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The Casual Player's guide to AD

kvetkvet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,700 Arc User
edited November 2014 in General Discussion (PC)
Before I get started, let me tell you a little about myself so you have some context.

I'm a casual player. It's true I've played Neverwinter from it's very beginnings - even pre-beta. But I'm nearly 40, have a family and a full time job, so Neverwinter is a hobby for me, nothing more. I generally play the game for real about twice a week on average, but I DO find time to log in each morning before I start my day. I have paid money into the game - in particularly I purchased the Founders pack (it's now call the Hero of the North pack), the Feywild pack, the Guardian pack, AND the Dragonborn pack. I have twice purchased Zen with $$ in response to a promotion (once for the Radiant Ioun Stone and once for the Quickling). Otherwise, my Zen comes from in game sources only. I regret the Quicking, but the Radiant stone was solidly worth it without a doubt. I purchased the Packs not because they were particularly worth the asking price (though I do use the Giant Spider and have one Dragonboarn toon - and the Founder's pack was discounted originally as an early purchaser perk) but because I enjoy Neverwinter and am very much willing to voice my opinion with my wallet. I don't consider most of the money grabs PWE does in Neverwinter worthy of my $$, so I don't give it to them for those things.

In-game, I have moderately good gear, but not top-of-the-line. I still use the Ancient weapon set I got from CN over a year ago, for example, and I am using the standard T2 gear (though I did manage to finally complete the Black Ice set thanks to the promo box that let me get the gloves that hundreds upon hundreds of Major and Epic IWD HEs never gave me). I have a couple R8 enchants, but mostly R7s, and I have never possessed a "Perfect" enchantment. Finally, I have never "farmed" CN or any other DD or location for profit and in particularly, I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've run the same DD more than one time in a row in the entire time I've played Neverwinter. I cannot stand the idea of spending my precious few hours a week playing the same DD over and over and over again. So, I don't. That means I typically NEVER hit my AD max per day on any character I have except rarely (Waukeen event, is a notable exception......). By the way, I currently have 12 characters (plus an open slot I haven't started working on yet)

Final note before I get started: I'm not posting this so other people can brag about how much better their income is. I realize you can play the AH, or farm DDs, or go balls-to-the-wall profession farming or whatever and make a crapload of AD more than what I do. I don't care about any of that, this is a guide for the very casual player who CAN'T or DOESN'T WANT to do any of those things (people like me, that is).

Ok, the lead in is done. Despite all I've just said: I typically make about 500K AD per week, which comes to just under 1000 Zen (980 to be more precise) given the current price per Zen (500). Weekly. Given I am extraordinarily lazy (I like to think of myself as prioritizing other things over Neverwinter, personally...), I consider this level of income extremely good.

How do I do that?

Professions. I have 12 toons, 9 of which (currently) have level 20 leadership and 8 have all 9 slots open. As I said, I'm very lazy, and as such I only "walk" my toons once a day, typically in the morning. This is my process:

1: Log into the Gateway and roll through all my characters. The performance of the Gateway, even when on a T3-backed LAN, is terrible to the point that it's nearly unusable, so I don't try and do anything other than just switch to each toon in turn. Why? Because it "completes" all the projects instantly - if you do this in game, you have to wait until each one finishes which, for 9 slots can take a minute or sometimes even two. I usually do this while the game client itself is loading up.

2: Once the game loads up, I start at the bottom of my list (My main is the top, but that's just habit...). I always log out every toon in a campfire area, usually the PE or Hidden Garden, but not always. When the zone loads, I hit CTRL+I to start the pray and immediately hit N to bring up professions and start claiming. Then I reset professions, all leadership tasks. I use only a single asset, generally a common rank 3 one, and no other optional assets. Why? I only do this once per day, and assets don't increase the AD reward, so there's no benefit to using optional assets for me, therefore I don't take the time to put any in.

3: OPTIONAL: Refine AD and post it for sale on the ZAX. I don't necessarily do this each day, it's not really necessary to unless you're specifically saving up for something. If you notice the price per zen is under 500, DO convert your AD to Zen. You can sell it later when the market pukes its way back to 500 and make a small profit.

4: Wash/Rinse/Repeat with all your toons.

That's it. The whole process takes me ~ 10 minutes, longer if I also do any inventory management or need to move any assets around (for example, to toons that haven't finished unlocking all slots and so aren't ready to be full on profession farmers yet).

What tasks do I choose?

Always, without fail or exception, I choose Destroy Enemy Camp x3. I usually also always "acquire siege engine" 3 times to ensure I have enough for when the Rare tasks that use those pop. I also try to maintain enough Mining Rights for the same reason. If there's any Rare task that gives 1600AD, I take it. However, it there is not, I typically always take this: Destroy Enemy Camp x3, Acquire Siege Engine x3, Collect Taxes x3 (or, the Deliver Goods to Bizarre, or Fight off Spellplagued, in that order depending on what's available).

I only collect and reset my professions once a day, in fact, that's true even on days I actually manage to play. Therefore, other than on my main, I have not invested in any Green/Blue/Purple assets. That's not to say I don't have any - you can get green assets sometimes by training a 4 common rank 2s up to rank 3 (yes, you read that right, sometimes instead of a common rank 3, you end up with a Green version) and I've acquired profession packs of various types as well. I might not be a big spender, but I don't have any problem buying stuff.

The result is that on a very good day, I have a couple toons who manage 9 1600AD tasks (14400AD) while the rest bring in 7200AD. Since we're only talking about 8 toons of my 12 here (I only "farm" at level 20 leadership with 9 slots open - until then, it's all about 'getting there'), that means, on a good day, I earn: 72000AD or 144 Zen. On a "bad" day, one where all my toons earn the minimum, that's 57600AD or 115 Zen. The reality is usually somewhere in between those two numbers. I find the most typically day is around 135 Zen worth (67500AD) - though remember this includes also 1000AD per toon for prayers as as well.

To put this in perspective, at this rate, by simply logging into the game, praying and putting the absolute minimum time and effort into the game (perhaps, 2 minutes per toon), you can earn enough Zen to buy a Sharandar Skip token (TOTALLY WORTH IT....) for 5000 zen in about 37 days on average using a 8 toons. Clearly, more toons will make this go faster, and if you have time to repeat this in the late afternoon, early eventing, you can generally double the output if you do (some tasks have 18h timers though).

Oh, one other note: on my main, I sometimes use a few slots to refine black ice - with the BI set, comes a nasty black ice addiction.... But, on Sekhmet, I have hundreds of siege engines and mining rights, so I have a plenty big buffer. Actually opening all the boxes you get rather than stacking up a 1000 of them in your backpack helps -- those rare resources sometimes drop. Plus, waiting until you have more than 1000 of them makes for a royal pain in the a...finger when you want to open them, to say nothing of the inventory management nightmare.

But I only have 2 slots!

A single lazy toon at level 20 leadership can generate 7200AD per day. With the current broken economy, that's 14 Zen worth. Two toons can double that, so 28 zen per day. 2 characters slots run 500 zen (when not on sale), which will take you 18 days to earn using this lazy method. Then, the next two will only take you 9 - since you have effectively doubled your output. Etc.

Wait! It takes forever to train Leadership up to 20

Yes it does. Especially if you do it the lazy way... (that is, only walk toons once a day). Other than paying a crapton of AD, training Leadership to 20 will take you a VERY LONG TIME no matter how you do it. But, casual players are casual because we're not looking for instant success. I don't mind clickity click in the morning, takes me 10-15mins tops. Then, after a few weeks... months... whatever, I realize... hey, looky there! Got another Leadership Slave to throw into my AD factory. Hope OSHA doesn't notice the chains on the floor...

I realize this was a very long post, thanks for reading all the way to the bottom. Hope this helps you! :)

EDIT: Yes. my fingers don't know how to spell "casual" and my build-in spellchecker doesn't know the different. I can't change the topic name, but I have changed it in the body... meh. spell-checker fail, such a first-world problem :)
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    It took me about half a year to lvl leadership to 20. Just saying.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
  • kvetkvet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,700 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    mehguy138 wrote: »
    It took me about half a year to lvl leadership to 20. Just saying.

    Yeah, no doubt. If you do it the ultra-lazy way, it will probably take you 6 months. That is:

    1: Unlock 8 slots by getting your toon to level 60 and 2 crafting professions to level 20 and alchemy to level 3 (to get the Tier 3 unlock).
    2: Earn 1080 Leadership XP per day (it goes fast until about level 14... so I don't count those days). That's the 240xp x3, 160xp x3, and any 120xp one - I do mining rights, since you can search for "tr" and get all the training ones and that one to show up so no scrolling necessary.
    3: Do it for 143 days ( just under 5 months: 4 months 23 days) -- assume another month for the crafting tasks and leveling part.

    That is a long time, but as I said:
    kvet wrote: »
    Wait! It takes forever to train Leadership up to 20

    Yes it does. Especially if you do it the lazy way... (that is, only walk toons once a day). Other than paying a crapton of AD, training Leadership to 20 will take you a VERY LONG TIME no matter how you do it.

    I never said this was the FAST way - only that it was the easy/lazy way for very casual players.
  • frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Quickest I managed to do it with fairy decent assets and slots was 5 weeks, current with slots but crafting my own assets is 6 weeks to level 18 and hopefully less than a month to finish it, we'll see. Not casual but may be interesting to someone. Although I do often sleep longer than most people :D
  • onecoolscatcatonecoolscatcat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Very nice writeup!

    My Leadership tasks are somewhat different from yours, but I do the exact same process whenever purple crafting isn't worth the time. One minor nitpick:

    There's no reason to actually refine your rough AD. The game automatically does it for you.
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Yes it takes a long time to level up Leadership.

    On my main character it took just under 5 months (and I am just finishing it up today, only 400 Leadership XP to go!).

    The four tricks that really helped:

    1. Level three other professions up to rank 20 first. Alchemy, your armor profession (Leatherworking, etc.) and your weapon profession are good choices. With Mod5, Jewelcrafting may be better than your weapon profession. That will give you an additional slot.
    2. Use Alchemy to unlock the other two slots, speed bonus and rank 3 bonus.
    3. Have an auxiliary character in charge of hiring Mercenaries since those take a long time and give very little XP for doing so. So your main character only has to Train Guards and/or Train Footmen.
    4. Once you get to the third tier of tasks, always do 3xWar Games Training even though it gives no rewards other than XP. It will shave a lot of time off of the leveling.
  • kvetkvet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,700 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Very nice writeup!

    My Leadership tasks are somewhat different from yours, but I do the exact same process whenever purple crafting isn't worth the time. One minor nitpick:

    There's no reason to actually refine your rough AD. The game automatically does it for you.

    Thank you! And yes indeed it will, though it's a little out of sync. If you want to post your newly acquired AD right then, you'll have to refine it manually. In any case, like ryugasirius, I have a mild case of OCD (that doesn't always include the space between my brain and my fingers, as he pointed out ;) ) that has a real problem with seeing unrefined AD. *shrug* but you're right, the game will refine it for you on login and zone-change (I think it is). Keep in mind, what I described above doesn't see toons moving about much except waving their arms above their heads once right after logging in, so auto-refine only happens for AD earned "yesterday"
  • oldbaldyoneoldbaldyone Member Posts: 1,840 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'll add a little something:

    People for leadership take 18 hours to create. You need 4 to make the higher level, then 4 of those to make the next level. Quick math, using 1 slot for each person, this would take you 12 days to craft 1 rank 3 Person.

    Or, you can go to the auction house and buy Mercs (usually around 300-500 AD), Guards (3k or so) or Footmen (12-14k usually) and skip the entire process, or a portion of it depending on your leadership level and person needs. For example, if you have all the slots unlocked through other professions, you might want to buy a lot of Mercs/Guards so you can level leadership faster. It is almost always more productive and cheaper to buy them on the AH.
  • kvetkvet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,700 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Yes, what oldbaldyone said. At first, with only 2 slots - your income will be gind-based anyway. But getting rank 3 guys (9 of them) plus 9 armors and 9 swords, per toon, is the most important goal. The armor and swords are easy - it's just gold. You have to watch the market a bit to see if it's work getting 4 guards or 1 footman. Buying 16 mercs, when you have 8 slots (for instance) saves you only 2 days. However, at first, you only need Mercs.

    One warning though:

    One of my alts, I decided to get all the level 1 guys I needed to get 9 level 3 guys before I started doing anything. That meant 144 level 1 guys (in this case, it was weaponsmiths if I recall, but anyway). Resources don't stack -- needless to say, I ran out of room in my bag before I got enough, which is REALLY annoying and totally breaks my rhythm when I have to do unexpected inventory management because I can't claim any tasks. I had to mail one guy to myself, claim, then start an upgrade, claim, upgrade, etc until I could claim all the tasks. As I recall, I still didn't have enough level 1 guys.

    Anyway, that experiment failed.. and in any case, at this point I have all the crafting guys I need, so I can just mail them around to my new toons as needed. LOL, guys in medieval fedex boxes comes time mind :)
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    There's no reason to actually refine your rough AD. The game automatically does it for you.

    It only refines if you log into the game. If you're running Leadership toons and you don't actually log into them, it helps to refine via the Gateway every couple days.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • oldbaldyoneoldbaldyone Member Posts: 1,840 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    kvet wrote: »
    LOL, guys in medieval fedex boxes comes time mind :)

    I felt terrible when I found a Refugee in a crate.....that I had not opened in months. Poor guy.

    Another note: If you really get good with Leadership, remember this one thing. There is no point grinding straight AD at more than 24k per day. If you find yourself over that threshold, do tasks that reward crates instead unless you like having a huge stockpile of unusable wealth.

    Man-At-Arms also can be bought off the AH, and count as a R3. They can be spendy but do have a speed boost.
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I felt terrible when I found a Refugee in a crate.....that I had not opened in months. Poor guy.

    Better than finding: Human Skeleton
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • myowmyowmyowmyow Member Posts: 1,923 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    This is good, and I do much of this myself - being a casual player myself.

    However, getting those slots unlocked for Tier 3 result and 100% speed will cost a decent amount of AD. I think I spent at least 140k AD unlocking the 100% speed slot on a character. Is this expense really worth the return as it would take quite a while to recoup that?
    SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! (repeat indefinitely)

    myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
    pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
    looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
  • myowmyowmyowmyow Member Posts: 1,923 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    frishter wrote: »
    Quickest I managed to do it with fairy decent assets and slots was 5 weeks, current with slots but crafting my own assets is 6 weeks to level 18 and hopefully less than a month to finish it, we'll see. Not casual but may be interesting to someone. Although I do often sleep longer than most people :D

    LOL! I know from other posts you are definitely not casual. :)
    SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! (repeat indefinitely)

    myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
    pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
    looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
  • mrmauveforummrmauveforum Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    myowmyow wrote: »
    Is this expense really worth the return as it would take quite a while to recoup that?

    Assets don't get bound when you use them, so you can just buy one set and send it around to all your characters and then sell it.
  • vorticanvortican Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I have one character I have been playing since beta, one artifact, one artifact weapon, and a split set of epic because I will never see the BI gloves. Yes, professions are the key to wealth for casual players like me. However, while I do run leadership, unless you have multiple characters, there is no way to earn that much AD per week. Other professions can provide the money if you're willing to invest the time and effort, and it's a little more fun than grinding leadership. I earn about that much on a good week, less if I'm not paying attention or get an unlucky draw, but I still have time to play my one character on which I spend the AD earned.
  • frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    myowmyow wrote: »
    LOL! I know from other posts you are definitely not casual. :)

    ^_^. Though it has been a while that I've done stuff other stuff than dailies and crafting minus the rare time. Most of that being alt+tabbed, so I kind of feel half casual minus gateway checking compared to how I was. I'm kind of lucky/unlucky to have plenty of free time to be flexible. If I didn't I'm not sure if I could fit time for gaming, I suck at time management. That toon that did it in 5 weeks was one that levelled to 60 in 3 days iirc so there was a lot of slots free and it potentially couldve been done faster with purple assets but that's not really cost efficient.

    As someone else said you don't really lose much for investing in 100% speed and t3 result since you can resell them. Although If you're like me, you'll find it hard to let go of those assets. For me the most value out of the assets comes from convenience (I can be more flexible doing my professions twice a day) and from unlocking level 20 faster (which means that I won't cry myself to sleep for as long levelling them), though I haven't yet paid for assets for 9 of those newer toons.
  • myowmyowmyowmyow Member Posts: 1,923 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Ahhhh. Duh! I didn't know you could resell the "used" assets based on how most things work in NW (bind on equip). Nice!
    SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! (repeat indefinitely)

    myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
    pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
    looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
  • kvetkvet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,700 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    myowmyow wrote: »
    This is good, and I do much of this myself - being a casual player myself.

    However, getting those slots unlocked for Tier 3 result and 100% speed will cost a decent amount of AD. I think I spent at least 140k AD unlocking the 100% speed slot on a character. Is this expense really worth the return as it would take quite a while to recoup that?

    I would say it depends. As was mentioned, you really only need one set of 2 purple guys (for speed unlock) and 4 purple tools for result unlock for your whole account. I happen to use Alchemy for everything of that nature - I have two purple Alchemy guys, 3 purple bowls and a purple stone. I've used it to unlock the speed and result slots on all of my toons. I don't know the current price, but when I picked those up, they were not overly expensive.

    My method is a long-timer method - it's not a quick way to earn AD, but it is a steady and easy way to do it. However, I've easily recouped my expenses from buying the necessary assets and then a lot.
  • kvetkvet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,700 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    (I also keep the alchemy kit - as I call it - to loan to people in my guild so they can unlock their slots too. I don't have any plan to sell them anytime soon)
  • myowmyowmyowmyow Member Posts: 1,923 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Ok. This post got me fired up a bit to start getting a couple of extra slots unlocked for professions.

    However, I am having trouble unlocking the "level 3 result" slot. Even with several purple assets, I was not able to get any chance at a "level 3 result" although I did get 100% for a level 2 result.

    Is there a secret to getting the level 3 result chance up pretty high? I can't seem to figure it out!
    SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! (repeat indefinitely)

    myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
    pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
    looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
  • frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    myowmyow wrote: »
    Ok. This post got me fired up a bit to start getting a couple of extra slots unlocked for professions.

    However, I am having trouble unlocking the "level 3 result" slot. Even with several purple assets, I was not able to get any chance at a "level 3 result" although I did get 100% for a level 2 result.

    Is there a secret to getting the level 3 result chance up pretty high? I can't seem to figure it out!

    The quickest/easiest way I did it was level alchemy to 3/4 do the rare tasks and hope for the best (60% chance). If you fair it's only a 1-2h wait anyway.
  • vortix44vortix44 Member Posts: 680 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    myowmyow wrote: »
    I am having trouble unlocking the "level 3 result" slot.

    It costs several millions of AD to gather the required assets. As the thread is about how to make AD and not how to spend AD, the original poster mentioned only eight slots, not nine. If you happen to have the said assets, than you'll probably be able to craft purple items that you can sell for more than what Leadership earns you.
    English is not my first language.
  • ulvielulviel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 741 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The good thing about unlocking "tier 3 result" with alchemy is, tools are relatively cheap, and also you don't need 4 purples - materials do not cost much, tasks do not take that much time, so as long there is SOME chance for tier 3, you can try and try...
  • myowmyowmyowmyow Member Posts: 1,923 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Ah. Good information. Thanks everyone above!
    SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! (repeat indefinitely)

    myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
    pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
    looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
  • kvetkvet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,700 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    It doesn't cost several million, though it really does depend on the market price (and clearly what profession you're talking about -- Leatherworking purple tools are stupidly expensive. I have alchemy tools, it's the easiest and fastest way to get that slot unlocked anyway, and the tools are fairly inexpensive thanks to the cheaply available Alchemy Special Packs). You need 4 purple tools to maximize your chance (60% chance at a T3 result - that's the best you can get). You mix-match with lesser tools and still have some chance at a T3 result. It's up to RNG though, so you just have to keep at it until you get it.
  • myowmyowmyowmyow Member Posts: 1,923 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    kvet wrote: »
    It doesn't cost several million, though it really does depend on the market price (and clearly what profession you're talking about -- Leatherworking purple tools are stupidly expensive. I have alchemy tools, it's the easiest and fastest way to get that slot unlocked anyway, and the tools are fairly inexpensive thanks to the cheaply available Alchemy Special Packs). You need 4 purple tools to maximize your chance (60% chance at a T3 result - that's the best you can get). You mix-match with lesser tools and still have some chance at a T3 result. It's up to RNG though, so you just have to keep at it until you get it.

    Ah, ok. I will look at it again. Thanks!
    SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! (repeat indefinitely)

    myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
    pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
    looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
  • darkstarcrashdarkstarcrash Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,382 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Also wanted to chime in about unlocking the "speed" slot. 4 blue workers will also give you 100% speed increase, so it is probably cheaper to buy 4 blues than 2 purple workers.

    I happened to get 4 blue artificers, back when artificing packs were in lockboxes, so I mail those guys around to everyone when I need to unlock that slot.
  • dragoness10dragoness10 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    So I read this being more "casual" at times when I have more "RL work" than "free time". RL is very important, and of course takes the biggest chunk of my time.

    An initial note I may make is that I have ONE character. I may eventually fill the other two slots I have with "servants of the House or Clan" to my character for storage and professions primarily.

    Focussing on one character has allowed me to buy several purple assets, collect a large amount of purple gear (often sold for Rough AD), and upgrade my five main companions to blue. Most companions I have are green.

    "Don't you get bored???!"


    I have a good guild to run multiple activities with. I do the contests, and Events. I dabble in Foundry. I flit about helping others in guild, friends, and some days I reserve for mostly just ME so I get my own goals done.

    "Well, what does that have to do with earning things in game as a casual player?"

    #1 Don't stick yourself in a "farm only" frame of mind. This applies to gear, PvP, Achievements, Campaigns, Professions, and everything else in game. This is a game, not a job.

    #2 Expect everything takes SOME effort at reading. Many questions are answered by a mere click of a button, or the Wiki.

    #3 Make your effort put in efficient as possible.

    - Don't have time for multiple dungeons or skirmishes? Do it only at the indicated times on screen, or plan ahead with friends to do a skirmish/ dungeon at a certain time/ day.
    - Plot the longer tasks in Professions to be done as you sleep.
    - Take up as many dailies as you can for AD on any given day, and then slowly work towards them being accomplished. They will add up by the end of the week.

    (A side note : If you feel bad about "selling Refugees" or other "sentient beings" think of it more as "selling a contract" to go aquire one, or take care of them through charity. It's an "item to aquire one" rather than the being itself.)
    " I tried to figure out the enigma that was you, and then I realized mastering Wild Magic was easier." - Old Wizard in Waterdeep

    "Why is it dragons only use ketchup? I'd like a little wasabi please. Us silvers like a variety of condiments."

    "Don't call them foolish mortals. One, they don't learn from it. Two, It just ticks them off." - An Ancient Red Dragon
  • hfgtfsdfshfgtfsdfs Member Posts: 688 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'm not doing profession or praying at all. Why? Because its boring. I rather not have any AD than do that **** everyday. A game is supposed to be FUN and repeating stuff every single day as long as you play the game is not. Its a terrible game function.

    There needs to be more fun ways to make AD like running dungeons..... It should be kinda obvious but it seems like its not since there is almost no AD to make running dungeons today.
  • onegaki101onegaki101 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    It should cost no more than 50k to unlock the 100% speed bonus. You just need 4 blue guys from other profession to do it.

    For me, I usually takes me no more than 2 months to do it. I am guessing it is not really casual as I log in 5 times a day to do it. Once when i wake up, once at lunch time, once near the end of the work day, once after dinner, and another before i go to sleep.

    I am really glad this game has the Leadership profession. Otherwise, I could never afford any of the items on AH.
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