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Great Concern About Balance

yukimaru153yukimaru153 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
edited October 2014 in PvE Discussion
Okay, I get that some skills may not work as intended. Or heck beyond what was intended. But the CW stays being punished in the damage area mainly from complains. Honestly I blame this on the developers for going along with the qq of the forum. Not taking into consideration that they are the ones that created this was them at the start of mod 4. The CW's damage was fine in Mod 3. It was that everyone else's needed to be raised. Everyone wants their toon to be the best no matter if its healing or dps. And there's nothing wrong with that. God knows I want the same for my toon. Kinda....I don't care if I'm a beast at dps or not I just enjoy being useful. Why am I faulting the devs for this chain of events?

Ohhh here we go. The devs are to blame for entertaining this none sense. I'm speaking from the CW's perspective. I know this is going to make a lot of people rage at me but I don't care. It will be 100% the truth. This game makes most class give up nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing to have great survivability. Except for the CW we are squishy as a cotton ball. And ya know what? That's as it should be. The problem is we do not hit as hard as we should for this trade off. And the devs should know this. I know people are going to say "but a I was ax murdered by a CW in pvp". More likely than not you were killed by a proc....I don't consider that being damage more like a failed implementation of a mechanic that was not needed nor should exist. Who in the world would like to play a class were 40-50% of your damage is coming from procs..... As a cw I can tell you I don't. Its inconsistent and cheap. Lamest way to dps of all time be it in pvp or pve.

My thought's as to why this was ever put in are very simple and logical. The devs knew that they had gone to far with the damage/cd nerfs to skills at the start of mod 4 to the CW. To compensate for this they put in this "passive proc" madness. Rather than go back and make adjustments to skills they took the easy way out. However this is one of those "if your going to do something. Do it right from the start" situations. If they go through with the pending change to Storm Spell the huge gap they created for the CW will be very clear. Our damage is not anywhere close to the trade off of being the squishiest class in the game.

Here's what I would like the developers to consider. All the other class that complain about the damage they deal what to they give up to achieve this?

GF- Not great at dealing damage, but exceptional def/deflection/high hp/ infinite shield/ Trade of score=Fair, may could do with a bit more damage in pve.

GWF- Very good damage, great def/defection/high hp/immense damage reduction skill as well as damage increase skill/ability to run like the road runner from looney toons to escape death/cc immunity/ retains all dodges like most class on top of all this. Trade off score= Unbalanced. To much survivability and gives up nothing damage wise. Nearly all based on the games current set up.

HR-Excellent damage/ super high deflection rate/ 6 dodges, semi stealth/ high hp/ healing/ roots/knock downs/ stuns/ this list is going to go way to long ending it now. Trade off score= Not just unbalanced but flat out broken. It has everything needed to live nearly forever and deal crazy amounts of damage. No idea how this even made it past dev. table.

DC-Well...yea moving along >.> Trade off score= Needs help (hugs DC) To be continued >.>

SW- Very high damage/ DOT very, very effective/ ability to match the road runner (gwf) in speed/ gains cc immunity/ high hp (come on devs really? CON give damage in hp....really??? Can I get that action on INT please? >.>) Trade off score= On this one not to bad. A little to high of damage with the Piccolo special beam cannon but other than that fair.

TR- Can be very good damage (this varies so greatly by player I will deff. say i don't understand...its always really good or really bad in pve. Watch two guild trs try to do an even in IWD on test sever and they died. Watched on tr do the same even solo...and yes my guildies are very geared one of them over 20k gs...) This class has crazy ability to live if stated correctly/stealth/ high hp/ high deflection/ dots/ but even so the only thing that's broken is the perma stealth. Which credit to the devs will have some sort of fix to it. We shall see. Over all I think this class kinda gets the short end of the stick in pve. It should be the top single target dps without question. However I think the fact that it has a bit of aoe going on might be what keeps the devs from putting it where it should be. I will not call it broken or over power. Because I don't understand it fully (bet you won't see that comment from many forum posters :-p). Except perma....that whole concept of being able to attack while in stealth defeats the how purpose of calling it stealth. That's more like free licks XD. Honestly I think of horror movies where a person is walking alone in the dark (he's gonna die, somethings out there). Yep stabbed to death and never seen the attacker. Not to mention that ITC is kinda over powered because a person should still take damage from cc skills just not be controlled....come on even if you use a prone skill, on a boss it takes damage....really devs?

CW- Lacking real damage, heavily reliant upon procs from miracle damage dealing skills/low hp can be high if giving up dps typically seen in pvp not much in pve/ limited dodges/dodge distance/ low deflection/ low defense/ no healing ability other than pots and life steal/ no cc immunity. Trade off score= very, very, low. Compaired to most mmos mage class the cw here is so underpowered its not even funny. The complains about the amount of damage they deal has been really blown out of proportion and inflated higher than the good year blimp. For the lack of ability to live they gain not much of anything. A geared HR/GWF/SW can deal just as much damage as a cw can in the new content. And by no means is that right. Its not balanced because the trade of is no where near equal. I have stated this several times. I'm okay with not being the top damage but give me the ability to live like the other classes have. Now that to me would be balanced. But instead no one ever reports that "yep the other classes are doing fine in pve that are equally geared to a cw" Its always targeted towards the people who get in one or two runs and see some crazy numbers in lower lvl content. Yes a cw thats fully legendary geared will burn down CN. ......I would hope so its old content very old....

Suggestion give the CW back its real damage. Kill the silly proc stuff because 1 it kinda crazy to have 40-50% of your damage coming from procs of a passive.... I understand it was a quick fix at the time and thats cool but now the band-aid is going to come off and the wound your created shall be open. Stitch us up and send us out doctors i mean developers. By that I mean fix our damage. the skills seriously are at least 25% damage to low. and even that may not be enough because you changed around alot of the paths as well as how skills worked. Basically you stuck your hand in a lions mouth and ya gotta ease it out. The damage you tough to tone down does not coincide with the current content. And this I'm sure your very well aware of. If your worried about getting people murdered in pvp try targeting skills not used in pvp with long cast or animations ^^. I know nothing about developing a game just a few though's on my end. Either way I hope there is a game plan for if you move forward with the nerfing of storm spell. Because I'm sure the forum cws shall come knocking torches in hand and carrying crosses with their posting XD

This was not intend to be a "nerf this class thread". All the other classes could stay as they are. Just give the cws back their damage of m3. Because right now its kinda the same thing just no skill required because the passives will do 40-50% of the work. Our skills need a damage buff and kill the proc frenzy. I say just throw it back to m3 for the cw because all of the other classes except TR and DC have been buffed to where they can keep. To be the squishes and most prone to death class in the game has to come with some kinda of reward. You have made it clear that the opp cw will be the controlling CW. Now the thaum and ren needs their path clear. One has to be sustained the other has to be burst. And your getting very close to accomplishing that as well. The current patch on the test server looks okay...just think its still going to take more to bring ren up to where it should be. But over all its not going to be enough for any of the paths with storm spells pending change. Give us a real buff and not a bandage!
Post edited by yukimaru153 on


  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Have no fear: the complaints will shift over to "ZOMG DC is OP!" as the new DPS-based Paragon path is a game-changer (Thank the Gods: FINALLY). The description is:

    Righteous: A warrior of unshakable faith who decimates foes in the name of his diety [sic].

    And it means what is says. Played with it on preview and holy-crapola, Batman.

    Anyway, just a heads-up that "Change is coming. Again."
  • helpimblindinrlhelpimblindinrl Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    What other classes have procs doing the damage, oh hr gwf but totally unmitigated or for a lot more.
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Give my HR entangling force and a at-will that can freeze people and your argument that HR is op and CW needs a buff might make sense. We have no CC that works good, and no way to break CC from CW. CW still has enough damage to spike a HR down they freeze or catch with EF.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • midnightfang93midnightfang93 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    What other classes have procs doing the damage, oh hr gwf but totally unmitigated or for a lot more.

    HR is being fixed as far as Piercing Blade and GWF has no feats that cannot be mitigated as far as I know (If you are talking about Intimidation, that was changed to be mitigated and be affected by damage bonuses).
  • helpimblindinrlhelpimblindinrl Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    marc8219 wrote: »
    Give my HR entangling force and a at-will that can freeze people and your argument that HR is op and CW needs a buff might make sense. We have no CC that works good, and no way to break CC from CW. CW still has enough damage to spike a HR down they freeze or catch with EF.

    You might want to learn somethings about your class. You have boars charge which prones, disruptive shot is an instant interrupt and marauders will get you out of anything. And somehow four dodges isn't good enough for you.

    And I'm guessing you are an archer or the other trash tree. Give that a combat hr has like 65% deflect chance at 75% severity and heals 5% of max hp on deflect which stacks up to 10 times. Well I'm not worried about your survivability and no one else is either
  • yukimaru153yukimaru153 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    marc8219 wrote: »
    Give my HR entangling force and a at-will that can freeze people and your argument that HR is op and CW needs a buff might make sense. We have no CC that works good, and no way to break CC from CW. CW still has enough damage to spike a HR down they freeze or catch with EF.

    right so your telling me that with 6 dodges your get caught in EF? .....Also if your are a pvp HR 40% deflection chance 46k hp or better. No a cw cannot and will not burn you. You really would have to make a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> load of erros for that to happen. As for your an HR not having any good cc's...i wish this were true as well. You can prone/stun/disable a person all in one rotation. Come on. Im not trying to class bash at all. I really want for people to look at the point that a cw does not have all of the ability to live that other classes do. To me all the class could stay the same I just would like for the CW to be put where it should be for the lack of ability to live it has.
  • kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Have no fear: the complaints will shift over to "ZOMG DC is OP!" as the new DPS-based Paragon path is a game-changer (Thank the Gods: FINALLY). The description is:

    Righteous: A warrior of unshakable faith who decimates foes in the name of his diety [sic].

    And it means what is says. Played with it on preview and holy-crapola, Batman.

    Anyway, just a heads-up that "Change is coming. Again."

    More like a game-breaker, since I've seen just two DoT attacks bring down a BiS TR with over 40k HP... as well as a single burst attack doing over 60% HP damage. They aren't Clerics anymore -- they're tactical-Nukelerics.

    DPS-based DCs are indeed welcome, but the current incarnation in Preview -- it's broken. Needs more toning down, than what we see in the preview, which is like you trying to bring down a building with a spoon, and then after a few moments somebody pushes the piano out the window over your head.
    Stop making excuses. Be a man.
    If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
    Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
  • hmdq#4491 hmdq Member Posts: 508 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    another empty thread! bump...
  • hmdq#4491 hmdq Member Posts: 508 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    another empty thread! bump...BUT im agree with ALL passive damages in game!!! ALL deserve be banned forever!!! NO SKILL its a bad thing vry bad thing.
  • midnightfang93midnightfang93 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    hquadros wrote: »
    another empty thread! bump...

    Why did you bump the same thread twice within 2 minutes? Are you even reading it?
  • chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Honestly man, the problem isn't CW at all.

    The problem is the players. They build unbalanced characters. A CW that is well built has good damage and good survivability. Just follow my guide and you will be fine.

    IMO this is like Donald Trump complaining how he only has 6 golden spoons and the poor people next to him have 10 aluminum spoons and crying about how they have more spoons than him :S
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    You might want to learn somethings about your class. You have boars charge which prones, disruptive shot is an instant interrupt and marauders will get you out of anything. And somehow four dodges isn't good enough for you.

    And I'm guessing you are an archer or the other trash tree. Give that a combat hr has like 65% deflect chance at 75% severity and heals 5% of max hp on deflect which stacks up to 10 times. Well I'm not worried about your survivability and no one else is either
    By CC I mean none of our grasping roots powers works good at all in PVP, we don't have a way to root or disable people effectively like a CW can, and for boars charge to work it takes using a daily beforehand. Yet CW can do the same kind of damage if not more from range and also has dodges, and has way better CC.

    right so your telling me that with 6 dodges your get caught in EF? .....Also if your are a pvp HR 40% deflection chance 46k hp or better. No a cw cannot and will not burn you. You really would have to make a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> load of erros for that to happen. As for your an HR not having any good cc's...i wish this were true as well. You can prone/stun/disable a person all in one rotation. Come on. Im not trying to class bash at all. I really want for people to look at the point that a cw does not have all of the ability to live that other classes do. To me all the class could stay the same I just would like for the CW to be put where it should be for the lack of ability to live it has.

    I never see HR with 46k HP in pvp I don't know what you are talking about, that must be 1% of the HR population, even 19k GS ones I see in my groups don't have that much. CW dodge all the time too so I don't know why you guys make a big deal of HR dodges.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Really. Whenever someone says something is OP compared to CW I immediately assume A) that they don't play the class they are complaining about and B) that they don't play their CW very well at all.
  • williep30williep30 Member Posts: 773 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    query523 wrote: »
    Really. Whenever someone says something is OP compared to CW I immediately assume A) that they don't play the class they are complaining about and B) that they don't play their CW very well at all.

    I was actually going to not post in this thread at all, for the exact same reason youre talking about. Im not saying HRs aren't OP, but last time I knew, for their "OPness" they sure get overlooked in dungeons by CWs a lot, don't they? In fact, just about ALL the classes get overlooked by CWs a lot, don't they?

    I understand that they lack survivability if not specced that way, but the same can go for HRs. How many archery specced HRs are you seeing in pvp/pve outlasting and tanking too much? My girlfriend hates HRs in dungeons. They go down too quickly/easily, and the dumb ones nab too much agro. However, CWs are STILL the preferred pve class, because they do great damage, great control, and if too much life steal is stacked, don't need to be "healbombed".

    So all I have to say to OP is this... facepalm.
    I hear "learn to play" all the time, but it seems to me that it should be defined as "my class is balanced, except when others beat it, then THAT class is OP"...
  • williep30williep30 Member Posts: 773 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    chemboy613 wrote: »
    Honestly man, the problem isn't CW at all.

    The problem is the players. They build unbalanced characters. A CW that is well built has good damage and good survivability. Just follow my guide and you will be fine.

    IMO this is like Donald Trump complaining how he only has 6 golden spoons and the poor people next to him have 10 aluminum spoons and crying about how they have more spoons than him :S

    Hit the nail on the head...
    I hear "learn to play" all the time, but it seems to me that it should be defined as "my class is balanced, except when others beat it, then THAT class is OP"...
  • williep30williep30 Member Posts: 773 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    You might want to learn somethings about your class. You have boars charge which prones, disruptive shot is an instant interrupt and marauders will get you out of anything. And somehow four dodges isn't good enough for you.

    And I'm guessing you are an archer or the other trash tree. Give that a combat hr has like 65% deflect chance at 75% severity and heals 5% of max hp on deflect which stacks up to 10 times. Well I'm not worried about your survivability and no one else is either

    and with 99% of your powers devoted to dazing/entangling/freezing/stunning/controlling the opponent(including one of your at wills!), not to mention top damage yourself, along with 3 dodges with the greatest dodge immunity window not good enough for you?!

    I think you might want to learn about YOUR class.

    By the way, quick tip: HRs' marauder's escape gets you out of trouble(at the cost of not being able to attack until you get back in range), doesn't break cc, so... facepalm.
    I hear "learn to play" all the time, but it seems to me that it should be defined as "my class is balanced, except when others beat it, then THAT class is OP"...
  • froszztfroszzt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 284 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    You might want to learn somethings about your class. You have boars charge which prones, disruptive shot is an instant interrupt and marauders will get you out of anything. And somehow four dodges isn't good enough for you.

    And I'm guessing you are an archer or the other trash tree. Give that a combat hr has like 65% deflect chance at 75% severity and heals 5% of max hp on deflect which stacks up to 10 times. Well I'm not worried about your survivability and no one else is either

    LOL! That was all ment as a bad joke, right? I am full combat HR and you have no idea what you are talking a bout, AT ALL.
  • yukimaru153yukimaru153 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Why did you bump the same thread twice within 2 minutes? Are you even reading it?

    Probably not but it make for good entertainment doesn't it...not so much XD
  • yukimaru153yukimaru153 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    chemboy613 wrote: »
    Honestly man, the problem isn't CW at all.

    The problem is the players. They build unbalanced characters. A CW that is well built has good damage and good survivability. Just follow my guide and you will be fine.

    IMO this is like Donald Trump complaining how he only has 6 golden spoons and the poor people next to him have 10 aluminum spoons and crying about how they have more spoons than him :S

    That is so untrue. Your not going to make a cw that has the deflect of an hr or gwf. Why because you have to class abilities to help. Your not going to get the hp of a gwf or hr because to go that route of ability score you will loose dps. A mage is ment to deal damage and have low ability to live. There is not ment to be a "balanced" cw. The funny part is the game is finally making it to where mobs actually hit! Not like that weak stuff from previous content. With that said. 50k hp cw? pssh its a waste in pve. 36hp pssh still a waste. There are some creatures in mobs in the new skirmish that can hit that hard lol What are you going to balance? If you are unluck and ran out of dodges oh my .....As for follow your guild....come on now wtf...sorry but what are you going to tell me to go thaum and wait slot ss, and Eots and wait for the procs to kill the mobs....hell every cw path currently got that going.

    There is nothing for you to guide anyone to XD. You could slot freakin slot nearly anything you want for encounters (within reason). Its not the encounters or your build that's killing the mobs its the passives......this is why i get irritated with people who dont like to face the truth. The hit cw took at the start of mod 4 was to much which is why the dev make storm spell like that to begin with....this is not rocket science. They knew the damage was messed up......I think the problem is everyone plays thaum so they are oblivious to the fact due to the procs holding the damage up. It really is as you stated with the Donald Trump analogy but your on that side of the coin however. If they change storm spell ye shall see. 40-50% of the damage a cw deals is coming from that skill.
  • chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ok man, let me explain something to you.

    MY CW has 29k HP, 2.5k DEF in HV and 3.2 DEF in SW.

    I have about 1000 lifesteal (maybe more now) and endless consumption. Right?

    I basically run an AOE bar, conduit, shard, icy, steal time.

    Now back in mod 2, when things were harder, I 3 manned CN and I used 0 - ZERO - potions, 0 stones of health, or healing of any kind. On top of that my soulforge did not pop ONCE. You know why man? I built a balanced CW and I have skills.

    Recently I have soloed the EPIC versions of Cloak Tower, Cragmire Crypts, Temple of Idris, Mad Dragon, Grey Wolf Den, Frozen Heart, Pirate King, Spellplague, and Karrundax. I tried EDV, but i needed a break, but it is possible to solo Epic Dread Vault. When I can i will solo CN. I can solo clear CN with ALMOST NO PROBLEM AT ALL. I can pull 40-50 mobs and not die.

    Now if you think my solo achievements are BS I screens hotted them in my photo blog, which is in my signature. If there are some other people in it, that's because sometimes my friends like to chat with me AS I AM FIGHTING, pick up some enchants, kill in pinata, etc... but not clear the dungeon.

    The thought that there is anything wrong with CW or the thought that CW is somehow UNDERPOWERED and needs buffing is completely insane.

    So I get to have more HP, more DEF than most GWF, do more damage than most HR,SW, and GWF, control better than any other class in the game, and because of lifesteal ticks the only two things that can one shot me are Dancing Flames and Lag Spikes. Ok?

    So look, the problem is NOT with CW, it is with the player.

    Either A) You have no idea how to build a CW in terms of feats, boons and stat distribution or B) You really can't play your class.

    I almost never go and call someone out on the forums, but this is just so far out of line that it has to be said.

    As for DOTs or Passives - I'm a MOF man, it's my JOB to dot everything, that's what i'm supposed to do.

    I agree stormspell is a bit OP right now, but they are improving that in Mod 5 (i will be testing that soon).

    So seriously man. Let's look at it objectively.

    TR - work my tail off, die very easily, do 1/3 of CW DPS
    GF - work my tail off to hold aggro. Block is slow. Idiot team can't dodge and i die, knockback and dots in ELOL and i die
    GWF - Either i do no damage to survive or I do damage but i'm too squishy
    DC - I do amazing buffs and debuffs, but player is base is full of people who don't get DC so they never appreciate you
    HR - OK, so with full archery and perfect vorpal i have almost no control and do less damage than a CW
    SW - I get to heal because I'm temp, but my cast times are too long, most of my spells are single target, i have to kite a lot and I do less DPS than CW

    CW - Immortal whirlwind of rimfire destruction.

    Really man, CW whining about anything...

    Imagine you are 10 years old and you have a new Xbox, a new PSP, a new DS, a new WIIU, and you have a PS3. You own something like 200 excellent games. The PS4 is released on Tuesday and your mom forgets to buy you one the day it comes out because she gets breast cancer. You, the 10 year old kid, whine and complain, throw things, break mom's plates, throw your vegetables onto the freshly painted walls, beat up your friends at school, and basically are having a temper tantrum until you get your PS4.

    And quite honestly that little kid has more to complain about than CWs do. If you are struggling man, it's time to learn to play.
  • deatht1nydeatht1ny Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    chemboy613 wrote: »
    And quite honestly that little kid has more to complain about than CWs do. If you are struggling man, it's time to learn to play.

    I love you.
  • williep30williep30 Member Posts: 773 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    chemboy613 wrote: »
    ok man, let me explain something to you.

    MY CW has 29k HP, 2.5k DEF in HV and 3.2 DEF in SW.

    I have about 1000 lifesteal (maybe more now) and endless consumption. Right?

    I basically run an AOE bar, conduit, shard, icy, steal time.

    Now back in mod 2, when things were harder, I 3 manned CN and I used 0 - ZERO - potions, 0 stones of health, or healing of any kind. On top of that my soulforge did not pop ONCE. You know why man? I built a balanced CW and I have skills.

    Recently I have soloed the EPIC versions of Cloak Tower, Cragmire Crypts, Temple of Idris, Mad Dragon, Grey Wolf Den, Frozen Heart, Pirate King, Spellplague, and Karrundax. I tried EDV, but i needed a break, but it is possible to solo Epic Dread Vault. When I can i will solo CN. I can solo clear CN with ALMOST NO PROBLEM AT ALL. I can pull 40-50 mobs and not die.

    Now if you think my solo achievements are BS I screens hotted them in my photo blog, which is in my signature. If there are some other people in it, that's because sometimes my friends like to chat with me AS I AM FIGHTING, pick up some enchants, kill in pinata, etc... but not clear the dungeon.

    The thought that there is anything wrong with CW or the thought that CW is somehow UNDERPOWERED and needs buffing is completely insane.

    So I get to have more HP, more DEF than most GWF, do more damage than most HR,SW, and GWF, control better than any other class in the game, and because of lifesteal ticks the only two things that can one shot me are Dancing Flames and Lag Spikes. Ok?

    So look, the problem is NOT with CW, it is with the player.

    Either A) You have no idea how to build a CW in terms of feats, boons and stat distribution or B) You really can't play your class.

    I almost never go and call someone out on the forums, but this is just so far out of line that it has to be said.

    As for DOTs or Passives - I'm a MOF man, it's my JOB to dot everything, that's what i'm supposed to do.

    I agree stormspell is a bit OP right now, but they are improving that in Mod 5 (i will be testing that soon).

    So seriously man. Let's look at it objectively.

    TR - work my tail off, die very easily, do 1/3 of CW DPS
    GF - work my tail off to hold aggro. Block is slow. Idiot team can't dodge and i die, knockback and dots in ELOL and i die
    GWF - Either i do no damage to survive or I do damage but i'm too squishy
    DC - I do amazing buffs and debuffs, but player is base is full of people who don't get DC so they never appreciate you
    HR - OK, so with full archery and perfect vorpal i have almost no control and do less damage than a CW
    SW - I get to heal because I'm temp, but my cast times are too long, most of my spells are single target, i have to kite a lot and I do less DPS than CW

    CW - Immortal whirlwind of rimfire destruction.

    Really man, CW whining about anything...

    Imagine you are 10 years old and you have a new Xbox, a new PSP, a new DS, a new WIIU, and you have a PS3. You own something like 200 excellent games. The PS4 is released on Tuesday and your mom forgets to buy you one the day it comes out because she gets breast cancer. You, the 10 year old kid, whine and complain, throw things, break mom's plates, throw your vegetables onto the freshly painted walls, beat up your friends at school, and basically are having a temper tantrum until you get your PS4.

    And quite honestly that little kid has more to complain about than CWs do. If you are struggling man, it's time to learn to play.

    Omg man, where have you been? I've been saying a LOT of these same arguments since I started posting back near the beginning of the year... Bravo man, bravo! I don't have the same success stories as you, but finally finding another CW that gets the idea of how good the CW really has it, is enlightening.

    Thanks :) .
    I hear "learn to play" all the time, but it seems to me that it should be defined as "my class is balanced, except when others beat it, then THAT class is OP"...
  • liliadnaliliadna Member Posts: 96
    edited October 2014
    chemboy613 wrote: »

    TR - work my tail off, die very easily, do 1/3 of CW DPS
    GF - work my tail off to hold aggro. Block is slow. Idiot team can't dodge and i die, knockback and dots in ELOL and i die
    GWF - Either i do no damage to survive or I do damage but i'm too squishy
    DC - I do amazing buffs and debuffs, but player is base is full of people who don't get DC so they never appreciate you
    HR - OK, so with full archery and perfect vorpal i have almost no control and do less damage than a CW
    SW - I get to heal because I'm temp, but my cast times are too long, most of my spells are single target, i have to kite a lot and I do less DPS than CW

    CW - Immortal whirlwind of rimfire destruction.

    I am not quoting your whole post cos it's redundant, but your arguments are ridiculous...
    you're jumping thru modules to show that CWs are goddess like monsters and they were, I know, I play CW from release date. Singularity+shield ftw, then well placed shard of avalanche doing 500k-1M dmg but they fixed all those mechanics including OP mechanics of other classes so it's not an ongoing issue

    you're bragging about being able to solo T1 and some T2 instances, I know first hand T1 are soloable, I did it too, altho I would like to see a video (scr shots can be easily fabricated) of some of your achievements you claim.
    Nevertheless those dungeons are meant to 6-8k GS while you have what 18-20k? it's like you went into Vellosk and killed 6 groups of adds at once, well who can't? With high enough def and life steal you are pretty much immortal in those instances, but any class is not only CW

    GWF dmg reduction went from being OP 25-50% to reasonable 5-10% and suddenly it's squishy? It's 5-10% more than other classes have and CC immunity on top. If you deal only 1/3dmg with your TR you can't play that class or your equip is crappy. Your HEALING!!! spec SW doing less dmg than dmg spec CW woooo what a surprise... and suddenly you put all SWs into same category as your build altho they can easily do 20-30% more dmg than CWs even in lower gear (and I approve, CWs have crowd control, SW have dmg) and that is after the most recent change when they nerfed Tyrannical Curse, prior to that SW could easily deal 100% more dmg than CWs.

    I could go on, but what's the point...
    while I don't agree with OP on several points, the fact is that CW are the most squishy class, but that doesn't mean they should get their dmg back
  • lucifron44lucifron44 Member Posts: 417 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    chemboy613 wrote: »
    GWF - Either i do no damage to survive or I do damage but i'm too squishy

    Actually it's more like
    GWF Senti - I survive and I do damage but much less than a ranged class
    GWF Destr - i do no damage and i'm too squishy

    Yep, even within one single class Cryptic was able to create huge imbalance.
    Russian leaderboard first page. The proof.
  • lucifron44lucifron44 Member Posts: 417 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    liliadna wrote: »
    GWF dmg reduction went from being OP 25-50% to reasonable 5-10% and suddenly it's squishy? ...and CC immunity on top.

    Yep, the very mechanism of the class was ruined. 5% is like 0%. And cc alleged immunity is irrelevant when the direct damage kills you.
    Russian leaderboard first page. The proof.
  • liliadnaliliadna Member Posts: 96
    edited October 2014
    lucifron44 wrote: »
    Yep, the very mechanism of the class was ruined. 5% is like 0%. And cc alleged immunity is irrelevant when the direct damage kills you.

    if the direct damage would kill you without the damage reduction it also means it would kill any other class on the same circumstances so what's your point? that GWF are no longer immortal in pvp? They could and did jump into fight, throw a prone lock skills, and if hurt just sprint away cos none can stop them (CC immunity and so huge movement bonus that none would catch them) how is that fair? It was necessary nerf as well as nerfed CW ability to be able permanent freeze someone (sadly only pvp speced CWs could do this and whole class is modified based on their performance)
  • cryptfoundationcryptfoundation Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    liliadna wrote: »
    I am not quoting your whole post cos it's redundant, but your arguments are ridiculous...
    you're jumping thru modules to show that CWs are goddess like monsters and they were, I know, I play CW from release date. Singularity+shield ftw, then well placed shard of avalanche doing 500k-1M dmg but they fixed all those mechanics including OP mechanics of other classes so it's not an ongoing issue

    you're bragging about being able to solo T1 and some T2 instances, I know first hand T1 are soloable, I did it too, altho I would like to see a video (scr shots can be easily fabricated) of some of your achievements you claim.
    Nevertheless those dungeons are meant to 6-8k GS while you have what 18-20k? it's like you went into Vellosk and killed 6 groups of adds at once, well who can't? With high enough def and life steal you are pretty much immortal in those instances, but any class is not only CW

    GWF dmg reduction went from being OP 25-50% to reasonable 5-10% and suddenly it's squishy? It's 5-10% more than other classes have and CC immunity on top. If you deal only 1/3dmg with your TR you can't play that class or your equip is crappy. Your HEALING!!! spec SW doing less dmg than dmg spec CW woooo what a surprise... and suddenly you put all SWs into same category as your build altho they can easily do 20-30% more dmg than CWs even in lower gear (and I approve, CWs have crowd control, SW have dmg) and that is after the most recent change when they nerfed Tyrannical Curse, prior to that SW could easily deal 100% more dmg than CWs.

    I could go on, but what's the point...
    while I don't agree with OP on several points, the fact is that CW are the most squishy class, but that doesn't mean they should get their dmg back

    I'm confused, how does a well placed shard do more damage then 100% crit chance for 6 seconds + something that crits and procs almost every 3 seconds...
  • burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    liliadna wrote: »
    if the direct damage would kill you without the damage reduction it also means it would kill any other class on the same circumstances so what's your point?

    the point is that only GWF, TR and GF have to be in the range where those attacks hit, GF is a tank and doesnt care, tr has dodge(though they are bad in pve) and gwf doesnt have immunity frames provided by dodge, to evade attack we must run out and back in losing a second, 1 sec is not much, but if mob dies in 5 sec then its 20% dps loss

    so as CW/HR/etc. you should NEVER be in same circumstances, but, from your post, you seem to be some drooling cw who facetanks everything and has only played 1 class
    Paladin Master Race
  • liliadnaliliadna Member Posts: 96
    edited October 2014
    I'm confused, how does a well placed shard do more damage then 100% crit chance for 6 seconds + something that crits and procs almost every 3 seconds...

    it doesn't anymore, they nerfed it's damage by 60%, now it's useless, that's why you don't see people using it anymore. It's hard to release it correctly, you need to position yourself and there is constantly something knockbacking monsters around making you miss or on rare occasion some CW relic casts singularity which was also nerfed and on top of it if you get under any sort of control effect you shard will disappear so very bad choice for lets say eLoL.
  • liliadnaliliadna Member Posts: 96
    edited October 2014
    burkaanc wrote: »
    the point is that only GWF, TR and GF have to be in the range where those attacks hit, GF is a tank and doesnt care, tr has dodge(though they are bad in pve) and gwf doesnt have immunity frames provided by dodge, to evade attack we must run out and back in losing a second, 1 sec is not much, but if mob dies in 5 sec then its 20% dps loss

    so as CW/HR/etc. you should NEVER be in same circumstances, but, from your post, you seem to be some drooling cw who facetanks everything and has only played 1 class

    they need to get in range and other classes have to keep distance. Once on of melee classes gets near you and stunlock you you can pretty much do nothing and die well its a compensation for not having ranged attack and what attack are you talking about anyway? if not pvp but pve than increased run speed and CC immunity pretty much make up for dodge same as SW which are clearly fine by what you said and yet have same mechanics in terms of getting away from red zones.

    fyi I have all classes cos I am a achievement hunter and completionist and I wanted all class artifacts so all of my characters are lvl 60 with access to ICD
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