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Suggestions to ease the Tyranny of Artifacts



  • mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    pointsman wrote: »
    Then don't kill all the dragons every day. Problem solved.

    Or don't play the game! Problem solved. They gave us the content, barely playable content, and all we can do to make it better is to skip it? What a suggestion!
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    And here's another tip.

    Suppose you only kill 2 dragons a day, one of the Cult Secrets dragons (Neverdeaty/Icespire/Ebon Downs), and one of the Dragon Sigils dragons (Rothe Valley/Whispering Caverns), and do the associated non-dragon quest. You'll get 2 Cult Secrets and 2 Dragon Sigils per day. That should take maybe 40 minutes of your time. Then, every 2 days, make a Lesser Dragon Hoard enchant at a cost of 20k AD, 4 Secrets and 4 Sigils. The current market price of one of those is around 80k. So every 2 days, you will make approx. 60k just by making and selling Lesser Dragon Hoard enchants. If you do that for about 5 weeks, you will net approximately 1 million AD, which is about the price of one of the boon books.

    So if what you're really after are the boon books, this is an alternate strategy to get them that doesn't involve killing 5 dragons every day.
  • runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    pointsman wrote: »
    Then don't kill all the dragons every day. Problem solved.

    Again, you are missing the point. They are daily quests, designed to be done every day. The fact that people want to avoid the content just shows its a problem that needs to be fixed.

    *Typing this while waiting on a dragon.*
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    mehguy138 wrote: »
    Or don't play the game! Problem solved. They gave us the content, barely playable content, and all we can do to make it better is to skip it? What a suggestion!

    There is a TON of content to do - Sharandar dailies, Dread Ring dailies, IWD dailies, PVP dailies, ToD dailies, lots of dungeons, lots of skirmishes, doing foundries, making foundries, Gauntylgrym, leveling up alts, general exploration, doing things with your guild, etc., etc., etc. Gosh, there's so much to do! Do you do ALL of these things EVERY DAY? Or, do you choose what you want to do that is the most fun for you, and skip the rest??? That is all I'm suggesting.
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    runebane wrote: »
    Again, you are missing the point. They are daily quests, designed to be done every day. The fact that people want to avoid the content just shows its a problem that needs to be fixed.

    *Typing this while waiting on a dragon.*

    There are Sharandar daily quests every day, and Dread Ring daily quests every day, and IWD daily quests every day, and Rhix daily quests every day, and Lord Neverember daily quests every day. Do you do ALL OF THESE THINGS EVERY SINGLE DAY??????

    News Flash: Because some task is a "daily", doesn't mean you HAVE TO DO IT EVERY DAY. It means that it has a 1-day cooldown.
  • runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    pointsman wrote: »
    There are Sharandar daily quests every day, and Dread Ring daily quests every day, and IWD daily quests every day, and Rhix daily quests every day, and Lord Neverember daily quests every day. Do you do ALL OF THESE THINGS EVERY SINGLE DAY??????

    Not anymore. For a very long time I did. I finished Sharandar and Dread Ring on a dozen or so different characters. And kept doing the dailies on some for a while after for the fey blessing enchants. I don't do any of the dread ring quest except the lair anymore, because they no longer offer a reward I can use.
    pointsman wrote: »
    News Flash: Because some task is a "daily", doesn't mean you HAVE TO DO IT EVERY DAY. It means that it has a 1-day cooldown.

    You shouldn't feel like you have to do them every day, you should -want- to do them every day. Whether its because you want the reward, or you just want to do the quest. No point in them being daily quests otherwise. Its obvious these were meant to be run every day until you finish the campaign. Not sure why you are even arguing on this point. Its avoiding the real issue that waiting around for spawns is annoying.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    No it doesn't.

    Do the daily quest, or not. Nothing will happen to you if you don't do all the daily quests every day.
  • lewel555lewel555 Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    pointsman wrote: »
    Then don't kill all the dragons every day. Problem solved.

    Not at all. You have to kill all the dragons every day. Otherwise by the time you get your things, mod7 is here with oh-so-much-better gear. And you can't skip the campaign either. Where is the content, besides the campaign? Only in mod5 (hopefully)
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    lewel555 wrote: »
    Not at all. You have to kill all the dragons every day. Otherwise by the time you get your things, mod7 is here with oh-so-much-better gear. And you can't skip the campaign either. Where is the content, besides the campaign? Only in mod5 (hopefully)

    No you DON'T have to kill all the dragons every day.

    Look, my CW already has all of his mod4 Draconic gear, and an artifact weapon. No artifact belt, but I am okay with that. No 4th or 5th boons, but I'm totally okay with that since there is nothing that requires those last 2 boons that I am interested in doing with my CW (no pvp). Instead I do things with my CW that I WANT to do. I don't like standing around for dragons either. That's why I DON'T DO IT, except for a minimal amount. And some days I don't even do that. And you know what? My CW hasn't yet been deleted.
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I honestly don't understand why people feel compelled to kill all the dragons every day.

    If you are a tippy-top high-end PVPer (or style yourself to be one), then okay, you want to get those last two boons as fast as you can. Although, to be frank, if you haven't gotten them by now, then you have already been left behind. Plus you also need approximately 1 zillion AD to get all of your gear to legendary, so you are already probably paying RL money in the first place. So just buy the boon books.

    If you are trying to farm for an artifact belt, well then forget it. The drop rate from the dragons is about 0.0000000001%. Plus the drop rate is increasing in mod5. So either do the dungeon/skirmish instead, which probably also has a dismal drop rate but at least you can get stuff you can salvage for AD and it doesn't involve just standing around waiting for dragons, or just wait for mod5. Plus, think about the cost/benefit ratio. If you have to kill 500 dragons (a low estimate) to get a belt that you can sell for 3 million AD, how long did that take, and aren't there more productive things you can do that would also net you 3 million AD? Heck, doing foundry farming is more profitable than that.

    If you just want to advance through the campaign as fast as you possibly can, even if it means forcing yourself to do things that you don't find to be fun, I have to wonder - WHY? Do the things that you find to be FUN instead! It's a GAME for crying out loud. You can always buy the boon books later without having to kill any more dragons, and you can earn the AD to buy the boon books by doing FUN things instead of boring tedious things.
  • runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    pointsman wrote: »
    Look, my CW already has all of his mod4 Draconic gear, and an artifact weapon. No artifact belt, but I am okay with that. No 4th or 5th boons, but I'm totally okay with that since there is nothing that requires those last 2 boons that I am interested in doing with my CW (no pvp). Instead I do things with my CW that I WANT to do. I don't like standing around for dragons either. That's why I DON'T DO IT, except for a minimal amount. And some days I don't even do that. And you know what? My CW hasn't yet been deleted.

    So you are ok with not completing the content. Fine. Not everyone else feels the same way. Either way you look at it, it doesn't change the facts. Like the fact that if you do run all the dragons you could easily wind up sitting around for an hour doing nothing but waiting.

    That a player can decide to skip content doesn't mean anything good. I can't imagine any content creator being happy that players wanted to skip their stuff. For whatever reason. Its something that should be changed. And players being able to 'skip' it is no excuse not to.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
  • runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    vortican wrote: »
    Nobody wants to sit and wait around. So hop instances or do your other quests in that area until the dragon appears. Just don't be filling up chat with begging for invites or whining about dragon timers. It's pretty obvious after last night and today that people are sick of it and it just needed to be said.

    Hopping instances without knowing the timer on the destination is counterproductive. You're just as likely to go to an instance where the dragon just died as you are to get one with a lower timer. Except now you have a 2 minute delay before changing again. The only thing players can do to alleviate the wait (short of skipping the content) is to invite others or call out the timers. Asking them not to do that is just silly. Getting irate over it as some do is just dumb.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
  • vorticanvortican Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    There are plenty of things people can do while waiting for dragons. Go do the other quests. Go make a sandwich. Have a beer. Watch TV. Refine. Post auctions. Screw. Or, go whine on chat for invites and beg people to call out timers. Lots of other things sound like a lot more fun than that, and they don't annoy other players with impatience and the need to have instant gratification. I agree getting irate about it is stupid. The point is there are alternatives.
  • sexwax45sexwax45 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Why even wait for dragons just switch zones till you get a dragon <5mins its easy to do and you don't have to wait (not switch instances that would make u wait 2mins switching between zones will switch your instance without having to wait). If your upset about having to wait you should only be upset at yourself, because their should never be a reason to do so, unless you watching a good movie on your second monitor. :p
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    runebane wrote: »
    So you are ok with not completing the content. Fine. Not everyone else feels the same way. Either way you look at it, it doesn't change the facts. Like the fact that if you do run all the dragons you could easily wind up sitting around for an hour doing nothing but waiting.

    That a player can decide to skip content doesn't mean anything good. I can't imagine any content creator being happy that players wanted to skip their stuff. For whatever reason. Its something that should be changed. And players being able to 'skip' it is no excuse not to.

    I'm going to complete the content. I'm just not going to rush to complete it as fast as I possibly can.

    What I'm mostly seeing however are people who are bent out of shape because the game does not conform exactly to their desires.
  • runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    pointsman wrote: »
    I'm going to complete the content. I'm just not going to rush to complete it as fast as I possibly can.

    What I'm mostly seeing however are people who are bent out of shape because the game does not conform exactly to their desires.

    Doing the daily quests once a day isn't rushing content. No need to act like people are inferior if they decide to do quests as they were intended. What you are seeing is people disappointed because they worked waiting around doing nothing into the game. None of the other daily quests required this type of thing. You went, you killed or collected stuff, and then returned to the quest giver.

    I want to mention that overall I think TOD is great. I've said this elsewhere. The dragon fights themselves are great. And I love that they expanded on the old areas instead of making new ones. Heck, I even like the artifacts worked into the campaign. What I don't like is sitting around waiting for up to an hour per character as I do the 5 daily dragon kill quests.

    Eh... Round and round the topic goes. Not worth debating it anymore. G'luck all.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
  • vorticanvortican Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ashnvf wrote: »
    Fixed it for you.

    If people have an hour or 2 to play the game on any given day, why should they spend 50+ minutes of it "waiting"? Can you honestly justify that design?

    You may not have seen that I've already stated that I don't think this design mechanic is a good idea. The math has already been done and clearly shows that it's not necessary to do all the dragon quests everyday. In fact, it's probably a poor investment of time to do so considering the wait times. I myself only have an hour or two per day to play and I'm not even doing that anymore. My point is that if you're whining and complaining about dragon timers or invites, you're not accomplishing anything with that either while you're waiting, unless somebody decides to take pity on you or you do something else. At least if you're not doing that, it doesn't fill up chat with stupid conversation and satisfy some childish need to finish the content as soon as is humanly possible. There's simply no need to wait around for 20 minutes per dragon EVER. There are other ways to get to the dragons you need without pestering everyone to make your life easier or other things one can do to make that time productive. It's just easier to ask other people to give you a shortcut. That's the fault of poor design, but it's avoidable if one approaches the content from a different perspective.
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