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    helpimblindinrlhelpimblindinrl Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I liked launch most. The class I played most was cw so it informs my view most but I have 60s of all, some geared pretty well, and other alts on top of that.

    Dread ring was really good because it was brief and varied. I liked the dungeon less than mc but it was al lright. What I didn't like about it was the power creep really started to go nuts at that point. Its full on kray kray right now with people soloing epic dungeons just because but it was in Dread Ring that all started.

    The beta/launch balance in pve made the most sense. The gwf and the gf hadn't found their place properly but cw, dc and tr really worked right.The mobs were threatening and the dc was the real leader deciding where the fight was going to happen and keeping people up but the mobs would shred him so you had the cw. The cw and dc back then could really save each other. They were bff dungeon buddies. The tr damage was really strong but the mobs would crush them so the cw and dc had the dual goal of keeping them up as well as each other. If the gfs had been more like they are now and the gwfs more like they were in dread ring it would have been perfect.

    Sharandar was kind of tedious I found but the dungeon was fun and well designed with lots of interesting little bits off the beaten track. Effort went in there. And you could use your mounts. What bliss. The loot was garbage but it was a really good time so it didn't matter. LFG was awful for it, hide under the floor and shoot up. So at that point I started adding lots of decent players to friends which was a good move.

    Icewind dale I left for months over. Wizards in pvp were trash at that point because you just had tenacity halflings walking through your control, shard was at its buggiest (and using it outside the states is very hard because of the lag), armour pen didn't work on a lot of powers. Your function was essentially a punching bag. Oh and there was a skirmish.

    Tyranny is the pits. The dungeon is short and easy. Its also kind of buggy. The first boss comes back to life sometimes and chases you. The level 20 mobs standing in mid air etc. The power creep has gone bananas and yeah. Wizards got strongish in pvp briefly and now they are on the way back down and there isn't much to do apart from the easy dungeon and pvp. Well there's the endless dailies which I resent having to do. I'm not doing them next mod except to unlock the dungeon.

    I am very concerned about the next mod. The power creep is going to get worse, its going to probably be more horrible dailies. Like I'm not exactly BIS but really really close so I should have less to complain about there but like when you are 20k in your hv rags from launch most of the game is dead to you. So either the new dungeon is cn 2.0 ie hard, rewarding, long, detailed I don't know. Its not a good place to be. Maybe if they had legendary versions of the early dungeons. Otherwise its going to be leave till next module a week later.
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    burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    i really hope devs read this ans see where did they fk up, and fk up they did, hard
    Paladin Master Race
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    ortzhyortzhy Member Posts: 1,103 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    launch was the best (minus the ****ed up CN that required to pile up CWs), I cant say the modules werent fun but one after the other all my alts transformed into prayer/leadership chars.
    While i loved killing the dragons i cant make myself doing it more than once, nor the IWD campaign... I think Dread Ring was the best module, but far behind the beta.
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    magiquepursemagiquepurse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Vanilla was pretty nice. I remember my CW being taught by a GF "How to Karru". I was soloqueueing dungeons cuz bad gear lol. He showed me all the shortcuts and we finished the dungeon. I was already setting my foot in CN by that time and getting many friends to make AD with.
    Sharandar was still OK, I could make AD still by farming. Dread was probably the best mod because you could do with epic artifacts and rank 8-9s in PvP, and you could still farm AD by playing the game.

    After that? Nothing enjoyable but a balanced PvP premade once every week and maybe some solo dungeoneering. Game at this point is sadly just bad for me.
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    bajornorbertbajornorbert Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The module, in regards to campaign progression was mod 2, but that introduced a lot of power creep, so i voted for mod 1. Campaign wasn't as good as mod 2 campaign, but the game was the most enjoyable in mod 1 for me.
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    luxarkluxark Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I would go with ToD, mostly because you can start it at lvl 30 and you do not see the same area over and over and over and over again like Dread Ring or Sharandar. Iam not far enough in IWD to judge that.
    But since ToD is so extremly lore unfriendly (seriously, no D&D dragon would be a pushover like they are in this game) and throws ways too many dragons at you - which kills the little D&D atmosphere this game had, seriously, fighting a dragon in D&D should be something UNIQUE - i have to go with Dread Ring. It is boring like hell but at least it gets finished fast and with little time investement.
    Cryptic should seriously think about creating fun content and nothing that lets people seriously think about buying the campaign-skip in the shop.
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    1) dread ring
    2) icewind

    99999999999) tyranny of dragon
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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    rayrdan wrote: »
    1) dread ring
    2) icewind

    99999999999) tyranny of dragon


    What really gets me is how stubborn they are being, they simply need to add common cause scrolss and sigels to the Skirm and DD, VIOLA, you make all of our lives bearable.

    you already time gated enough TO get to that point, stop making us play stupid, unbearable content, that everyone HATES, loathes and DETESTS!

    You want to keep us multi-class playing poeple, you need to do this in this PATCH. For example, first day launch of new Mod, there were probably 50 people back in my guild out of 300 (of whom most have quit already!) and yesterday.. back to being by myself.

    Simply put, if they cant get a handle of this and STOP IGNORING the playerbase on this important issue, more and more will be leaving.
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    pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I find it somewhat amusing that the top vote-getter was Dread Ring, when about the only thing that it had going for itself is that it was QUICK.
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    luxarkluxark Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    pointsman wrote: »
    I find it somewhat amusing that the top vote-getter was Dread Ring, when about the only thing that it had going for itself is that it was QUICK.

    What i said, the campaigns are so bad, cryptic should seriously think about why people like the campaign most, which is finished the fastest.
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    runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    pointsman wrote: »
    I find it somewhat amusing that the top vote-getter was Dread Ring, when about the only thing that it had going for itself is that it was QUICK.

    Dread ring -is- quick, but it had a lot more going for it that than. It wrapped up the story that every new character started with the tutorial. You got to see characters again you met in other parts of the game (even if they only played minor roles). And the quests there actually made sense (as opposed to gathering mushrooms for elves in Sharandar that can't grow their own food). The area just made sense. The whole place told a story of how Valindra's war machine worked.

    I voted TOD because I liked the improvements/features that came with it. And it was still close imo. If I was voting based on story alone Dread Ring would have won hands down.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
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    burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    pointsman wrote: »
    I find it somewhat amusing that the top vote-getter was Dread Ring, when about the only thing that it had going for itself is that it was QUICK.

    the lairs were nice in dread ring, the map was too bland for me, but at least completing it didnt feel like a second job

    many ppl have alts, dread ring is only campaign u can do on 6 characters without wanting to murder somebody, it wasnt gated by insane rng(there was that artifact, but that was more of a bonus if u got it and it was in one of the lairs you had to do anyway)

    i just find sharandar annoying, you get few boons fast and then 2/3 of map is locked away

    i liked IWD but it takes too much time to do with alts and then theres the gloves/mh i still havent got

    and timers on dragons is a pile of ... because you spend 10x more time waiting on dragons or running through low lvl map than you spend playing actual content(killing dragons, doing lairs etc.) the only thing that allowed me to complete it was audiobooks, else i would die of boredom, on top of insanely low drop chance on belts, i have been killing dragons since day 1 and i still havent gotten any belt, and many ppl spent millions of ad to get artifact weapon and not getting what they want because some ... decided it would be a good idea to add rng there as well

    campaign has to be either interesting with stuff to do like iwd or fast like dread ring so you can do it and then run dungeons, pvp etc. a long campaign is ok on 1 character, but we have 7 classes in the game now, and theres simply too much to do, tod campaign takes close to an hour to complete, if u have 7 characters its a second job
    Paladin Master Race
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    ulvielulviel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 741 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I voted for Sharandar, mostly because the zone looks pretty, and redcaps are adorable. Yes, I know it is a bit grindy, but it's nothing compared to ToD, and I have some use for zone currencies.
    Dread ring has the best progrssion, but the map is not that nice, plus the screaming wizards and "gloaming cut" servitors made me permamently turn the audio off after that module.
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    pandora1xpandora1x Member Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ulviel wrote: »
    I voted for Sharandar, mostly because the zone looks pretty, and redcaps are adorable. Yes, I know it is a bit grindy, but it's nothing compared to ToD, and I have some use for zone currencies.
    Dread ring has the best progrssion, but the map is not that nice, plus the screaming wizards and "gloaming cut" servitors made me permamently turn the audio off after that module.

    Dread Ring makes the most sense though.

    IMO Old Sharandar > New Sharandar. When you traverse the nature to go to new Sharandar, that place is the most beautiful place is all of NW honestly. Wish there was a Foundry map of that.

    But yeah, I liked Dread Ring because you fight the big bad evil queen. The campaign itself was smooth and easy. Around 15 minutes a day... compared to CERTAIN modules.
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    chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Launch was definately the best. before we had this excessive power creep going on, we had to actually have... strategy? to get through a dungeon. A fight might be... hard? You know? We had to figure each and every encounter instead of just running in there and blowing everything up. I loved that.

    At the time, before PvP baddies whined and cried about dying to competent humans, TR was good! GF was good! etc...

    Granted, no one really knew how to play their classes yet, but figuring that out was part of the fun.

    Also if you were good and play a lot, YOU COULD MAKE GOOD AD. I loved this MERITOCRACY. Good players got rich, bad players stayed poor. As it should be.

    Second Favorite is dread ring. I'm not a big VT fan, because it was just a lazy dungeon design - imo. VT the loot is all garbage anyway, except the dread legion gear, whose only purpose was to cut into my profit margin from CN >:(. Even now, sure fighting valindra is fun, but why? So i can get crappy gear with bad stats i'm going to salvage?

    However Dread Ring itself is really cool and a lot of fun. The mini dungeons look great, the new mobs are interesting, the boons are good. Honestly i never minded dread ring dailies.

    Third favorite is ToD - this is because I love fighting dragons and I really like ELOL. ESOT is good too, but since i often play casters I get very tired of getting one shot with dancing flames.

    The two problems with ToD is first of all, the dragon timers. I don't log in to sit around and wait. On top of that, everyone else is desperate to not wait so killing the dragon is no longer fun, but rather a lag-infested zerg fest. I would love to see shorter timers and even lower instance caps.

    Second problem is the abysmally low drop rate. I got two belts early but now, after running elol and esot every day for a week or two, i have just gotten a few gems. I am so sick of this nonsense that a gem pisses me off. It's not a "good players get rich" world anymore, it's like a roulette table. New Mod is about getting lucky, not getting good.

    In addition the artifact weapons have cut AD farming to nothing. We are almost in a P2W scheme now. I don't know how long it would take a new player to get their enchants up, gosh. I'm glad i took care of that back when things were reasonable.

    Third favorite was sharandar, because I like MC. It was nice to have it not be a gross CW AOE fest, and fulminorax was really a fun fight. Big fan of that dungeon. Just sad the loot (like VT) is also worthless. I want to run dungeons for profit.

    Thing is I HATE REDCAPS. It is the most annoying sound in my life. killing redcaps to feed protal hounds or dryads when the quests bug all the time, is just awful. All redcaps must die.

    I actually really dislike IWD. When i saw the preview it incentivized me to quit and/or take a break. I don't care much for PvP. The gear is good in certain situations, but it is way too difficult to get your gloves due to obscene RNG nonsense. The dailies are incredibly boring and take forever, especially on classes other than CW. Kessels i did once for one skirmish hour - it's incredibly MEH, and if you want to get any decent amount of black ice you have to 1) spend 1000 zen for a good pick and 2) wait forever to refine it.

    Really what torture. Best part of IWD? I always felt bad my girls were cold in frozen heart. Now they have furs. Thank you cryptic.
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    ulvielulviel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 741 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    chemboy613 wrote: »

    Thing is I HATE REDCAPS. It is the most annoying sound in my life. killing redcaps to feed protal hounds or dryads when the quests bug all the time, is just awful. All redcaps must die.

    Ulv: How could you even say that!

    Ulf: Stay away from Little Red you... you monster!

    Little Red: Cut you slow!

    Ulf: Do not listen to that bad, bad wizard sweetie, I will burn him alive if he even tries to touch you.
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    chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Aaawww Ulv, just because I hate readcaps doesn't mean I don't like you :'(

    <3 Ulv, the awesome debuff DC.
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    ulvielulviel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 741 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    chemboy613 wrote: »
    Aaawww Ulv, just because I hate readcaps doesn't mean I don't like you :'(

    <3 Ulv, the awesome debuff DC.

    Thank you... but you can't like me and hate my pleasure slave's... ekhm, my alt's friend and companion!

    And I know what I've heard, you said:
    chemboy613 wrote: »
    All redcaps must die.

    No way! I'm watching you! Try something funny and I'll club you to death with my turmian sceptre... while Little Red cut you slow and watch you bleed, got it?

    And back to the topic, Dread ring is my 2nd fav. Yes, it makes the most sense of all campaigns, it and the lairs are nice (especially phantasmal fortress, the coolness factor of that place is out of the scale :) ), but for me it is only playable without audio, therefore, Sharandar is my no1.

    Tyranny of Dailies.... everyone knows why it is so hated. The problem is not that you have to farm it a year, the problem is you have a year of a few quest you need to farm every day, same old again and again. Even if they were brilliant you would be sick of them after first 50 times, and frankly, they are not. Oh and cool stuff is not necessary rng gated - you can buy it on ah from ppl who like @notsheriffsrs actually enjoy doing same quests over and over and over and over again. So much for the lazyness argument... not to mention a game should be fun and not a "hard work"!

    IWD was all about pvp, which I try to avoid, but plenty other people enjoy, so maybe it is not that bad. This campaign would be ranked much higher if they'd adjust 1 little detail - the gloves drop rate.
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    ryugasiriusryugasirius Member Posts: 996 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Dread Ring.

    Straightforward, alt-friendly, multi-path campaign that didn't require doing everything and doing it in a particular order. Added a new solo zone, a harder but not time consuming dungeon (without hordes of adds!) and a relatively good skirmish, something for everyone.

    They made a decent job with IwD (awesome zone, lots of content, new PvE concept, but some RNG-gated stuff makes me hate it, basically because it rewards the lucky and not the hard working). Still quite alt-friendly if you just wanted the boons.

    Then everything spiraled down with ToD, completely time-gated campaigns, with basically no path choice, terrible distribution of currencies and grindy dailies, absolutely alt-unfriendly. I'm pretty much skipping this one.

    I hope the devs take a hint from this poll :P
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    myowmyowmyowmyow Member Posts: 1,923 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Dread Ring for sure, as far the campaigns go. But I liked Launch best overall for PvE and PvP as a whole. So . . .

    (1) DR
    (2) Launch
    (3) Sharandar

    (100) ToD
    (200) IWD
    SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! (repeat indefinitely)

    myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
    pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
    looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
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    thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    After reading all this. I do have to say that I do prefer bots more then RND. And since well noticed game escalates in RND way rather then good team work - let it be more bots then. At least we will be able to buy stuff from AH cheaper lol. Unfortunately boots are still stuck in Sharandar.

    Worst part about TOD is acccually that running normal lol or sot gives you better rewards then running epics. It is like welcoming easy casual RND play instead of skill. you literally have no mean to progress further since it is regardless and rewardless plus gated by RND anyway. Stupid thing - I run elol for 2 week - got 1 gem. Run 15-20 times yesterday normal - for same time spent btw then way less epics - got 2 gems and 2 books.
    This is way wrong

    I do like dragons. But making them as daily? really? daily dragon that you can kill while drinking coffee? At least give some bacon from them for breakfast.

    Truth to say ToD had one better thing than IWD - you can actually over-grind the RND and buy book. Plus no more stupid RND gate for gear - at least you can again over-grind RND for main hand. Mobs are nice. Epics is good. But worthless and reward less unfortunately. Making basic reward different in just rank 5 instead of ran 4 - <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> anyway.

    And look at boon 4 and 5 in tod - 200 regen or 200 of LS. Is that not a boon from Dread ring tier 2? 5th boon - 10% healing, 3% ls, 5% crit severity...really? At least in dread ring it was original something. Shield, Endless, Madness - all of this do benefit you well. You still have some choice to pick. Pretty much same in Shar. Even IWD was better!

    Yet still launch is best. Dread ring is 2nd favorite. Id fire all who made decision to put RND gate in IWD if i could. Area design is good. Music is nice. Mobs are challenging at first both in 3 and 4.
    But mod 3 and 4 balance and general RND campaign design are worst things that this game saw for now and will probably kill game if it will continue. IMHO

    Side note - dread ring is not fastest campaign. It take approx 37 days if done daily. IWD on other side takes 35 days to get 350 reputation as far as i remember. Correct me if Im wrong.
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    chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    thedemien wrote: »
    After reading all this. I do have to say that I do prefer bots more then RND. And since well noticed game escalates in RND way rather then good team work - let it be more bots then. At least we will be able to buy stuff from AH cheaper lol. Unfortunately boots are still stuck in Sharandar.

    Worst part about TOD is acccually that running normal lol or sot gives you better rewards then running epics. It is like welcoming easy casual RND play instead of skill. you literally have no mean to progress further since it is regardless and gated by RND anyway. Stupid thing - I run elol for 2 week - got 1 gem. Run 15-20 times yesterday normal - for same time spent btw then way less epics - got 2 gems and 2 books.
    This is way wrong

    I do like dragons. But making them as daily? really? daily dragon that you can kill while drinking coffee? At least give some bacon from them for breakfast. Truth to say ToD had one better thing than IWD - you can actually over-grind the RND and buy book. Plus no more stupid RND gate for gear - at least you can again over-grind RND for main hand. Mobs are nice. Epics is good. But worthless and reward less unfortunately. Making basic reward different in just rank 5 instead of ran 4 - <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> anyway.
    Yet still launch is best. Dread ring is 2nd favorite. Id fire all who made decision to put RND gate in IWD if i could. Area design is good. Music is nice. Mobs are challenging at first both in 3 and 4.
    But mod 3 and 4 balance and general RND campaign design are worst things that this game saw for now and will probably kill game if it will continue. IMHO

    Everytime i see summer festival mounts I get hungry. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bacon
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    thesensaithesensai Member Posts: 637 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Dread ring absolutely had the perfect balance. The grindiness felt less than the others.

    Sharandar took a long time, and ToD makes me want to not play at all.

    I do love the Dragon theme though, just a shame it was implemented so grindy. Would also like to see some good
    metallic dragons as allies (quest givers, jump in on epic fight vs massive chromatics, etc). Tired of hundreds of chromatics
    being the only dragons in the world apparently. Were tiamat actually trying to enter the mortal world, the metalics would
    be out in arms working to stop that. Instead they snooze on thier hoards and wait for their doom.
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    burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    thesensai wrote: »
    Were tiamat actually trying to enter the mortal world, the metalics would
    be out in arms working to stop that. Instead they snooze on thier hoards and wait for their doom.

    the good dragons are still trying to get their IWD drops
    Paladin Master Race
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    notsheriffsrsnotsheriffsrs Banned Users Posts: 396 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    burkaanc wrote: »
    the good dragons are still trying to get their IWD drops

    Or the Eye of Lathander from Dread Ring lairs.
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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    7 people voted for ToD.. Ive found out why..

    devs to moderators, "you will vote for ToD and say how shiny and pretty it is and how everyone else is wrong, or you will lose your positions and we will ban your player accounts.. "

    replay.. "um ok, I guess, it does sucks though"
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    lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    silverkelt wrote: »

    7 people voted for ToD.. Ive found out why..

    devs to moderators, "you will vote for ToD and say how shiny and pretty it is and how everyone else is wrong, or you will lose your positions and we will ban your player accounts.. "

    replay.. "um ok, I guess, it does sucks though"

    Except I didn't vote. And we don't have 7 mods.

    Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?

    PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
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    silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Except I didn't vote. And we don't have 7 mods.

    o.O you were told to say that! I know it, I found the super secret tapes!
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    lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    silverkelt wrote: »
    o.O you were told to say that! I know it, I found the super secret tapes!

    Actually, I would have voted for Shadowmantle. FYI: The poll options have been edited to reflect the proper titles of each module.

    Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?

    PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
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    burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    silverkelt wrote: »

    7 people voted for ToD.. Ive found out why..

    devs to moderators, "you will vote for ToD and say how shiny and pretty it is and how everyone else is wrong, or you will lose your positions and we will ban your player accounts.. "

    replay.. "um ok, I guess, it does sucks though"

    there are some nice things about mod4, but they are drowned in RNG and waiting on dragons to spawn
    Paladin Master Race
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