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Best bow for hr archers

j3ttruebowj3ttruebow Member Posts: 45 Arc User
edited October 2014 in The Wilds
I am quite surprised that when i slotted my complete set of dread legion bow and blade it gave mea higher gs and offensive stat in my character sheet than my purple split shot dragon artifact longbow

At what level does my dragon artifact longbow need to be to top the dread legion weapon set?
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    ikapamkikapamk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 294 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    To compensate for the 450 set bonus? Good question. I know I noticed a drop going from CN weaps to arti & fomorian blades. The wiki's down right now, but to calculate the total stat points, add all the points on the DL bow + 450. That's your stat total to break even. Then, check on ctrl+J to see the final legendary total and the initial purple total. You should be able to calculate the stat point gains per level, allowing you to see at which level the arti weap ties, then beats the DL+450 point total.

    I'd do the math for you, but the wiki's down
    (since you said DL, not FD, it should be sooner rather than later)

    Wiki doesn't have the bows' stats. So, I took the GS difference between where I am and where I was and added it to the point total given here for my arti's level and discovered that, to match CN bow + set GS, I need mine to be at rank 44 (~2577 GS). I can't say for you explicitly, but I would guess yours to be in the 39-42 range
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    j3ttruebowj3ttruebow Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ikapamk wrote: »
    To compensate for the 450 set bonus? Good question. I know I noticed a drop going from CN weaps to arti & fomorian blades. The wiki's down right now, but to calculate the total stat points, add all the points on the DL bow + 450. That's your stat total to break even. Then, check on ctrl+J to see the final legendary total and the initial purple total. You should be able to calculate the stat point gains per level, allowing you to see at which level the arti weap ties, then beats the DL+450 point total.

    I'd do the math for you, but the wiki's down
    (since you said DL, not FD, it should be sooner rather than later)

    Wiki doesn't have the bows' stats. So, I took the GS difference between where I am and where I was and added it to the point total given here for my arti's level and discovered that, to match CN bow + set GS, I need mine to be at rank 44 (~2577 GS). I can't say for you explicitly, but I would guess yours to be in the 39-42 range

    Mines just 36 gs score difference is about 240~ thanks for the info, guess ill be upgrading my bow soon,

    I only got it into purple and then some from normal drop of weapons and blue items
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    query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Gs is not the important factor. The fact is at Epic your artifact weapon has a higher base damage than Fallen Dragon. Since base damage is goingto affect all of your attacks......

    Did some napkin math, it looks to be about 2% damage increase which is not quite 450 GS in power. So really the question is do you need that extra 450 ArPen. For me in PVE the answer would be no. So on the artifact I am trading unused GS for useful GS and damage. Naturally at legendary the extra damage and extra slot makes this a no-brainer.
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    gabrieldourdengabrieldourden Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,212 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Look at preview. Golden Dragon Blades coming...
    Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
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