every time I put Neverwinter on background (alt+tab or windows key) and I come back to the game the game changes display settings from fullscreen to windowed, but remains in a fullscreen mode which leads to that everything is blurry and when you click on something (inventory, skills, menu etc) it acts as position of the desirable item(option) were displayed in windowed mode altho your game is still running in (bugged) fullscreen mode. Therefor you have to click somewhat to upper left from your interactable object (such as menu when trying to change it back to fullscreen) and it's quite annoying.
My native screen resolution is 1920x1080 but I am running game in 1440x900 cos I have shortsightness and in 1920 resolution the text is so small I can't read it (no I didn't forget to put on my glasses
) even tho I have 24' monitor.