Not to troll our
"hard working" developers who seem to fall short of testing before making a release each time, but can any elaborate or give some evidence to how a 20k GS GWF would win against a 20k GS TR or HR ?
Somehow I seem to miss something with a "balanced" PVP update. A lot of lower GS GWF has asked me to give some input for premade and I am falling short in answers. While every class was buffed and rebuffed, it's unrealistic how much the difference stands out, but anyway - for the benefit of the doubt - do share an end gear build that has potential to work successfully in 1:1 scenario for what was mentioned above!
Standard 2/2 BI "Sentinel" Piece , CON Belt, etc. 43% DR 18% Tenacity.
And how OP is HR ? Even the TRs are scared of them.
WTB Class Reroll please
So you want "evidence"? There it is. I suppose.
You might win, if you have a DC friend who gives you some love before the fight, so you will heal for 100k if your HP is lower than... or would this be chating?
TBH, I do fine against PuGs with my 20k+ GWF and against some HRs/ TRs with decent gear, but I would say, that against good players it is just dumb luck. While their dot dmg sends you to hell, you have 3 encounters and one daily, that will, fingers crossed, hit and crit and wont get dodged/ auto dodged or get deflected. As good players wont stand idle to get their hits your chances are slim.
You might want to try PvE, but wait, your dmg got nerved, again, so my DC might do more dmg. At last you can allways mark the targets and pull them together, be useful to the group, you know.
By balance I mean 2 players with similar GS should be able to take each other out equally depending on successful attacks, dodge and other elements of game play.
By balance I don't mean a TR / HR > GWF all 20k GS , PvP spec 100/100 times with a visible difference of 40%+ HP without fail. Killing PvE hugging pugs and going 30-0 is still doable for me. But killing a 20k GS HR / TR is next to impossible. The difference between HR,TR vs GWF on a single flag node is visible and a known fact. And by the skill level I don't mean the skill level at which devs or PvE pugs play. I mean a proper premade with 20k GS PvP spec.
BALANCE ? PvP ? Non-existent, true for a lot of MMO but not this bad. And by bad I mean REALLY REALLY BAD. Remember when GWF was OP ? Took them 8 months to fix Roar. Count the number of months it will take them to fix HR and TR.
+ CAGI Calcultator
+ Liquid Tear Website
I feel I must clarify; what I mean by balance is the bare-bones base class. Meaning specifically - take all the classes, each and everyone at level 4, directly out of the tutorial, all with default gear and powers: they should all be equally balanced in terms of capabilities if the same player could doppleganger themselves to play against themselves; no one class is any better or more powerful than any other no matter what they do.
Now add any combination of level 60 stuff (Encounter powers, daily powers, feats, etc) - but not gear or enchants or any kind of "add-on" - all those classes should still be pretty equally "balanced" against each other, in other words: none has any inherent advantage over any other.
Whenever I use the word "Balanced" throughout all my communication in these forums, no matter the subject or thread, this is the "balance" I speak of and this is the balance I take the Devs to mean whenever they also use the word.
As soon as you add different players, different gear, different enchantments and boons, and all the rest - that "balance" becomes so heavily influenced by so many different variables as to throw any "balance" out of whack and there is nothing you, or I, or the Devs can do about that.
So when you say "balance" and when someone else says "balance" and anyone and everyone says "balance" - what you speak of is simply impossible to achieve, unless and until you strip everything back down to the base model.
So I ask you keep this detailed, wordy verbose description of my meaning of the word "balance" when you reread my original comment, which I'll reiterate here in answer to the OP: "It sounds like balance to me".
2. And oh by the way, class mechanics + gears = character build. A 20k GS can be seen as a higher level character. Ideally, 2 20k GS characters should be able to brawl each other out and depending on "skill set", the better player should win. So your FULL STOP is not practical and unrealistic. Example: It makes GF to focus on neckace with AC, CW to focus on offensive necklace, etc. Based on the logic presented here, which is practical and NOT abstract , Character Mechanic + PvP 20k GS Spec Gear for TR / HR > Everything else, and it's a BIG difference.
+ CAGI Calcultator
+ Liquid Tear Website
It's "Oh, as for your GWF, WHAT?! you want to be OFF TANK?! Go play CW!" - fix't
+ CAGI Calcultator
+ Liquid Tear Website
Standard 2/2 BI "Sentinel" Piece (Helmet / Chest Corrupted , Boots / Gloves Purified , CON Belt , etc.)
43% DR , 18% Tenacity. Probably can 1 shot destroyer and an epic fail "re-worked" instigator tree.
+ CAGI Calcultator
+ Liquid Tear Website
Want dps? CW! Want control? CW! Want x5 troll groups? CW! Wanan cry and nerf the other classes? CW!
QFT rofl!
I am with you at this Nezraal. That was nearly oneshot and probably from stealth.If that's the case then you started the fight at 20-25% of your hp,that Tr got an enormous advantage vs you.And what he did?just stayed in the shadow and press one button.
problem is the extremely high critical chance of TRs,plus all the bonus damage they get.SoD etc.If he was an exec you probably died to SoD after.that should not happening.saying these i am not against Trs in general or imply that there are not good players.He might even be better player than you:but in any case you did not had the chance to prove otherwise.
@hypervoreian Exactly , perfectly described.
And for some of you if you asked about pug killing. That's not the issue here. I can kill pugs too. SS from my last GG.
I don't care about pug games. I am talking about a "real" pvp, a "quality" pvp with good premade matchups. At 20k GS, there is a lot of off-balance that works in parallel with class mechanics. Clearly, the devs have serious issue In understanding what is really going on. I don't know one MMO where is such imbalance after 5 mod release and over a year of game floating around. Again, check SS from my first post, 42% DR, 18% CR Resist , 35k Damage taken, and that too from a stealth class, is this acceptable? For some of you claiming there is balance, I strongly disagree!
+ CAGI Calcultator
+ Liquid Tear Website
Why should he be able? There has to be a weakest class.
The question is more, how would a 20k gs mod5 gwf win against a 10k gs mod5 TR.
19-3 kill-death is not much per se. Last TR I saw in my daily PUG ended 44-2.
+ CAGI Calcultator
+ Liquid Tear Website
Heh? o.O how? lol The robot thing would be a fail idea because some classes like say hr vs cw yea no it would always win. Because without an error a BIS HR vs a BIS cw will win 90% of the time. Cant be a stalemate if one of the classes cant attack XD