Really excellent set bonus, increase DPS 20-30%, easily.
Hellfire is the 4 piece from Accursed Diabolist set. you might pull 20-30% dps increase using it as a Temptation warlock but much less as Fury. I average 11-15% of my total damage from Hellfire.
it's not that it does more damage as temptation, is that the damage from hell fire does not scale. It is static (2k hits max, max stacks 20, cannot crit or gain bonus from CA) so the lower your damage, more of it will be made up by Hell Fire procs. The higher your damage the less of it will be made up from hellfire ticks.
Really excellent set bonus, increase DPS 20-30%, easily.
Everything you need to know about CW:
Hellfire is the 4 piece from Accursed Diabolist set. you might pull 20-30% dps increase using it as a Temptation warlock but much less as Fury. I average 11-15% of my total damage from Hellfire.
it's not that it does more damage as temptation, is that the damage from hell fire does not scale. It is static (2k hits max, max stacks 20, cannot crit or gain bonus from CA) so the lower your damage, more of it will be made up by Hell Fire procs. The higher your damage the less of it will be made up from hellfire ticks.