In current pvp 2vs1(except tr) is almost instant death.
We need boost and buffs in self healing,mobility and block mechanism.Our animnations need to be sped up by 20-40%.
i do not ask for dps cause we will never get them.And i forgot:5 stacks in conq tree are too many.Devs need to make them 3 and keep ovrall damage/crit same or buff it.Against big bosses i rarely have more than 1 or 2 stacks.
As for tactician/conq/protector path:I really do not see the emphasis fellow Gfs like freshour and isaack2 are puting into protector tree.
The rotations are also available to Conqs.(ITF etc).Plus conq has better dps and same or better self heals(take measure).
The defensive feats of protector are t1/t2 and any conq can take them.
The only advanatge a prot has in defence vs a conq is the slowest stamina consume.A 10%.That's it.
While Conq has 25% more damage and 10% more crit.
i write these for the new fresh GFs:Stay Conqs.Elite Gfs like Isaak2 and freshour can make the other paths work but they are Bis geared.
This is refreshing to read. I started my pvp gf when reckless attacker still gave you power based on how much of your shield meter was left. I took a break and recently came back and leveled it to 60 through pvp. It just got to 60 last night and now I am eyeing gearing it. In any case, up to this point, conq seems to work really well in pvp. Playing a truly reckless, full on aggressive style. 2v2,3v3 and on up, on node, and this thing causes major disruption. I like to move in combat more through gap closers than actual running, not locking down on any one target usually but simply going randomly after everyone and knocking enemy players off node as much as possible. 1v2 on up it is turtle shell mode until the highest enemy dps is in cd and then a rapid prone combination (bullrush-lunging-anvil), and if there is a chance of winning a 3v1 by killing the enemy players one by one, there it is. What normally stops this from killing more than 1 or 2 of the enemy is not straight out dps, but rather cc. TRs are not the impossible challenge they seem to other classes, and they really HATE when you withstand a 30k shocking execution only to prone-rotate them down to 25% hp. SS does still seem to work against very high dps.
Not saying this class/path does not need major help, it really does, and I am sure everything will change as I walk into lvl 60 pvp, but so far the class/path has been a blast to play. My favorite by far. I am sure I'll be back after a week of lvl 60 gf pvp crying about how underpowered the class is though lol.
1. "her survive is low" - You have trouble surviving?? What? Brah I can solo corrupted bears. Also I just noticed you have a LOT of Tennies, low crit, low lifesteal, and low regen... If this is your setup for PvE then NO WONDER why you're trippen =O!!
Look dude, when I say you don't know what your doing. I'm not trying too be a rude a**hole, I'm saying that with respect. I have no issues with surviving, I can DPS the heads VERY well as a GF. True, I can't do it better than a DPS class, but I can leave a good dent in the head's HP. My crushing surges can hit for 60k on the FIRST swing, when fully buffed/debuffed my surges can hit 90k+ per sing. My Knee Breaker's average 230k+ crits, my Anvils can hit 495k.
You have BETTER gear than me, and from what your telling me; you are struggling. Look man I wanna help you, but you first have too help me, help you. We are NOT useless.
2. I'ma test out that 99x healing pot thing too see if it's true.
(Update) I just remember gateway doesn't show all player's stats. So your crit and lifesteal might be higher than what I saw. Holla back, let me know.
Tis true... tis true
My (true) stats:
6 x Greater Tene total 22% my DPS
i have 6 k power
3k crit rate (y forget i use x2 gddg +800 crit)
Crit chance 36%
LS 9% + Endless
24% arp
78k hp
20% combat advantage
MY DPS is not bad but i have only the half of a awesome SW dps oriented 24k player.
At least they cant draw agro from me not even if my mark effect is ower.
Dot judge me on gateway.
Any way as soon as i finish my offhand i can slot another G.tene .
Another 3.6 % more dps.
Even if i slot rads rank 10 what i have MY dps will be only lower.
Who care if you can beat bears ?
But you cannot beat 1 player cuz he will be healed for 108000 HP in 1 sec?
I can do this too i also can finish Bone golem HE in wotd. And? Any one can do this too but x2 faster and they dont die too.
If you not notice i have a 26 k GWF too . Things are lot faster .
Also currently now my little daugther play my char and try to hit out some peridots for me XD .
I dont use my top gear(BI) for regular lvl 60 mobs .
You do realize those tennies are not good DPS right? It's just timed burst damage, also your crit goes and comes based on the cooldown. You might as well just stack some crit on your stone, and use timeless. With no help from a TR, I have 40% crit chance, and with a TR it's 45%.
The reason why I brought up the bears is because you said you have a tough time surviving.
idk the score what means, but often i take gold and in 2nd/5th position ._.
.. in PVP, we don't need a buff, all classes need a BALANCE and NERF.. I'm not speaking for pvp only.
After Artifacts and Changes to the Classes, every dungeon is easy to complete.. Strengthen existing dungeons also entail a change of GS to participate (fkin GS, it means nothing~), but a nerf to the dps skills/classes I think it wouldn't hurt.
Come on guys, a boss should be challenging, not to crush the skills one after another almost at random, without worrying about dodging. (I needed google here, sry
Each class has its talents, Cryptik, so use them better!
And give us a bit of difference between the various builds (see HR Archer-Conbat).
| Cìrdan - GF | Cìrdan The Lightbringer - OP |
< Guild: Pugno Fiammante >
1. Why would changing powers too maximize your abilities too the fullest be a bad thing?...
2. I agree, there are some serious balancing/nerf's needed. But I swear they don't know how too, despite ALL the incredible suggestions/help provided too them for 100% FREE of charge from the player's.
This is the point!
Or they ignore us, or they can't distinguish trolls and not trolls..
But guys, the game is yours.. play it seriously! We all have a head
ps: what about the "Presidents" of the classes?
| Cìrdan - GF | Cìrdan The Lightbringer - OP |
< Guild: Pugno Fiammante >
No class can save a Tiamat run with 24 bad players, so I'm not sure what your point is.