Can anyone tell me, how Disciple of Strenght feat works? It's a +6% damage increase, or a *6% ?
I used Scoundrel training till mod 5, but I guess it's not as viable as before, because now DF damage contribution is a lot less.
Human TR still worth it? I use the 5/5 cunning sneak, but I don't know, if it still worth the 2 points Attribute loss.
My story is truly a grand tale! Of course, any story about me is going to be grand simply by virtue of the main character.
For Disciple of Strength, I don't know how exactly this feat work in Total Damage Calculations, but, after a lot of tests, final result is a +4-6% damage with 3 points in this feat, so, it's like +6 in Strength ability score.