For those that been on preview before module 5 and tested and written post after post about balance and game enviroment the final result is much to everybodys suprice not the best result.
The threads about immortal Dcs and Trs wrecking havock all over is hanging over forums like a poisonous cloud.
But lest face it, the players use what the game are giving to them even if some like to abuse broken stuff more then others.
It is the Devs that made this happend and its the only ones that can do something about this.
Instead of making the same misstake that is allready made with Trs, gwfs, gfs, and Dcs before where the changes went overboard and instead of fixing broken stuff it mostly ended up in nerfed to the ground, further changes would benifit from constructive feedback.
I dont think anybody in their right mind want the Dcs back to what they where last module and Trs did deserve some buffs much like gfs did in module 4.
Now for those that was testing these changes and followed the threads about Trs and Dcs the outcome was not what the player base asked for.
I strongy suggest that we all work together to make the incomming changes(they will come sooner or later) so that everybody can enjoy playing their class in both pvp and pve.
Its seems that the devs need all the help they can get from experianced players imho....