lirithielMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,482Arc User
edited December 2014
I'm currently using Corrupted Black Ice gloves and boots with the Draconic Templar chest and helm. I lose a touch of Defence from the 4-piece CBI set but my offensive stats are way better. I use this set-up for dungeon runs and Tiamat.
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
greensaiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 39
edited December 2014
I need 14 favors for the DT chest, so right now running DT hood / gloves and BI chest, boots
Hello. My race dragonborn. I want try your build but your race human. Human is +3 heroic point. Whichone erase your feats point for me? See me or send me 20 heroic feat point. And re roll stats.Ty for help.
1 point in scoundrel training (which u wont be able to asign) and 2 points distributed between the hp and daily dmg feats (tier 1), depending on what ur lacking more.... so either 3/5 3/3 or 4/5 2/3.
Xim, you posted on another thread that you would consider using Draconic Templar hood and bracers with Dread Legion Chest and boots.
Is this just for farming and when you need to max out your dps you switch to Black ice? or is this set good enough to use instead of the black ice?
Dread legion chest from valindras tower? The stats dont seem to be that good though?
thats for daily farming so bi requirements dont get too crazy. ( though im lazy and go into tiamat with it too)... my stats are all ready well rounded with full corrupted, so i go 4/4 on it for max power and defense. But honestly u could go which what ever set u prefer, is just that i like the bi stat arrangement because it gives me the most power and a ****load of defense so i can focus on hp.
Now if they release more t3 sets... and we finally get a 2 set bonus with power ill happily switch.
yeah vt for the chest, stats are pretty nice actually get good power and ls...... but its mostly coz id rather have 2 overloads.... bt these things are really preference and depend on what artifacts uve got for the stat balance, it matters to get there not how u get there.
litlle sneak peek at how im looking after 2xrp:
Ill upgrade op when i finish jewelcrafting and craft a 250 power/crit belt for my stone and a 250 power/arp ring for me... hopefully ill have enough money for regents to make a couple rank 9s more by then for hps. and ill swap the arp boon from tod for defense. So ill basically be around:
11100 power
3250 crit
1950 arp
2800 rec
2450 defense
29k hp
1 point in scoundrel training (which u wont be able to asign) and 2 points distributed between the hp and daily dmg feats (tier 1), depending on what ur lacking more.... so either 3/5 3/3 or 4/5 2/3.
sorry dear. my english so bad i don't understand feats. pls can u help in
and how to make stats roll my character? dex-wis-str-con ?
if i switch out twinblade for serpent in class features.
And the load out would probably be: constricting,rain,fox, atwill -> Fox, rain, steel, atwill
For more aoe centric keeping twinblade:
the loadout would be: constricting, -> ros -> roa -> hindering strike -> hindering shot -> steel breeze
constant stance switches between encounters to get better use of deft strikes with all aoes to make use of twinblade (+22%)
statwise: just drop some overstacked recovery till im like 2.3-2.5k and switch over for more crit. and get a bit of control bonus... id probably bother getting the 7th tod boon, as control bonus.
What stats should I be aiming to roll for and what stats should I ABSI? I went for Dex 16 +2 Wis 16 and Str 12, with everything else at 10. Should this be okay or should I reroll before I get to far into this character.
greensaiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 39
edited January 2015
Ok revamped my equipment and gems and now this is what I have
I still need to upgrade my off-hand, cloak and belt at least to purple.
You recommended these stats in your first post:
As high as possible - Currently at 8259
Armor Pen 24% - I have 22.1% +Str 9% for 31.1% I know that's a lot of wasted stats but they are from my JC rings ( any suggestions?)
Crit 2.7k-3.3K - I have 3475 ( might have to remove a gem I used to increase this )
Recovery 2k - I have 2k ( Woot!)
Defense - I have 2,070 , and 6 un-gemmed Defense slots, should I crank up the defense?
Life Steal 1.2k - I have 1538 ( Also have a life steal gem in there some where , might replace)
I know I have to go tweak my boons now and remove a crit and lifesteal gem, but not sure what to do with those 6 ungemmed defense. I could also put HPs in there also.
What stats should I be aiming to roll for and what stats should I ABSI? I went for Dex 16 +2 Wis 16 and Str 12, with everything else at 10. Should this be okay or should I reroll before I get to far into this character.
seems a bit low dex, i would have taken more for sure. id go for something like 24-26 dex after the +6 points.
Ok revamped my equipment and gems and now this is what I have
I still need to upgrade my off-hand, cloak and belt at least to purple.
You recommended these stats in your first post:
As high as possible - Currently at 8259
Armor Pen 24% - I have 22.1% +Str 9% for 31.1% I know that's a lot of wasted stats but they are from my JC rings ( any suggestions?)
Crit 2.7k-3.3K - I have 3475 ( might have to remove a gem I used to increase this )
Recovery 2k - I have 2k ( Woot!)
Defense - I have 2,070 , and 6 un-gemmed Defense slots, should I crank up the defense?
Life Steal 1.2k - I have 1538 ( Also have a life steal gem in there some where , might replace)
I know I have to go tweak my boons now and remove a crit and lifesteal gem, but not sure what to do with those 6 ungemmed defense. I could also put HPs in there also.
What do you suggest?
that arp... just accept it if ur gona use archmages, or switch some of them for pain rings... maybe just one?
crit is fine, yeah take out that azure counting that it will climb back up when u level the artifact gear
recovery id take some more, 2k is bare minimum... dont need a butload more but something like 2.3-2.5k would be the sweetspot imho. it will climb some with ur cloak so u could also keep it as it is.
defense is fine specially as ur compensating with higher ls, you will get ur life buffer through hp.
yeah reomove the ls gem specially when u take the 3% ls from the boon.
so with those stats, just dump all radiants in the defensive slots and pump those hp into the sky, those will be ur anti oneshot buffer.
so offense and defense enchantments: all radiants.
by the way if ended up changing my mind on my daily gear ive found draconic boots + bracers with DT hood and chest gives me better stat balance and more power..... im actually at the same power as with my draconic + dl without power kits.... and very balanced stats.
I also looked at a CBI/ DT for the Power. What is odd is that I ended up with more Power on my current full DT build than you have posted. There is more Power on my bow. Suppose it is pets/ boons/ artifacts. From my experimenting I hit 24% with 2 PAM (one on pet) and one RoP. I also don't have Artifact cloak so there's more power as a purple neck can fit a radiant 8 rather than a utility. If you are sold on the PAMs then I might suggest full Draconic Templar. It's complete lack of ArPen makes them much more usefull. The DPS might be little bit lower but the debuff AOE is helpfull in Tiamat and ELoL where the spike damage gets kind of excessive. Wait, you built archer. Not sure the AP gain from CBI is more usefull without access to MT. Oh Epic bow. There it is likely explains the Power discrepency. My bow is likely not optimal for my build but given the millions of RP to make new one I will live with the 2 offense slots
actually now that i have full dt set i was just noticing how well it synergises with archmage rings and calculating an alternate setup, yes as u mentioned a little bit less dps focused (losses power specially accounting set bonus) but way more tanky thanks to the setbonus and all those extra radiants i could slot in defense. Basically going full DT with 4 archmage rings and changing one artifact (lantern) for the DC artifact would give me similar power (11k) and pretty balanced offensive stats. (3.3k crit, 2.5k rec, 2k arp) with less defense but about 2-3% higher dr from set bonus and over 35k hp... (im at 27k now and aspiring to around 30k when i finish jewelcrafting)
actually now that i have full dt set i was just noticing how well it synergises with archmage rings and calculating an alternate setup, yes as u mentioned a little bit less dps focused (losses power specially accounting set bonus) but way more tanky thanks to the setbonus and all those extra radiants i could slot in defense. Basically going full DT with 4 archmage rings and changing one artifact (lantern) for the DC artifact would give me similar power (11k) and pretty balanced offensive stats. (3.3k crit, 2.5k rec, 2k arp) with less defense but about 2-3% higher dr from set bonus and over 35k hp... (im at 27k now and aspiring to around 30k when i finish jewelcrafting)
its also very sexy.
Not gonna lie the final decission maker for me was that this set looks great. I mean I slapped set of dies on it but that was about it. Oh and got weapon skins from the festival I like better than the Artifacts. I don't have the range of artifacts you do but it makes for a real solid set and yes one of the few that can utilize the jewelcrafting rings without nerfing the build. I figure I can cram one more PRA in if I remove the NoS from my stone and change a pant or shirt. Then I only have to figure out artifact cloak. Really more Power and Crit is all I am interested in so Imperial (which has recovery I don't need) or BI (which has ArPen I don't need) likely I will settle on BI because I can use it in PVP as well where I don't mind having over 30%. But that's a few million AD down the road and I am also re-fitting my GF, another class that does well with the DT set bonus. Actually they get a better set bonus than HRs. Post it up when you are done I will try to do the same.
if i switch out twinblade for serpent in class features.
And the load out would probably be: constricting,rain,fox, atwill -> Fox, rain, steel, atwill
For more aoe centric keeping twinblade:
the loadout would be: constricting, -> ros -> roa -> hindering strike -> hindering shot -> steel breeze
constant stance switches between encounters to get better use of deft strikes with all aoes to make use of twinblade (+22%)
statwise: just drop some overstacked recovery till im like 2.3-2.5k and switch over for more crit. and get a bit of control bonus... id probably bother getting the 7th tod boon, as control bonus.
Thanks for the answer ximae, I was a Stormwarden Archer, changed to a Pathfinder Trapper. But after 2 days I am thinking of becoming a Stormwarden Trapper with your twinblade setup it will be more viable.
I have been playing trapper for the last couple weeks or so to see how it feels. Its pretty enjoyable, it sure reminds me more of pre mod4 hr .
I am running the following rotation for pve:
rain of arrows, hindering, constricting. and I run it with serpent and pack. so i squeeze in an atwill inbeween stance switches.
It has some pros n cons over archer with my build, so each variant is better than the other depending on the instance. Trapper enables you to pvp though, which is a plus if ur abit bored of pve and waiting for next mod.
Pros: very good aoe for heavy mob dungeons. roots are like spamming a splitshot every sec XD
better party support with the roots.
constant melee positioning for aotp buffing melee party members.
Fun, engaging and fast paced
Cons: weaker single target damage
less damage on reduced size pulls, specially with cc resistant mobs.
less positioning awareness for aotp since ur wrecking it frontline so ur not aware of who ur buffing.
So in general very possitive about it, i found cn and vt are very good for trapper which is good at running ahead and collecting pulls together. Valindras last phase is lol as u just agro everything and root it all around her not even bothering to do caskets. Where as mc and elol better for archer, since they have more cc inmune pulls where single target shines .
I did notice something i had predicted that if ur running stuff like cn where stuff isnt that tough with a few bis cw roots basically do little as stuff melts in 2 secs.
Hi, nice build i was thinking to go the same way with my HR when i saw the aspect of the pack class feature (had stop playing with it and thinking to go back to it now). What i wanted to ask is which at will will give the most dps i see you 're using split shot in your videos is it better to use split shot over rapid shot? Also i don't know when i 'll manage to get BI gloves for set, i wanted to go with this set as well but till i get them what do you think would be a good alternative Draconic Templar maybe?
split shot or rapid shot depends on situation, when there is groups of mobs splitshot as hitting more targets will give u higher dps and for single target rapid shot as it has better damage on single target. so depending on the dungeo ull see more use of one or the other.... well basically its just elol where u will be using rapid more than split.
For some boss encounters where there is just the boss (elol vt and mc) you can slot rapid and aimed, so u can squeeze in some aimed shots when the circumstances allow and u know you wont be interrupted.
dont sweat much about the bi gloves, just go DT or a combination of bi + dt.... specially considering next module might make the build/gear selection obsolote.
lirithielMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,482Arc User
specially considering next module might make the build/gear selection obsolote.
What do you know that we don't?
Gear will change of that there is no doubt but I think the build will still be viable. Only big changes so far are Lifesteal and Regen and that doesn't impact the CA build.
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
Gear will change of that there is no doubt but I think the build will still be viable. Only big changes so far are Lifesteal and Regen and that doesn't impact the CA build.
oh nothing... i said it might, since i dont know whats going on .... who knows maybe the new class features are really dope.
I was mostly speaking of the gear though, as he was asking for the bi gloves whch are a pain to get and probably not worth chasing right now with next modules changes.
I've been getting requests in game for my archery build a lot lately. Since it's pretty much identical to the one Xim has listed here, I'm referring them all to this wonderful guide.
Thanks Xim for laying all of this out for the HR folks!
Next week I'll be back to Trapper then Combat and then back to Archery again. <----WHy I love the HR class over all others.
I should mention out of all the specs I do the most pve damage as Archery, but that's just me.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
now I need to re-gem everything!
1 point in scoundrel training (which u wont be able to asign) and 2 points distributed between the hp and daily dmg feats (tier 1), depending on what ur lacking more.... so either 3/5 3/3 or 4/5 2/3.
thats for daily farming so bi requirements dont get too crazy. ( though im lazy and go into tiamat with it too)... my stats are all ready well rounded with full corrupted, so i go 4/4 on it for max power and defense. But honestly u could go which what ever set u prefer, is just that i like the bi stat arrangement because it gives me the most power and a ****load of defense so i can focus on hp.
Now if they release more t3 sets... and we finally get a 2 set bonus with power ill happily switch.
yeah vt for the chest, stats are pretty nice actually get good power and ls...... but its mostly coz id rather have 2 overloads.... bt these things are really preference and depend on what artifacts uve got for the stat balance, it matters to get there not how u get there.
litlle sneak peek at how im looking after 2xrp:
Ill upgrade op when i finish jewelcrafting and craft a 250 power/crit belt for my stone and a 250 power/arp ring for me... hopefully ill have enough money for regents to make a couple rank 9s more by then for hps. and ill swap the arp boon from tod for defense. So ill basically be around:
11100 power
3250 crit
1950 arp
2800 rec
2450 defense
29k hp
sorry dear. my english so bad
and how to make stats roll my character? dex-wis-str-con ?
yeah 19-20 dex 15-16 wis 13 str and best cha possible
thank you for help
You can just adjust this build for trapper. Only thing that really changes is the feat tree and the loadout.
Id use these feats:,1xi3i3i:100000:100000:1uu5zv&h=1&p=swd
these would be my 2 loadouts:
if i switch out twinblade for serpent in class features.
And the load out would probably be: constricting,rain,fox, atwill -> Fox, rain, steel, atwill
For more aoe centric keeping twinblade:
the loadout would be: constricting, -> ros -> roa -> hindering strike -> hindering shot -> steel breeze
constant stance switches between encounters to get better use of deft strikes with all aoes to make use of twinblade (+22%)
statwise: just drop some overstacked recovery till im like 2.3-2.5k and switch over for more crit. and get a bit of control bonus... id probably bother getting the 7th tod boon, as control bonus.
I still need to upgrade my off-hand, cloak and belt at least to purple.
You recommended these stats in your first post:
As high as possible - Currently at 8259
Armor Pen 24% - I have 22.1% +Str 9% for 31.1% I know that's a lot of wasted stats but they are from my JC rings ( any suggestions?)
Crit 2.7k-3.3K - I have 3475 ( might have to remove a gem I used to increase this )
Recovery 2k - I have 2k ( Woot!)
Defense - I have 2,070 , and 6 un-gemmed Defense slots, should I crank up the defense?
Life Steal 1.2k - I have 1538 ( Also have a life steal gem in there some where , might replace)
I know I have to go tweak my boons now and remove a crit and lifesteal gem, but not sure what to do with those 6 ungemmed defense. I could also put HPs in there also.
What do you suggest?
seems a bit low dex, i would have taken more for sure. id go for something like 24-26 dex after the +6 points.
that arp... just accept it if ur gona use archmages, or switch some of them for pain rings... maybe just one?
crit is fine, yeah take out that azure counting that it will climb back up when u level the artifact gear
recovery id take some more, 2k is bare minimum... dont need a butload more but something like 2.3-2.5k would be the sweetspot imho. it will climb some with ur cloak so u could also keep it as it is.
defense is fine specially as ur compensating with higher ls, you will get ur life buffer through hp.
yeah reomove the ls gem specially when u take the 3% ls from the boon.
so with those stats, just dump all radiants in the defensive slots and pump those hp into the sky, those will be ur anti oneshot buffer.
so offense and defense enchantments: all radiants.
actually now that i have full dt set i was just noticing how well it synergises with archmage rings and calculating an alternate setup, yes as u mentioned a little bit less dps focused (losses power specially accounting set bonus) but way more tanky thanks to the setbonus and all those extra radiants i could slot in defense. Basically going full DT with 4 archmage rings and changing one artifact (lantern) for the DC artifact would give me similar power (11k) and pretty balanced offensive stats. (3.3k crit, 2.5k rec, 2k arp) with less defense but about 2-3% higher dr from set bonus and over 35k hp... (im at 27k now and aspiring to around 30k when i finish jewelcrafting)
its also very sexy.
Not gonna lie the final decission maker for me was that this set looks great. I mean I slapped set of dies on it but that was about it. Oh and got weapon skins from the festival I like better than the Artifacts. I don't have the range of artifacts you do but it makes for a real solid set and yes one of the few that can utilize the jewelcrafting rings without nerfing the build. I figure I can cram one more PRA in if I remove the NoS from my stone and change a pant or shirt. Then I only have to figure out artifact cloak. Really more Power and Crit is all I am interested in so Imperial (which has recovery I don't need) or BI (which has ArPen I don't need) likely I will settle on BI because I can use it in PVP as well where I don't mind having over 30%. But that's a few million AD down the road and I am also re-fitting my GF, another class that does well with the DT set bonus. Actually they get a better set bonus than HRs. Post it up when you are done I will try to do the same.
Thanks for the answer ximae, I was a Stormwarden Archer, changed to a Pathfinder Trapper. But after 2 days I am thinking of becoming a Stormwarden Trapper with your twinblade setup it will be more viable.
I am running the following rotation for pve:
rain of arrows, hindering, constricting. and I run it with serpent and pack. so i squeeze in an atwill inbeween stance switches.
It has some pros n cons over archer with my build, so each variant is better than the other depending on the instance. Trapper enables you to pvp though, which is a plus if ur abit bored of pve and waiting for next mod.
Pros: very good aoe for heavy mob dungeons. roots are like spamming a splitshot every sec XD
better party support with the roots.
constant melee positioning for aotp buffing melee party members.
Fun, engaging and fast paced
Cons: weaker single target damage
less damage on reduced size pulls, specially with cc resistant mobs.
less positioning awareness for aotp since ur wrecking it frontline so ur not aware of who ur buffing.
So in general very possitive about it, i found cn and vt are very good for trapper which is good at running ahead and collecting pulls together. Valindras last phase is lol as u just agro everything and root it all around her not even bothering to do caskets. Where as mc and elol better for archer, since they have more cc inmune pulls where single target shines .
I did notice something i had predicted that if ur running stuff like cn where stuff isnt that tough with a few bis cw roots basically do little as stuff melts in 2 secs.
For some boss encounters where there is just the boss (elol vt and mc) you can slot rapid and aimed, so u can squeeze in some aimed shots when the circumstances allow and u know you wont be interrupted.
dont sweat much about the bi gloves, just go DT or a combination of bi + dt.... specially considering next module might make the build/gear selection obsolote.
What do you know that we don't?
Gear will change of that there is no doubt but I think the build will still be viable. Only big changes so far are Lifesteal and Regen and that doesn't impact the CA build.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
oh nothing... i said it might, since i dont know whats going on
I was mostly speaking of the gear though, as he was asking for the bi gloves whch are a pain to get and probably not worth chasing right now with next modules changes.
Thanks Xim for laying all of this out for the HR folks!
Next week I'll be back to Trapper then Combat and then back to Archery again. <----WHy I love the HR class over all others.
I should mention out of all the specs I do the most pve damage as Archery, but that's just me.