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Storm Fury bugged

jumboyetjumboyet Member Posts: 211 Bounty Hunter
edited October 2014 in Bug Reports (PC)
Passive skill on CW does way more damage then it should. Cant be WAI.

1: It proccs of procc. So if you an HR hits a CW with an atwill, it will procc of his weapon enchant, especially many times if the HR is using flaming. It will also procc of bilethorn, greater plaguefire, anything with a DOT basically.

2: It does ridiculous amount of damage. Can hit for everything between 6k to 15k. And that is a lot when it comes as fast as it does.

Alot of CW has been aware of this bug now and they are using it like never before.

Edit, CW might be slightly under performing at the moment without this bug. But im sure this is not how they want to play their charr. Get below 50% and win. Even less skill
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